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Navigation and Monitoring of the Voyage

20 hours (week 06, 07 & 08)

At the end of the topic the students must be able to:

L.O. 9.1- Evaluate the important information found in different

minimum publications used for monitoring of the voyage:
- Resolution A. 916 (22)
- SOLAS 1974
- STCW 1978, as amended
- MARPOL 1973/1978
- MLC 2006
- IGC Code,
- IBC Code
- BCH Code
- Circular issued by the Flag State
 L.O. 10.1 - Demonstrate the different methods on how to
monitor the planned voyage with the aid of computer-related
information on voyage planning.
 L.O. 10.2 - Demonstrate the correct use of logbooks including
its legal-related documents in the preparation and monitoring of

L.O. 11.1 - Demonstrate the different methods in fixing a

position with the following:
- Ranges
- Leading Lights
- Running Fix Positions
- Estimated position
- Methods of fixing position
- Cross bearing (Two objects)
- Cross bearing (Cocked Hat)
Fixed by depth soundings
L.O 9.1 Evaluate the important information
found in different minimum publications used
for monitoring of the voyage
Resolution A. 916 (22)
Adopted on 29 November 2001
(Agenda item 9)
Resolution A. 916 (22)
Documentation and Record-Keeping
Regulation V/28 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as
amended, requires all ships engaged on international
voyages to keep on board a record of navigational
activities and incidents which are of importance to
safety of navigation and which must contain sufficient
detail to restore a complete record of the voyage, taking
into account the recommendations adopted by the
Resolution A. 916 (22)
Before commencing the voyage
Details of all data relating to the general
condition of the ship should be acknowledged
and recorded, such as manning and provisioning,
cargo aboard, draught, result of stability/stress
checks when conducted, inspections of controls,
the steering gear and navigational and
radiocommunication equipment.
Resolution A. 916 (22)
During the voyage
Details related to the voyage should be recorded,
such as courses steered and distances sailed,
position fixings, weather and sea conditions,
changes to the voyage plan, details of pilots'
embarkation/disembarkation, and entry into
areas covered by, and compliance with, ship
routeing or reporting systems.
Resolution A. 916 (22)
On special events
Details on special events should be
recorded, such as death and injuries among
passengers and crew and passengers,
malfunctions of shipboard equipment and
aids to navigation, potentially hazardous
situations, emergencies and distress
messages received.
Resolution A. 916 (22)
When the ship is at anchor or in a port
Details on operational or administrative
matters and details related to the safety and
security of the ship should be recorded.
Resolution A. 916 (22)
Method of recording
SOLAS regulation V/28 requires that, if the
records of navigational activities are not
maintained in the ship's log-book, they should be
maintained in another form approved by the
Administration. Methods of recording should be
permanent and may be handwritten, electronic
or mechanical.
Resolution A. 916 (22)
In general, information on the events
and items specified in paragraph 1,
which are adequately recorded in a
special-purpose log, need not be
duplicated in the ship's log book.
Resolution A. 916 (22)
Preservation of records
.1 Each page of the ship's log-book should have a page number printed on it, and
handwritten records which need correction should not be erased or removed but
should be rewritten after crossing out the incorrect version;
.2 The times used in automatic and permanent recording facilities should be
synchronized by using a common clock;
.3 Electronically or mechanically input records should be protected by means to
prevent them from being deleted, destroyed or overwritten; and
.4 Irrespective of the method of recording, ships should keep records for as long as
the Administration concerned requires, provided the fixed period is not less than
one year.
SOLAS 1974
SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea) 1974 is a critical international
maritime safety treaty that sets minimum safety
standards for the construction, equipment, and
operation of ships. Monitoring a voyage involves
adhering to various SOLAS regulations to ensure
the safety of the vessel, crew, passengers, and
cargo. Here are some important aspects and
information found in SOLAS 1974 relevant to
monitoring a voyage
SOLAS 1974
Ship Construction and Equipment Standards

SOLAS establishes detailed requirements for the

construction, stability, subdivision, and structural
integrity of ships to ensure their seaworthiness and
safety at sea. Monitoring a voyage involves
ensuring compliance with these standards to
prevent structural failures, flooding, or other safety
SOLAS 1974
Life-Saving Appliances and Equipment
SOLAS mandates the provision of life-saving
appliances and equipment on board ships,
including lifeboats, life rafts, lifebuoys, immersion
suits, and rescue boats. Monitoring a voyage
involves regular inspection, maintenance, and
testing of these appliances to ensure their
operational readiness in case of emergencies.
SOLAS 1974
Navigation and Communication Equipment
SOLAS requires ships to be equipped with navigational
and communication systems, including radar, GPS, AIS
(Automatic Identification System), ECDIS (Electronic Chart
Display and Information System), and VHF radio.
Monitoring a voyage involves ensuring the proper
functioning, calibration, and operation of these systems
to maintain situational awareness, facilitate safe
navigation, and enable communication with shore
authorities and other vessels.
SOLAS 1974
Safety Management Systems (SMS)
SOLAS mandates the implementation of Safety
Management Systems (SMS) on board ships to
establish procedures, practices, and protocols for
ensuring safety and preventing accidents.
Monitoring a voyage involves adherence to SMS
procedures, conducting safety drills and
exercises, and maintaining records of safety-
related activities.
SOLAS 1974
Fire Safety and Firefighting Equipment
SOLAS prescribes requirements for fire safety
measures, fire detection and alarm systems, fire
extinguishing equipment, and fire drills on board
ships. Monitoring a voyage involves regular
inspection, testing, and maintenance of
firefighting equipment and systems to prevent
and respond effectively to onboard fires.
SOLAS 1974
Cargo Handling and Stowage
SOLAS sets standards for the safe handling,
stowage, and securing of cargo to prevent
shifting, collapse, or loss of stability. Monitoring a
voyage involves ensuring compliance with cargo
stowage and securing requirements, monitoring
cargo loading and unloading operations, and
maintaining stability throughout the voyage.
SOLAS 1974
Emergency Preparedness and Response
SOLAS requires ships to have emergency plans,
procedures, and equipment in place to respond
to various emergencies, including collision,
grounding, fire, flooding, and abandonment.
Monitoring a voyage involves conducting regular
emergency drills, training crew members in
emergency procedures, and ensuring the
availability and readiness of emergency response
SOLAS 1974
Regulatory Compliance and Certification
SOLAS requires ships to undergo inspections, surveys,
and audits to verify compliance with its requirements and
obtain relevant certificates, such as Safety Certificates,
Passenger Ship Safety Certificates, and Cargo Ship Safety
Construction Certificates. Monitoring a voyage involves
ensuring the validity of these certificates, maintaining
records of inspections and surveys, and addressing any
deficiencies or non-compliance issues identified during
STCW 1978
The International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended, sets
minimum standards for the training, certification,
and watchkeeping of seafarers. While STCW
primarily focuses on the qualifications and
competency of seafarers, there are several
aspects of the convention that are relevant to
monitoring a voyage
STCW 1978
Training and Certification Requirements:

