Lesson 7 - Art and Music

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Lesson 7

Week 8
• Our speaking topic for today is art and music.
• To start with, we are going to consider some
Aim of the vocabulary to talk about different types of

lesson music and art.

• Next, we will practice how to use modals of
possibility to talk about possible situations in the
past and future.
Warm up
Look at the photos
and describe what
you can see.
Let’s consider some adjectives to talk about music…

• 1. making someone feel more relaxed A)SADDENING

and less emotional B) ENERGISING
• 2. making someone feel full of energy or
• 3. making someone feel better
• 4. making someone feel emotional E) UPLIFTING

• 5. funny and enjoyable F) CALMING

• 6. making someone feel sad
Describe the song
Work with a partner. Make a list of your favorite singers and songs that you both
know. Then, describe the song using the language below and vocabulary from the
previous slide. Your partner will guess which song you are describing.
Work with a partner. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

2. Do you prefer going to live concerts or watching concerts online/on
3. Do you play or have you ever wanted to play an instrument?
4. How often do you listen to music? Is music just a
pastime(=entertainment, relaxation) for you, or more than that?
5. What kind of music do you find (a) calming, (b) energising, (c)
Let’s talk about art…
Look at the types of art below and answer the questions.
Describing art
Match the words to their definitions.

1. VIBRANT • A) like real life

2. DEPRESSING • B) including many small parts

3. DETAILED • C) dark and unpleasant

4. REALISTIC • D) bright and strong

5. ABSTRACT • E) existing as an idea or feeling,
Work in pairs. Look
at the pictures below.
Describe them using
words for describing

For example:
Picture number 1 looks
vibrant and abstract. I
really like it.

• Do you have a favorite piece of art?

• How would you describe it?
Find someone who…
Copy this table in your notebook.

...listens to rock music For example:

Listens to rock music every
....thinks they can sing Sings in front of his/her
....likes the same music as
....likes going to museums
and art galleries
...knows how to draw
Grammar for speaking
Modals of possibility and probability
Complete each sentence with your own ideas.
Then say your sentences to your partner.
Speaking practice
Work individually. Think about your
answer for a minute or two.
• What are your future plans and goals? Use
could, must, may, might.

Make new friends
Get a new job
Learn another language
Get married
Have children
Retire (stop working)
Get a new pet
Buy a new home
Start a new hobby
Language function
Speculating(=guessing) about a situation
Work in groups. Each group will choose 1
number that will reveal part of a picture.

reveal Then, each group will speculate(=guess)
about a situation in each picture. Write at
least 2 sentences to describe a specific
• Talk about your favorite form of art or music.

• Answer the following questions to help you prepare for

Group your presentation:

• What kind of art/music is it?
• Where did you learn about it?
• Why do you like this specific type of art/music?
• Do you think it’s important for people to learn about
this type of art or music?
Phrases for presenting
• 1. INTRODUCTION: Today we’re going to talk about…
• I’m going to present…So we’re going to show you…

• 2. BODY
• First of all/secondly/last/finally
• Moving on to the next point…

• In conclusion/In summary/To sum up/At the end
Group presentations

• 1. Important skills for the jobs of 21st century
• 2. Why are leisure(=free time) activities important?
• 3. The importance of friendship
• 4. Health impacts of fast-food for teens
• 5. The way music influences our mentality
• 6. Topic of your own choice
Tips for your presentation

• Time limit: 10 minutes

• Maximum score: 15%

• Use visual support, such as pictures or a Power Point Presentation.

• Write a guideline for your presentation.

• Don't read your notes.

• Look at the audience.

• Speak loud enough and not too fast.


• Introduction (1 slide) – Start your presentation with a quick

question, fact or story in a maximum of 2 minutes.
• Body (3 slides) – Present the most interesting facts, don't go too
much into details. Use approximately three ideas that you would
like to present in 6-7 minutes.
• Conclusion (1 slide) – End it all with a quick sum up of your 3
main points. You should be able to do this in 1 minute.

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