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The lion is the second largest living feline after the tiger. With powerful legs, a strong jaw and
eight-centimetre fangs, the lion can kill large prey. Its color ranges from light brown to
yellowish, reddish or dark ocher brown. The vast majority of lions live south of the Sahara.
Because lions are extremely adaptable big cats, they can survive in a wide variety of habitats,
such as dry forests, thick bushes, floodplains, and semi-arid desert areas. Lions sleep most of
the day. They usually hunt at night or early in the morning. That's because it's easier to sneak
up on prey in the dark. The lion (Panthera leo) is a carnivorous mammal of the felid family
and one of the 4 species of the genus Panthera. Some exceptionally large males weigh up to
250 kg, making them the second largest living felid after the tiger.
The puma, mountain lion or American lion (Puma concolor)2 is a carnivorous mammal of the Felidae
family native to America. This feline lives in more places than any other terrestrial wild mammal on the
continent, ranging from the Yukon in Canada to the southern Andes mountain range and Patagonia in
South America.The puma is adaptable and generalist, which is why it lives in the main biomes throughout
America. It is the second largest cat on the continent, after the jaguar, and the fourth largest in the world,
after the tiger and the lion. Its size is somewhat larger than that of the leopard, although it is more related
to small cats, since, unlike the large cats of the genus Panthera, which can roar (with the exception of the
irbis), the puma purrs like smaller cats.As a hunter and ambush predator, the puma obtains a wide variety
of prey. Its main food is ungulates such as deer, particularly in the northern part of its range, or guanaco
and other camelids, to the south in South America, and species as small as insects and rodents. Prefers
habitat with dense vegetation during stalking hours, but can live in open areas.
They are mammalian animals, equipped with four prehensile limbs and a tail, with a body covered in
diverse fur. Their size tends to be small to medium (in the case of platyrrhines) or medium to large (in the
case of cercopithecids).Monkeys are intelligent beings, who live in complex societies, use tools, and can
display altruistic behaviors. So it makes sense, according to Dr. Watanabe, that these animals have some
degree of what is called "social intelligence." Therefore, it seems, monkeys do reflect.They are very
intelligent and sociable animals. They feed mainly on leaves and fruits although they can also eat meat
such as insects or small mammals. They have emotional reactions very similar to human ones. They show
their emotions and have an innate sense of justice.Monkeys can add, and they don't do it badly at all,
researchers said that two monkeys scored as many points as college students on a basic addition test.
Scientists already knew that both humans and animals have the ability to mentally represent and compare
Bears are characterized by their large head, small, rounded and erect ears, small eyes, a heavy, robust body
and a short tail. The legs are short and powerful, with five fingers provided with strong nails and curved
claws.Although bears are very heavy and very large animals, they are capable of climbing a tree with great
agility, although sometimes not so much, and they are also capable of swimming. Bears are omnivorous
animals, that is, they eat meat and vegetables, like us beings. humans, although they are much sweeterThe
bear, which is also a leader, so it also symbolizes leadership capacity, protects those who need it, thanks to
the strength and bravery that represents its figure of power.Brown bears inhabit a humanized landscape, a
mosaic of forests, bushes, pastures and inhabited towns. They are mainly vegetarians, although they also
consume honey and insects and sometimes carrion.
Elephants or alopecia (Alopecia) are a family of placental mammals of the order proboscideans. They were formerly classified,
along with other thick-skinned mammals, in the now invalid order of pachyderms (Pachydermata). Nowadays there are three
species and several subspecies.Among the extinct genera of this family, the mammoths stand out. Indian wild elephant from
Marayoor forest, Munnar, Kerala.African savannah elephant calf (Loxodonta Africana), Kruger National Park, South
Africa.Elephants are the largest land animals that exist today. The gestation period is twenty-two months, the longest in any
land animal. Birth weight is usually 118 kg. They typically live from fifty to seventy years, but ancient records document
maximum ages of eighty-two years. The largest recorded elephant ever hunted weighed around 11,000 kg (Angola, 1956).
reaching a height at the withers of 3.96 m, one meter taller than the average African elephant. The smallest elephant, around the
size of a calf or a large pig, is a prehistoric species that existed on the island of Crete, Elephas creticus, during the Pleistocene. ​
Weighing 5kg, the elephant brain is the largest of any land animal. A wide variety of behaviors associated with intelligence are
attributed to it, such as grief, altruism, adoption, play, tool use, compassion, and self-recognition. Elephants may be on par with
other intelligent species such as cetaceans and some primates. The largest areas in your brain are responsible for hearing, taste,
and mobility.
The panda, panda bear or giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a species of mammal in the order of carnivores.23 The
study of its DNA includes it among the members of the bear family (Ursidae),4 being the spectacled bear is its closest relative,
which belongs to the tremarctine subfamily. On the other hand, the red panda belongs to its own independent family, Ailuridae.
The species is highly localized. Native to central China, the giant panda lives in mountainous regions, mainly those of Sichuan,
up to an altitude of 3,500 m above sea level. n. m..For 2017, it was estimated that the total population exceeded two thousand
individuals5​, of which 1,864 live in the wild,6​ which shows that the number of pandas living in the wild is increasing. Since
1961 the panda has been the symbol of WWF (World Wildlife Fund).The panda's main food is bamboo (around 99% of its
diet), although it also eats fruits, small mammals, fish and insects.7 It is a good climber, although it is rarely seen in trees. It
adapts to captivity and thanks to its fur it easily withstands the winter conditions of its habitat.

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