STCW outlines the minimum training and

certification requirements for seafarers serving
on board ships. Monitoring a voyage involves
ensuring that all crew members hold valid STCW
certificates appropriate for their positions and
STCW 1978
Watchkeeping Standards

STCW establishes standards for watchkeeping

procedures, including the assignment of duties, rest
hours, and watch schedules for seafarers. Monitoring a
voyage involves ensuring compliance with STCW
watchkeeping requirements to prevent fatigue-related
errors and maintain safety during navigation.
STCW 1978
Bridge Resource Management (BRM)

STCW emphasizes the importance of bridge resource

management (BRM) principles in enhancing the
effectiveness of bridge teams and promoting safe
navigation. Monitoring a voyage involves implementing
BRM practices, such as effective communication,
teamwork, and decision-making, to enhance situational
awareness and prevent navigational accidents.
STCW 1978
Medical Fitness

STCW requires seafarers to meet minimum medical

fitness standards to ensure their ability to perform their
duties safely at sea. Monitoring a voyage involves
verifying the medical fitness of crew members through
pre-employment medical examinations and periodic
medical assessments conducted during the voyage.
STCW 1978
Emergency Response Training

STCW mandates that seafarers receive training in

emergency response procedures, including fire-fighting,
abandonment, and survival techniques. Monitoring a
voyage involves ensuring that crew members are
adequately trained and prepared to respond to
emergencies effectively, minimizing risks to personnel,
passengers, and the environment.
STCW 1978
Operational Procedures

STCW requires ships to have documented

operational procedures and instructions relevant
to the safe navigation and operation of the
vessel. Monitoring a voyage involves ensuring
that these procedures are followed and updated
as necessary to address changing conditions or
operational requirements.
STCW 1978
Security Awareness
STCW includes requirements for seafarers to
receive training in security awareness to enhance
the security of ships and port facilities.
Monitoring a voyage involves ensuring that crew
members are aware of security threats and follow
established security procedures to prevent
unauthorized access, sabotage, or terrorism.
STCW 1978
Record-Keeping and Documentation

STCW requires ships to maintain records of

seafarers' training, certification, and
qualifications. Monitoring a voyage involves
maintaining accurate records of crew members'
qualifications, training courses attended, and
other relevant information to demonstrate
compliance with STCW requirements.
MARPOL 1973/1978
MARPOL (International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships) 1973/1978 is
a key international maritime treaty aimed at
preventing pollution of the marine environment
by ships. Monitoring a voyage involves adhering
to various MARPOL regulations to ensure
compliance with pollution prevention measures.
Here are some important aspects and
information found in MARPOL 1973/1978
relevant to monitoring a voyage
MARPOL 1973/1978
Oil Pollution Prevention (Annex I)

MARPOL Annex I sets standards for the

prevention of oil pollution from ships, including
requirements for oil tankers, oil pollution
emergency plans, oil discharge monitoring and
control systems, and oil record books. Monitoring
a voyage involves ensuring compliance with
Annex I requirements to prevent accidental oil
spills and minimize pollution risks.
MARPOL 1973/1978
Noxious Liquid Substances (Annex II)

MARPOL Annex II regulates the discharge of

noxious liquid substances carried in bulk on
board ships, including requirements for cargo
handling, tank washing, discharge procedures,
and cargo record books. Monitoring a voyage
involves adhering to Annex II standards to
prevent pollution from hazardous chemical
MARPOL 1973/1978
Harmful Substances in Packaged Form (Annex III)

MARPOL Annex III addresses the prevention of

pollution by harmful substances transported in
packaged form on board ships, including
requirements for packaging, labeling, stowage,
and handling procedures. Monitoring a voyage
involves ensuring compliance with Annex III
regulations to prevent accidental spills and
contamination of the marine environment.
MARPOL 1973/1978
Sewage Pollution Prevention (Annex IV)

