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Social Moral

Distinguish between social conflicts,
Objectives 1 moral issues and economic concerns that
affect the nation.
Craft a compelling presentation that
2 raise awareness about a critical social,
moral, and economic problem.
Develop a sense of collaboration and
3 critical thinking through differentiated
A. Role play a situation showing
poverty experience by a family.
B. Argue about "Same Sex Marriage"
through a debate, stating your
viewpoints if it should be legalized in
the Philippines or not.
Collaborative C. Draw a graph of “Gasoline
Analysis Inflation in the Philippines” showing
the difference between years 2023
and 2024 respectively.
D. Make a tabular presentation using
cut-out pictures identifying the
differences between the three issues.
Rubric for Debate and Role play
2 Needs
CATEGORY 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Developing improvement
Organization All ideas were clearly tied Most ideas were clearly All ideas were clearly Ideas were not
to an idea and organized tied to an idea and tied to an idea, but the clearly tied to an
in a tight, logical fashion. organized in a tight, organization was idea.
logical fashion. sometimes not clear or
Understanding of The team clearly The team clearly The team seemed to The team did not
understood the topic in- understood the topic in- understand the main show an adequate
Topic depth and presented their depth and presented their points of the topic and understanding of the
information forcefully and information with ease. presented those with topic.
convincingly. ease.
Presentation Style Team consistently used Team usually used Team sometimes used One or more
gestures, eye contact, gestures, eye contact, tone gestures, eye contact, members of the team
tone of voice and a level of voice and a level of tone of voice and a level had a presentation
of enthusiasm in a way enthusiasm in a way that of enthusiasm in a way style that did not
that kept the attention of kept the attention of the that kept the attention keep the attention of
the audience. audience. of the audience. the audience.
Language ability The students always The students somehow The students did not The students did not
speak with fluency and lack of fluency and able to speak with fluency but speak with fluency
able to pronounce all the pronounce some words able to pronounce and not able to
words correctly. correctly. words correctly. pronounce the words
Generalizing Concepts
What are the differences between social, moral, and
economic issue?
Why is it important to address/solve such issues?
Considering the limitations of a student, what initiatives
can you take to support those struggling with poverty?
We still face these challenges in our country. What are
the reasons behind this ongoing struggle?
How do these issues affect individuals as well as the
1.What is social issue?
A. a problematic situation.
B. a different factor affecting many people.
C. a problem that is relevant and affects
many people in society.
D. an economic problem facing difficulties in
terms of money and resources.
2. Which of the following is a
primary indicator of an economic
A. increased crime rate
B. rising dropout cases.
C. differences in beliefs
D. high unemployment rate
3. Before making a decision, the
student should consider the potential:
A. Opinions of teachers
B. Peer pressure from friends
C. Consequences of both actions
D. Grades and academic performance
4. Which of the following is correct?
A. Economic issue: scarcity; Social issue:
addiction; Moral issue: stealing
B. Social issue: poverty; Moral issue:
corruption; Economic issue: inflation
C. Social issue: stealing; Economic issue:
corruption; Moral issue: abortion
D. Moral issue: addiction; Economic issue:
corruption; Social issue: inflation
5. Which of the following is a form of racism?
A. Making diversity program in the
B. Creating laws that explicitly discriminate
based on race.
C. Hiring practices that prioritize
qualifications and experience.
D. Collaborative community programs that
promote inclusivity.
Distinguish between social conflicts,
Objectives 1 moral issues and economic concerns that
affect the nation.
Craft a compelling presentation that
2 raise awareness about a critical social,
moral, and economic problem.
Develop a sense of collaboration and
3 critical thinking through differentiated

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