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Jonathan P. Espinosa
Anthropology of Art

The anthropology of art studies and analyses the wide range of material
objects produced by people around the world. These are considered not merely
as aesthetic objects but are understood to play a wider role in people's lives, for
instance in their beliefs and rituals. The materials studied include sculpture,
masks, paintings, textiles, baskets, pots, weapons, and the human body itself.
Anthropologists are interested in the symbolic meanings encoded in such
objects, as well as in the materials and techniques used to produce them.
Anthropology of Art

Anthropology of art is a sub-field in cultural anthropology
dedicated to the study of art in different cultural contexts. The
anthropology of art focuses on historical, economic and aesthetic
dimensions in non-Western art forms, including what is known as 'tribal
◦ The anthropology of art overlaps with art history, aesthetics,
material culture studies, and visual anthropology. However, the
anthropological approach to art is distinguished by its focus on the social
processes involved in making objects.
Anthropology of
Since the 1960s, anthropologists have
produced increasingly sophisticated analyses of
visual materials. More recently, closer attention
has been paid to the different ideas of aesthetic
value in different societies. Increasing attention
has also been paid to the ways in which
material objects made in one sphere come to
have value in another. For example, there have
been several recent studies of the tourist and art
markets as well as of the role of museums.
Arts and Politics

The important
part in any
consideration of art
and politics is their
historical trajectory
and connectedness
through different
epochs. However, it is
also important to note
the aesthetic potential
of art, as the core of its
political engagement.
Five Ways of Seeing the
Relationship Between Art
and Politics

1. Art as representation of
political injustice
This dimension of art’s power
has been demonstrated by new art
depicting the institutional racism and
white supremacy of contemporary
Europe and America, and the activist
responses to institutional racism and
white supremacy
Five Ways of Seeing the
Relationship Between Art
and Politics
2. Art as builder of political
Art can bring people together, around
gallery openings, events, and discussions — and a
further theme emerging in recent months is the idea
that communities created by art can have political
potential, and that accordingly artists and curators
should work to create and strengthen artistic
Five Ways of Seeing the Relationship
Between Art and Politics
3. Art as seed of political alternatives

In addition to documenting injustice and building community, art can

gesture towards new political ideas, solutions, and priorities. This perspective,
that art can seed political alternatives. These political alternatives, sketched in
outline through art, can be more or less fully-formed.
Five Ways of Seeing the Relationship
Between Art and Politics

4. Art as escape or safe haven

There is one question arose again and again: how can we square
discussion of an artist’s political responsibilities with the view that art ought to
involve an escape from politics? The thought can be expressed in two different
ways: the art-making process could be seen as a space that needs to be apart
from politics, or artwork itself could be regarded as speaking a different
language, or addressing different topics; in both cases bringing art closer to
politics might seem to threaten something fundamental about the practice of art.
Five Ways of Seeing the
Relationship Between Art
and Politics

5. Art as complicit in
political injustice

The final way that art and

politics have been commonly related
and conceptualized is through a
framework of complicity: with the
claim being that art should see itself as
at least partially responsible for some
of the political injustices of time.
The Psychology of Art: Concepts and Characteristics
The psychology of art
opens the door to
another perspective of
art full of the human
We'd like to give you
part of the key to open
that room. Would you
like to join us?
The Psychology of Art: Concepts and
• The psychology of art is a field of psychology that studies creativity and
artistic appreciation from a psychological standpoint. The goals of the
psychology of art are like those pursued by other related disciplines of
psychology. Here, we can include the disciplines that study basic processes
such as perception, memory, and emotion, as well as the higher functions of
thought and language.
• However, the goal of this discipline isn’t only practical but also theoretical.
This discipline tries to elaborate on theories of both creative and perceptive
activity. However, by doing so, it doesn’t dispense with the fundamental
concepts and principles of scientific psychology.
Art Psychology And Disciplines
• The psychology of art doesn’t only include
its own fields but also those studied by
psychology, as they’re related.

• Thus, psychobiology, evolutionary

psychology, psychopathology, or
personality studies are areas that art has a
relationship with due to the different
aspects they have in common. The truth is
that this discipline has quite a complex area
of study.
Art Psychology And Disciplines.
• For many countries, the psychology of art is a new discipline. In
addition to that, most of those texts are based on psychoanalysis.
• This discipline also maintains a relationship with other disciplines,
such as philosophy. The contribution of art history is also relevant
because the works can be analyzed from a psychological standpoint.
The Trajectory Of The Psychology Of Art

• Many psychotherapists have wanted to study and test the healing effects of art,
both individually and in groups. We know the area of study that combines
psychological elements with artistic ones as art therapy.

• Art therapy emerged decades ago through rehabilitation programs using

techniques such as writing, music, painting, etc. Despite this, the
incorporation into the clinical environment is still slow and difficult.
The Trajectory Of The Psychology Of Art

• However, the so-called psychology of art has become popular. It’s based on
the development of creativity and the reduction of stress and anxiety thanks to
the learning of classical artistic techniques (painting, sculpture, and
complementary plastic arts).

• Psychologists with expertise in the area of the plastic arts can use creative
production as a mediator in therapeutic relationships. By doing so, they attend
to questions related to psychism, subjectivity, culture, and society.
The Trajectory Of The Psychology Of Art

• For Lev Vygotsky, the highest degree of civility is the expression of art and
culture, and work is a means for socio-historical evolution. His doctoral thesis
on the psychology of art marked a milestone in psychology. It did this by
appealing to the “unconscious” to define the essential aspects of art.

• However, Vygotsky was aware that art wasn’t a primary or physiological need,
thus considering Abraham Maslow’s point of view.
Psychological Benefits Of Art
Experts have recently discovered that
painting allows the release of dopamine, the
hormone that provides the feeling of reward,
and endorphins, the hormones that give the
feeling of well-being. For example, the latter are
released when we exercise.
On the other hand, we know that, when
one finishes a work of art, it provides a feeling
of happiness very similar to that experienced
when having children. This is due to the release
of oxytocin.
Psychological Benefits Of Art
Some of the main benefits are the following:
• Development of social skills.
• Release of stress and anxiety.
• Psychological well-being.
• Behavior control.
• Working on the subconscious as a method of knowledge.

In short, although art psychology is a recent discipline, part of its origins is Vygotsky’s
initial thesis. This thesis is considered a method of self-knowledge when working with the
subconscious. It’s also an essential element of study in different branches of psychology.
Psychological Benefits Of Art

• For example, in the context of psychological evaluation, it’s used in response

to more specific interests of the evaluator, while, in art therapy workshops,
experts use it as a free therapeutic tool or to enhance self-knowledge.

• Being aware of the psychology of art opens the doors to a wonderful world
of expression in any area of artistic manifestation.

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