MARPOL Annex IV sets standards for the

prevention of pollution from sewage discharges
from ships, including requirements for sewage
treatment plants, holding tanks, and sewage
discharge records. Monitoring a voyage involves
complying with Annex IV requirements to
minimize the discharge of untreated sewage into
the sea.
MARPOL 1973/1978
Garbage Pollution Prevention (Annex V)

MARPOL Annex V regulates the disposal of

garbage from ships, including requirements for
garbage management plans, segregated waste
collection, and prohibitions on the discharge of
certain types of garbage at sea. Monitoring a
voyage involves adhering to Annex V regulations
to prevent marine littering and protect marine
MARPOL 1973/1978
Air Pollution Prevention (Annex VI)

MARPOL Annex VI addresses air pollution from

ships by setting limits on emissions of sulfur oxides
(SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from ship
exhausts and establishing requirements for energy
efficiency and monitoring of emissions. Monitoring
a voyage involves complying with Annex VI
standards to reduce air pollution and mitigate the
environmental impact of ship emissions.
MARPOL 1973/1978
Port State Control:

MARPOL requires member states to conduct

port state control inspections to verify
compliance with its requirements and take
enforcement actions against non-compliant
ships. Monitoring a voyage involves
anticipating port state control inspections and
ensuring that the ship meets all applicable
MARPOL requirements.
MLC 2006
The Maritime Labor Convention (MLC), 2006, is
an international labor standard for the minimum
rights and conditions of seafarers working on
ships. Monitoring a voyage involves ensuring
compliance with various provisions of the MLC to
safeguard the welfare, safety, and rights of
seafarers. Here are some important aspects and
information found in the MLC 2006 relevant to
monitoring a voyage
MLC 2006
Seafarers' Employment Agreements (SEAs)

MLC requires ships to have written employment

agreements (SEAs) signed by both the shipowner
and the seafarer. Monitoring a voyage involves
ensuring that SEAs comply with MLC
requirements regarding terms and conditions of
employment, wages, working hours, and
MLC 2006
Seafarers' Rights and Welfare

MLC establishes minimum standards for

seafarers' rights and welfare, including provisions
related to working and living conditions,
accommodation, food and catering, health and
safety, medical care, and social security.
Monitoring a voyage involves ensuring
compliance with MLC requirements to protect the
well-being and dignity of seafarers.
MLC 2006
Hours of Work and Rest

MLC sets limits on maximum working hours and

minimum rest periods for seafarers to prevent
fatigue and ensure safe navigation. Monitoring a
voyage involves recording and monitoring
seafarers' hours of work and rest to comply with
MLC requirements and maintain operational
MLC 2006
Health and Safety Protection

MLC requires ships to provide a safe working

environment and adequate health and safety
protection measures for seafarers. Monitoring a
voyage involves conducting regular inspections,
risk assessments, and safety drills to identify and
mitigate hazards, prevent accidents, and promote
a culture of safety on board.
MLC 2006
Training and Certification
MLC mandates training and certification
requirements for seafarers to ensure their
competency and proficiency in performing their
duties safely and effectively. Monitoring a voyage
involves verifying seafarers' qualifications,
providing ongoing training and development
opportunities, and maintaining records of training
and certification compliance.
MLC 2006
Social Security and Welfare
MLC requires ships to provide seafarers with
access to social security benefits, including
compensation for occupational injuries and
illnesses, medical care, and repatriation
assistance. Monitoring a voyage involves
ensuring that seafarers receive adequate social
security protection and welfare support in
accordance with MLC requirements.
MLC 2006
Complaints and Grievance Procedures

MLC mandates the establishment of procedures

for seafarers to lodge complaints and grievances
regarding their employment conditions and
treatment on board. Monitoring a voyage
involves implementing effective complaints and
grievance procedures, addressing seafarers'
concerns promptly and fairly, and ensuring
confidentiality and protection against retaliation.
MLC 2006
Port State Control

MLC requires member states to conduct port

state control inspections to verify compliance
with its requirements and take enforcement
actions against non-compliant ships.
Monitoring a voyage involves anticipating
port state control inspections and ensuring
that the ship meets all applicable MLC
IGC Code
The International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
(IGC Code) establishes international standards for the
safe design, construction, and operation of ships
carrying liquefied gases in bulk. Monitoring a voyage
involving such vessels requires adherence to various
provisions outlined in the IGC Code to ensure the
safety of the vessel, crew, cargo, and the marine
environment. Here are some important aspects and
information found in the IGC Code relevant to
monitoring a voyage
IGC Code
Ship Design and Construction Standards

The IGC Code prescribes requirements for the

design and construction of ships carrying liquefied
gases, including provisions related to hull strength,
containment systems, pressure vessels, insulation,
and ventilation. Monitoring a voyage involves
ensuring that the ship complies with the structural
and safety standards specified in the IGC Code to
prevent leaks, spills, or accidents.
IGC Code
Cargo Handling and Transfer Procedures
The IGC Code specifies procedures for the loading,
unloading, and transfer of liquefied gases on board
ships, including requirements for cargo handling
equipment, piping systems, valves, and emergency
shutdown systems. Monitoring a voyage involves
following proper cargo handling procedures and
ensuring the integrity of cargo containment systems
to prevent leaks or spills during cargo operations.
IGC Code
Safety Equipment and Systems
The IGC Code mandates the installation and
maintenance of safety equipment and systems on
board ships, including fire detection and firefighting
systems, gas detection systems, emergency
shutdown systems, and inert gas systems.
Monitoring a voyage involves conducting regular
inspections and tests of safety equipment to ensure
its operational readiness and effectiveness in
responding to emergencies.
IGC Code
Navigation and Communications

