Slides - Practical Packet Analysis 2 - Wireless Packet Analysis

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Practical Packet Analysis

CT4010 Computers and Security
Jordan Allison
Module Learning
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Demonstrate an understanding of the component parts modern
computer hardware, and how they might serve as sources of digital
 Carry out assembly language programming tasks in both low-level
and high level languages.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the components modern computer
networks, and how they might serve as sources of digital evidence.
 Carry out local and wide area network construction projects.
 Develop computer programs that may be used for collecting digital
 Understand the security issues associated with networked computer
Today’s Learning

 To become familiar with different types of

network traffic
 To conduct an investigation of network traffic
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Last Session: Malware Analysis

This Session

 802.11 Packet Analysis

 Aircrack NG
 Practical Wireless Packet Analysis
802.11 Packet Analysis
802.11 Packet Structure

• Wireless packets have an addition the 802.11 header.

• This is a layer 2 header that contains extra information about the packet and the medium
on which is transmitted.

• There are three types of 802.11 packets:

• Management
• Control
• Data
Management Packets

• These packets are used to establish connectivity between hosts at layer 2.

• Some important subtypes of management packets include:

• Authentication
• Association
• Beacon packets.
Control Packets

• Control packets allow for delivery of management and data packets and are concerned
with congestion management.

• Common subtypes include request-to-send and clear-to-send packets.

Data Packets

• These packets contain actual data and are the only packet type that can be forwarded
from the wireless network to the wired network.

• The type and subtypes of wireless packet determines its structure. So there are several
possible structures.

• We will examine one such structure by looking at a single packet in the file
80211beacon.pcap using Wireshark.
Wireless Specific Filters

• In wireless network, all traffic generated by wireless clients coexists on shared channels.
A capture of one channel may contain traffic from several clients.

• Filtering traffic for a specific BSS (Basic Service Set) ID

• Filtering Specific Wireless Packet Types

• Force users to authenticate using a username/password

• VPN tunnel between computer and AP

Filtering traffic for a specific BSS ID

• Each WAP in a network has a unique identifier name called Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID).

• BSSID’s name is sent in every wireless management packet and data packet the access point

• Once you know the name of the BSSID you want to examine, and you want to find a packet that
has been sent from that particular AP.

• Use the BSSID MAC address in your filter to see traffic flowing through the specified AP:

• wlan.bssid.eq 00:11:22:33:44:55:66
Filtering Specific Wireless Packet Types

Filtering based on packet type and subtype:

• wlan.fc.type
• wlan.fc.type_subtype

• Management frame: wlan.fc.type eq 0
• Control frame: wlan.fc.type eq 1
• Data frame: wlan.fc.type eq 2
• Beacon: wlan.fc.type_subtype eq 0x08
Filtering a Specific Frequency

• If you want to examine a combination of traffic that includes packets from multiple
channels, it can be useful to filter based on each individual channel.

• Examples:
• Filter a specific frequency: == 2412
• For additional filters visit:
Wireless Security (A Reminder)

• The biggest concern when deploying and administrating a wireless network is the
security of the data transmitted across it.

• With data available freely in the air, it’s crucial that data be encrypted.

• The original method for securing data transmitted over wireless network was Wired
Equivalent Privacy (WEP).

• To improve security new standards were created:

• Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
• WPA2
Successful WEP

 The file 80211_WEPauth.pcap

contains an example of a successful
connection to a WEP-enabled
wireless network.

 The security on this network is set-up

using a WEP key. This is a key you
must provide to the WAP in order to
authenticate to it and decrypt data
sent from it.
Successful WEP Authentication

• As shown in wireshark, the capture file begin with a challenge from WAP (28:6C:8E:AB:96:16)
to the wireless client (AC:CF:5C:78:6C:9C) in packet 3.

• The purpose of this challenge is to determine if the wireless client has the correct WEP key.

• The challenge is acknowledged with packet 4.

• The wireless client then responds by decrypting the challenge text with the WEP key and
returning it to the WAP.

• The response contains the message that the authentication process was successful.
Failed WEP

 The file 80211_WEPauthfail.pcap

contains an example of a failed
connection to a WEP-enabled
wireless network.
Failed WEP Authentication

• In this example, a user enters his WEP key to connect to a WAP and after several
seconds, the wireless client utility reports that it was unable to connect to the wireless

• This communication begins with the WAP sending challenge text to the wireless cline in
packet 3.

• This is acknowledged in packet 4.

• In packet 5, we see a message telling us that the authentication failed.

Practical Task – Wireshark

WPA uses a very different

authentication mechanism than
WEP, but it still relies on the user to
enter a key into the wireless client
in order to connect to the network.

Open the file 80211-WPAauth.pcap

and investigate the authentication
mechanism and explain this

• Using aircrack-ng, you will assess the security of the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
security algorithm protocol associated with 802.11 wireless network security.

• Aircrack-ng is a freely available tool that is installed on your Kali Linux VM.

• The official distribution site at


• The Aircrack-NG suite of tools can perform various testing, assessing and cracking. The
primary programs used in this suite are:
• Aircrack-NG: The primary cracking tool.
• Airplay-NG: Tool for injecting and replaying wireless frames.
• Airmon-NG: Tool to enable and disable wireless interface monitoring
• Airodump-NG: Tool to enable and disable wireless interface monitoring.

• There are many other tools available. However, the above tools are the primary ones used
in relation to capturing packets, injecting frames, and cracking WEP keys and WPA
Practical Task – Cracking WEP

Using a Kali Linux VM with

Aircrack-NG installed, use
Aircrack-NG to crack the
WEP.cap file
More Wireshark
concepts.pcap - Ping Request
link.pcap – Duplicate IP Address detected
Practical Task – Wireshark

Complete the Practical Lab: Wireless Packet


You will need the following:

• Wireshark
• Wireless.pcap
• Linux VM
Lecture Recap

Today we have covered:

 802.11 Packet Analysis
 Aircrack NG
 Practical Wireless Packet Analysis
Next Session:
o Network Security 5 -
Authentication Methods
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