The IGC Code requires ships to be equipped with

navigation and communication systems to ensure
safe navigation and effective communication with
shore authorities and other vessels. Monitoring a
voyage involves verifying the proper functioning
and calibration of navigation and communication
equipment to maintain situational awareness and
facilitate coordination during the voyage.
IGC Code
Emergency Preparedness and Response

The IGC Code mandates the development and

implementation of emergency plans and
procedures for responding to accidents, leaks, or
spills involving liquefied gases. Monitoring a
voyage involves conducting emergency drills,
training crew members in emergency procedures,
and ensuring the availability and readiness of
emergency response equipment to mitigate risks
and minimize the consequences of emergencies.
IGC Code
Environmental Protection Measures

The IGC Code includes provisions aimed at

minimizing the environmental impact of ships
carrying liquefied gases, including requirements for
pollution prevention, ballast water management,
and waste management. Monitoring a voyage
involves implementing environmental protection
measures, complying with discharge regulations,
and minimizing the release of pollutants into the
marine environment.
IGC Code
Regulatory Compliance and Certification

The IGC Code requires ships to undergo inspections,

surveys, and audits to verify compliance with its
requirements and obtain relevant certificates, such as
Gas Carrier Safety Certificates and Cargo Ship Safety
Construction Certificates. Monitoring a voyage
involves ensuring the validity of these certificates,
maintaining records of inspections and surveys, and
addressing any deficiencies or non-compliance issues
identified during inspections.
IBC Code
The International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals
in Bulk (IBC Code) sets forth international standards
for the safe carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk
on ships. Monitoring a voyage involving such
vessels requires adherence to various provisions
outlined in the IBC Code to ensure the safety of the
vessel, crew, cargo, and the marine environment.
Here are some important aspects and information
found in the IBC Code relevant to monitoring a
IBC Code
Ship Design and Construction Standards
 The IBC Code prescribes requirements for the design
and construction of ships carrying dangerous
chemicals in bulk, including provisions related to hull
strength, cargo containment systems, piping
arrangements, ventilation, and firefighting systems.
Monitoring a voyage involves ensuring that the ship
complies with the structural and safety standards
specified in the IBC Code to prevent leaks, spills, or
IBC Code
Cargo Compatibility and Segregation
 The IBC Code provides guidelines for the
compatibility and segregation of different types of
dangerous chemicals carried on board ships, aiming
to prevent reactions, contamination, or hazards due
to incompatible cargoes. Monitoring a voyage
involves adhering to the cargo compatibility and
segregation requirements specified in the IBC Code
to ensure the safe carriage of dangerous chemicals
IBC Code
Cargo Handling and Transfer Procedures

The IBC Code specifies procedures for the loading,

stowage, unloading, and transfer of dangerous
chemicals on board ships, including requirements for
cargo handling equipment, transfer hoses, piping
systems, and emergency shutdown systems.
Monitoring a voyage involves following proper cargo
handling procedures and ensuring the integrity of
cargo containment systems to prevent leaks or spills
during cargo operations
IBC Code
Safety Equipment and Systems

The IBC Code mandates the installation and

maintenance of safety equipment and systems on
board ships, including fire detection and
firefighting systems, gas detection systems,
emergency shutdown systems, and inert gas
systems. Monitoring a voyage involves conducting
regular inspections and tests of safety equipment
to ensure its operational readiness and
effectiveness in responding to emergencies.
IBC Code
Navigation and Communications
The IBC Code requires ships to be equipped with
navigation and communication systems to ensure safe
navigation and effective communication with shore
authorities and other vessels. Monitoring a voyage
involves verifying the proper functioning and calibration
of navigation and communication equipment to maintain
situational awareness and facilitate coordination during
the voyage.
IBC Code
Emergency Preparedness and Response

 The IBC Code mandates the development and

implementation of emergency plans and procedures for
responding to accidents, leaks, or spills involving
dangerous chemicals. Monitoring a voyage involves
conducting emergency drills, training crew members in
emergency procedures, and ensuring the availability and
readiness of emergency response equipment to mitigate
risks and minimize the consequences of emergencies.
IBC Code
Environmental Protection Measures

The IBC Code includes provisions aimed at minimizing the

environmental impact of ships carrying dangerous
chemicals, including requirements for pollution prevention,
ballast water management, and waste management.
Monitoring a voyage involves implementing environmental
protection measures, complying with discharge regulations,
and minimizing the release of pollutants into the marine
IBC Code
Regulatory Compliance and Certification
The IBC Code requires ships to undergo inspections,
surveys, and audits to verify compliance with its
requirements and obtain relevant certificates, such as
Chemical Tanker Safety Certificates and Cargo Ship
Safety Construction Certificates. Monitoring a voyage
involves ensuring the validity of these certificates,
maintaining records of inspections and surveys, and
addressing any deficiencies or non-compliance issues
identified during inspections.
BCH Code
The Bulk Chemicals Code (BCH Code) was an international code of
safety for ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk. However, the BCH
Code was superseded by the International Code for the Construction
and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC
Code), which was adopted by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) in 1983.
The IBC Code includes comprehensive requirements and standards for
the safe carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk on ships, covering
aspects such as ship design, construction, equipment, cargo handling
procedures, safety systems, and emergency preparedness. Therefore,
information related to monitoring a voyage for ships carrying
dangerous chemicals in bulk would typically be found in the IBC Code
rather than the outdated BCH Code.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Circulars issued by a flag state can contain
a variety of important information for
monitoring a voyage, as they often provide
updates, guidance, or directives related to
maritime safety, security, and regulatory
compliance. Here are some key types of
information that might be found in a
circular issued by a flag state for
monitoring a voyage
Circular issued by the Flag State
Regulatory Updates

Circulars may contain updates or amendments to

national maritime regulations, conventions, or
codes that affect the operation of ships flying the
flag of the issuing state. This could include
changes to safety standards, environmental
requirements, or reporting procedures.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Safety Advisories
Flag states may issue safety advisories or alerts
regarding specific navigational hazards, adverse
weather conditions, or other safety concerns that
could impact vessel operations during a voyage.
These advisories provide important information
for route planning and decision-making.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Security Alerts
Circulars may include security alerts or
notices related to the maritime security
situation in specific regions or areas of
concern. This information helps vessels assess
and mitigate security risks during transit,
particularly in high-risk areas prone to piracy,
armed robbery, or other security threats.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Port State Control Updates
Circulars may provide updates on port state
control (PSC) activities, including changes to
inspection procedures, detention statistics, or
enforcement actions taken against non-
compliant vessels. This information helps vessels
anticipate and prepare for PSC inspections during
port calls.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Technical Guidance
Circulars may offer technical guidance or
recommendations on various aspects of ship
operations, maintenance, or equipment. This
could include best practices for machinery
maintenance, ballast water management,
pollution prevention, or fire safety procedures.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Training Requirements

Circulars may outline training

requirements for crew members, officers,
or shore-based personnel, including
updates on mandatory training programs,
certification requirements, or changes to
competency standards.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Reporting Obligations

Circulars may remind vessels of their reporting

obligations to flag state authorities, including
requirements for submitting voyage data,
incident reports, or other regulatory notifications.
Compliance with reporting requirements is
essential for maintaining transparency and
regulatory oversight.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Emergency Procedures

Circulars may provide guidance on emergency

response procedures for various scenarios,
including oil spills, chemical leaks, medical
emergencies, or security incidents. This
information helps vessels prepare for and
respond effectively to emergencies at sea.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Environmental Compliance

Circulars may highlight environmental

regulations or initiatives aimed at reducing
pollution, conserving resources, or
promoting sustainable practices. This could
include updates on emissions controls,
waste management requirements, or
environmental protection measures.
Circular issued by the Flag State
Flag State Contacts

Circulars typically include contact information for

relevant flag state authorities, such as maritime
administrations, port state control offices, or
emergency response centers. This allows vessels
to seek assistance, clarification, or guidance on
regulatory matters during the voyage.
L.O. 10.2 - Demonstrate the different methods
on how to monitor the planned voyage with
the aid of computer-related information on
voyage planning
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS):

ECDIS is a computer-based navigation system that

integrates electronic navigational charts (ENCs) and
voyage planning data. It provides real-time
information on the vessel's position, course, speed,
and navigational hazards, allowing for safe and
efficient route monitoring. ECDIS can also display
additional information such as weather forecasts,
tidal data, and route optimization tools.
Automatic Identification System (AIS):

 AIS is a tracking system that uses transponders on ships

to transmit and receive information about vessel identity,
position, course, speed, and navigational status. AIS data
can be integrated into voyage planning software to
monitor vessel traffic, track nearby ships, and assess
collision risks during the voyage.
Voyage Data Recorder (VDR):

VDR is a mandatory onboard recording system

that captures and stores data related to the
vessel's operation, including navigation,
communications, and machinery performance.
VDR data can be analyzed post-voyage to assess
compliance with voyage plans, identify
deviations, and investigate incidents or accidents.
Weather Routing Software:

Weather routing software uses meteorological data

and vessel characteristics to calculate optimal routes
and speed adjustments based on weather conditions. It
helps minimize fuel consumption, reduce voyage
duration, and avoid adverse weather conditions or sea
states. Weather routing software can be integrated with
ECDIS for real-time route optimization and weather
Performance Monitoring Systems:

 Performance monitoring systems track and analyze the

vessel's fuel consumption, engine performance, speed,
and efficiency during the voyage. These systems use
sensors, data loggers, and onboard computers to collect
and process data, allowing for real-time performance
monitoring, trend analysis, and optimization of
operational parameters.
Satellite Communication Systems:

Satellite communication systems provide reliable

connectivity for transmitting voyage data, receiving
weather updates, and communicating with shore-based
personnel or other vessels. They enable real-time
monitoring of vessel position, status, and
communications, ensuring effective coordination and
safety during the voyage.
Voyage Planning Software:

 Voyage planning software facilitates the creation,

optimization, and management of voyage plans,
including route selection, waypoint placement, speed
calculations, and fuel consumption estimates. It allows for
the integration of various data sources, such as charts,
weather forecasts, tidal information, and vessel
performance data, to create comprehensive and dynamic
voyage plans.
Risk Assessment Tools:

Risk assessment tools evaluate potential hazards, risks,

and safety concerns associated with the planned voyage.
These tools use predictive modeling, historical data
analysis, and risk matrices to identify and mitigate risks
related to navigation, weather, traffic, environmental
conditions, and regulatory compliance.
L.O. 10.2. Demonstrate the correct use of
logbooks including its legal-related
documents in the preparation and monitoring
of voyage.
Preparation Phase
 Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the logbook template
complies with relevant maritime regulations, such as those
outlined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

 Customization: Tailor the logbook format to suit the

vessel's specific requirements, considering factors like
voyage duration, cargo type, and operational protocols.

 Documentation: Include sections for essential voyage

details, such as vessel particulars, crew information,
departure and arrival times, and planned route.
Execution Phase
 Routine Entries: Record all relevant information systematically
and accurately throughout the voyage. This includes
navigational data, weather conditions, engine status, cargo
operations, crew activities, and any incidents or emergencies.

 Timeliness: Entries should be made promptly and at regular

intervals, ensuring real-time documentation of events and

 Detail and Clarity: Entries should be clear, legible, and

comprehensive, providing sufficient detail for subsequent
analysis and reference.
Monitoring Phase
 Continuous Updates: Maintain ongoing
documentation of voyage progress, updating the
logbook as circumstances evolve.

 Comparative Analysis: Regularly review logged data

against planned schedules and operational benchmarks
to assess performance and identify deviations.

 Corrective Actions: Use the logbook to document any

corrective measures taken in response to issues
encountered during the voyage.
Legal Considerations
 Compliance Documentation: Logbooks serve as legal records,
demonstrating compliance with maritime regulations and industry
standards. Ensure entries accurately reflect adherence to relevant
laws and procedures.

 Evidence in Litigation: Logbooks may be used as evidence in legal

proceedings related to maritime incidents, accidents, or disputes.
Therefore, entries must be truthful, unbiased, and substantiated by
supporting documentation where applicable.

 Authentication and Signatures: Entries should be authenticated

through the signatures of relevant personnel, such as the master or
officer on watch, to validate their authenticity and accountability.
Retention and Archiving
 Regulatory Requirements: Adhere to
applicable regulations regarding the retention
period for logbooks, which may vary
depending on jurisdiction and vessel type.

 Archival Procedures: Implement secure

archival procedures to safeguard logbook
records, ensuring accessibility for regulatory
audits, investigations, or historical reference.
L.O. 11.1 - Demonstrate the different
methods in fixing a position
Position fixing by Line of Position (LOP) is a
traditional navigation technique used to
determine a vessel's position on a chart based on
observations of known landmarks or celestial
1. Selecting a Reference Object: The navigator selects a prominent and
identifiable object on the horizon, such as a lighthouse, buoy, or
prominent landmark. This object should have a known position on the

2. Taking Bearings: Using a compass or other navigational instrument,

the navigator takes bearings to the selected reference object from the
vessel's position. A bearing is the direction of an object relative to the
vessel, measured in degrees clockwise from the vessel's heading.

3. Plotting Lines of Position: The bearings to the reference object are

plotted on the chart as straight lines extending from the vessel's position.
These lines are known as Lines of Position (LOPs). Each LOP represents all
possible positions of the vessel from which the reference object would
appear at the observed bearing.
4. Crossing LOPs: Multiple LOPs are obtained by taking bearings to different
reference objects or by taking bearings at different times. The navigator then
identifies the intersection point(s) where the LOPs intersect. The intersection(s)
represent the vessel's most probable position.

5. Determining the Most Probable Position: The navigator evaluates the

accuracy and reliability of the LOPs and selects the intersection point(s) that
best fit the observed bearings and other available navigational information.
Factors such as the quality of observations, the accuracy of the reference
objects' positions, and the presence of navigational hazards are considered in
determining the most probable position.

6. Repeating the Process: To improve accuracy and confirm the vessel's

position, the navigator may take additional bearings to different reference
objects or celestial bodies and repeat the process of plotting LOPs and
determining the most probable position.
Position fixing by ranges involves
determining a vessel's position by
establishing its distance from two or
more known landmarks or
navigational aids
1. Selecting Navigational Aids or Landmarks: The navigator identifies
two or more prominent and identifiable objects on the shoreline, such as
lighthouses, buoys, or landmarks, which have known positions marked on
the chart.

2. Taking Range Readings: Using a range finder, radar, or visual

observation, the navigator determines the distance from the vessel to
each selected landmark. This distance is known as the range. Ranges can
be measured in nautical miles or other suitable units.

3. Plotting Range Lines: On the chart, the navigator plots lines of

position (LOPs) that represent the vessel's position relative to each
landmark. These lines are drawn perpendicular to the shoreline and
extend from the known positions of the landmarks to the measured
4. Intersection of Range Lines: The navigator identifies the point(s)
where the range lines intersect. These intersections represent the vessel's
position. The accuracy of the fix depends on the precision of the range
measurements and the reliability of the known positions of the landmarks.

5. Verifying the Fix: To confirm the accuracy of the position fix, the
navigator may compare it with other available navigational information,
such as GPS coordinates, dead reckoning calculations, or visual
observations of celestial bodies.

6. Updating Position: As the vessel moves, the navigator continuously

updates its position by taking new range readings to landmarks and
adjusting the position plot accordingly. This helps to maintain an accurate
and up-to-date understanding of the vessel's location.
1. Identifying Leading Lights: Leading lights are pairs of navigational lights
positioned in such a way that when they are aligned, they indicate a safe and
navigable course through a channel or waterway. Typically, one light is positioned
behind the other when viewed from the entrance of the channel or waterway.

2. Establishing Alignment: As the vessel enters the channel or approaches the

designated route, the navigator observes the leading lights and maneuvers the
vessel to align them in a specific configuration. The lights are aligned when they
appear to be vertically stacked or one above the other when viewed from the
vessel's position.

3. Monitoring Alignment: Once the leading lights are aligned, the navigator
maintains the vessel's course along the range line formed by the lights. Any
deviation from this course is detected by observing the relative positions of the
lights. If the lights begin to move out of alignment, the navigator makes the
necessary course corrections to realign them and maintain the desired track.
4. Confirming Position: The alignment of leading lights provides a reliable
visual reference for the vessel's position along the channel or route. By
continuously monitoring the alignment and making course adjustments as
needed, the navigator ensures the vessel remains on the intended course and
avoids navigational hazards.

5. Using Additional Navigational Aids: In addition to leading lights,

navigators may also utilize other navigational aids such as buoys, beacons,
radar, or GPS to supplement position fixing and enhance situational awareness.
These aids provide additional references and backup in case of poor visibility or
other navigational challenges.

6. Updating Position: As the vessel progresses along the route, the navigator
continuously updates its position by monitoring the alignment of leading lights
and cross-checking with other navigational information. Regular position
updates ensure the vessel remains on course and safely navigates through the
channel or waterway.
Position fixing by running fix is a
navigational technique used to
determine a vessel's current position
by combining successive fixes
obtained at different times while the
vessel is in motion
1. Obtaining Initial Fix: The navigator takes a fix at a specific time using any
available navigational method, such as celestial navigation, GPS, radar, or visual
bearings to known landmarks. This initial fix provides the vessel's position at a
particular moment in time.

2. Plotting Initial Fix: The position obtained from the initial fix is plotted on
the chart using latitude and longitude coordinates or other applicable reference

3. Monitoring Vessel's Movement: As the vessel proceeds on its course, the

navigator continuously tracks its movement using navigational instruments and
observes any changes in position relative to nearby landmarks or navigational

4. Obtaining Subsequent Fixes: At predetermined intervals or when significant

course changes occur, the navigator takes additional fixes to determine the
vessel's updated position. These fixes may be obtained using the same or
different navigational methods as the initial fix.
5. Plotting Subsequent Fixes: Each subsequent fix is plotted on the chart,
usually with a time stamp indicating when it was obtained. This creates a series
of position points representing the vessel's track over time.

6. Drawing Running Fix Lines: After obtaining at least two subsequent fixes,
the navigator draws lines from each fix point through the initial fix point. These
lines, known as running fix lines, represent the vessel's direction and speed of
movement between fixes.

7. Determining Running Fix Position: The running fix position is determined

by locating the intersection point of the running fix lines on the chart. This point
represents the vessel's current position at the time of the last fix, taking into
account its direction and speed of travel since the initial fix.

8. Verifying Accuracy: The accuracy of the running fix position can be verified
by comparing it with other available navigational information, such as GPS
coordinates, radar observations, or visual bearings. Any discrepancies or
inconsistencies should be investigated and corrected as needed.

Position fixing by estimated position is a
navigation technique used when precise position
data is not available or when other navigational
methods are not applicable. It involves estimating
the vessel's position based on factors such as
dead reckoning, estimated speed, course, and
time since the last known position fix
1. Determine Last Known Position: The navigator starts by identifying
the vessel's last known position, which could be obtained from a previous
fix, GPS coordinates, or any other reliable source.

2. Calculate Course and Speed: Using the vessel's course and speed
over the ground, the navigator estimates the distance and direction the
vessel has traveled since the last known position fix. This information can
be obtained from the vessel's logbook, speedometer, or navigational

3. Apply Dead Reckoning: Dead reckoning is used to project the vessel's

position forward from the last known position based on the estimated
course and speed. The navigator calculates the distance and direction
traveled and applies this information to the last known position to
estimate the vessel's current position.
4. Consider External Factors: Factors such as wind, currents, and sea
state may affect the vessel's actual course and speed. The navigator takes
these factors into account when estimating the vessel's position to
improve accuracy.

5. Plot Estimated Position: The estimated position is plotted on the

chart using latitude and longitude coordinates or other relevant reference
points. This provides a visual representation of the navigator's estimate of
the vessel's current location.

6. Verify and Update: The estimated position should be continuously

verified and updated as more accurate position data becomes available.
This could include obtaining a new fix using other navigational methods
or adjusting the estimated position based on observed landmarks or
navigational aids.
There are several methods of fixing a
vessel's position, each with its own
advantages, limitations, and suitability for
different navigational situations. Here are
some commonly used methods
1. GPS (Global Positioning System): GPS is a satellite-based navigation system
that provides accurate positioning information anywhere on Earth. GPS receivers on
board the vessel receive signals from multiple satellites to determine the vessel's
latitude, longitude, and sometimes altitude. GPS is highly accurate and reliable,
making it the preferred method for most modern navigation.

2. Celestial Navigation: Celestial navigation involves using celestial bodies, such as

the sun, moon, stars, and planets, to determine the vessel's position. By measuring
the angle between the celestial body and the horizon with a sextant and comparing
it with tables of celestial data, navigators can calculate the vessel's latitude and
longitude. Celestial navigation requires specialized equipment and knowledge but
is independent of electronic systems and can be useful as a backup method.

3. Radar Navigation: Radar navigation utilizes radar signals to detect nearby

objects, landmarks, and navigational aids. By measuring the distance and bearing to
radar targets, navigators can plot the vessel's position on the chart. Radar
navigation is especially useful in poor visibility conditions, at night, or in congested
4. Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS): ECDIS is a
computer-based navigation system that integrates electronic navigational
charts (ENCs) with GPS data to provide real-time positioning, route planning,
and navigation assistance. ECDIS enhances situational awareness and allows for
efficient route monitoring and adjustment.

5. Visual Bearings: Visual bearings involve taking visual sightings of landmarks,

buoys, or other objects with known positions. By measuring the bearing to
multiple objects using a compass or bearing compass, navigators can
triangulate the vessel's position on the chart. Visual bearings are simple and
effective but require clear visibility and identifiable landmarks.

6. Depth Soundings: Depth soundings, obtained using echo sounders or depth

sounders, provide information about the depth of water beneath the vessel. By
comparing depth soundings with charted depths, navigators can determine the
vessel's position relative to underwater features, such as shoals, reefs, or
7. Radio Navigation Aids: Radio navigation aids, such as LORAN (Long
Range Navigation) and VHF/UHF radio beacons, provide position
information based on radio signals transmitted from ground-based
stations. Although less common with the widespread use of GPS, radio
navigation aids can still be used as backup systems or in areas with
poor GPS coverage.

8. Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS): SBAS, such as

WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) and EGNOS (European
Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service), improve the accuracy and
integrity of GPS signals by correcting errors and providing additional
navigation data. SBAS enhances the reliability of GPS positioning,
especially in aviation and maritime applications.
Cross bearing, also known as a two-
bearing fix or position fix by two objects, is
a method of determining a vessel's
position by taking bearings to two
identifiable objects or landmarks and
intersecting the lines of bearing
1. Selecting Objects: The navigator chooses two objects on the shore
or on navigational aids that are easily identifiable and have known
positions on the chart. These objects should be visible from the vessel
and should not be in close proximity to each other to ensure accurate

2. Taking Bearings: Using a compass or other navigational instrument,

the navigator takes bearings to each selected object from the vessel's
position. A bearing is the direction of an object relative to the vessel,
measured in degrees clockwise from the vessel's heading.

3. Plotting Bearings: The bearings to the two objects are plotted on

the chart as straight lines extending from the vessel's position. These
lines represent the lines of bearing (LOB) for each object.
4. Finding Intersection: The navigator identifies the point
where the lines of bearing intersect. This point represents the
vessel's most probable position at the time the bearings were
taken. The accuracy of the fix depends on the precision of the
bearing measurements and the reliability of the known positions
of the objects.

5. Verifying Fix: To confirm the accuracy of the position fix, the

navigator may compare it with other available navigational
information, such as GPS coordinates, radar observations, or
visual sightings of other landmarks. Any discrepancies or
inconsistencies should be investigated and corrected as needed.
Cross bearing (Cock Hat)
The "Cocked Hat" is a term used in navigation
to describe a situation where the lines of position
(LOPs) obtained from cross bearings do not
intersect at a single point but instead form a
triangular shape resembling a cocked hat or
triangle on the chart. This situation arises due to
errors or uncertainties in the bearing
measurements or variations in the actual
positions of the objects being sighted.
Cross bearing (Cock Hat)
1. Taking Cross Bearings: The navigator takes bearings to two or more
identifiable objects or landmarks from the vessel's position, as described in the
previous explanation of cross bearings.

2. Plotting Bearings: The bearings are plotted on the chart as lines of position
(LOPs) extending from the vessel's position toward the objects sighted.

3. Intersecting LOPs: Ideally, the LOPs should intersect at a single point,

providing a precise position fix. However, in practice, due to measurement
errors, variations in the objects' positions, or other factors, the LOPs may not
intersect exactly.

4. Formation of Cocked Hat: Instead of converging at a single point, the LOPs

form a triangular area on the chart, with the vessel's position somewhere within
the triangle. This triangular shape is referred to as the "Cocked Hat."
Cross bearing (Cock Hat)
5. Assessing Accuracy: The size and shape of the Cocked Hat provide
information about the accuracy and reliability of the position fix. A smaller,
tighter Cocked Hat indicates a more precise fix, while a larger or irregular
Cocked Hat suggests greater uncertainty.

6. Selecting Most Probable Position: To determine the vessel's most probable

position within the Cocked Hat, navigators typically use the center of the
triangle or the point where the bisectors of the angles meet. This point
represents the best estimate of the vessel's position based on the available

7. Exercise Caution: While the Cocked Hat provides an estimated position,

navigators should exercise caution and consider other factors such as the
quality of the bearing measurements, the reliability of the objects sighted, and
any additional navigational information available.
Position fixing by depth sounding
involves determining a vessel's
position by measuring the depth of
the water beneath the vessel and
comparing it with charted depths in
the area
1. Depth Soundings: Depth soundings are obtained using an echo sounder or
depth sounder, which emits a sound pulse that travels through the water and
reflects off the seabed. The time taken for the sound pulse to return to the
transducer is used to calculate the depth of the water.

2. Taking Depth Readings: The navigator takes depth readings at regular

intervals or as needed, depending on the navigational situation. Depth readings
may be taken manually by lowering a sounding line over the side of the vessel
or automatically using electronic depth sounders.

3. Comparing with Charted Depths: The depth readings obtained are

compared with charted depths from the navigational chart for the area. Charted
depths indicate the depth of the water at specific locations and are essential for
safe navigation, especially in coastal waters, channels, and harbors.
4. Plotting Position: The navigator plots the vessel's position on the chart
based on the depth readings and charted depths. If the depth reading matches
the charted depth at a particular location, it indicates that the vessel is likely
over that position.

5. Adjusting for Tides and Depths: It's essential to take into account tidal
variations and changes in water depth due to tides when using depth
soundings for position fixing. Navigators may apply tidal corrections to the
charted depths and depth readings to ensure accuracy in determining the
vessel's position.

6. Cross-Checking with Other Methods: Depth sounding is often used in

conjunction with other position fixing methods, such as GPS, radar, or visual
bearings, to cross-check and verify the vessel's position. This helps ensure
accuracy and reliability in navigation, especially in challenging conditions or
areas with limited visibility.

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