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Introduction to Green

Supply Chain
Green supply chain management is a holistic approach that integrates
environmental considerations into traditional supply chain practices. It aims to
reduce the environmental impact of business operations while maintaining
efficiency and profitability.

by keshav kumar
Sustainability Principles in Supply Chain
Resource Efficiency Waste Reduction Emissions Control

Minimizing the use of energy, Implementing strategies to avoid, Monitoring and mitigating
water, and raw materials reuse, and recycle waste at every greenhouse gas emissions and
throughout the supply chain. stage of the supply chain. other pollutants from supply chain
Environmentally Friendly Procurement

1 Green Supplier Selection 2 Sustainable Materials

Prioritizing suppliers with strong environmental Sourcing raw materials and packaging that are
credentials and sustainability initiatives. renewable, recyclable, or biodegradable.

3 Life Cycle Assessment 4 Supplier Collaboration

Evaluating the environmental impact of products Working with suppliers to identify and implement
and services throughout their entire life cycle. eco-friendly solutions.
Green Logistics and Transportation
Route Optimization
Utilizing data-driven algorithms to plan the most efficient transportation routes,
reducing fuel consumption and emissions.

Modal Shift
Shifting from carbon-intensive modes of transportation, such as air freight, to more
sustainable options like rail or sea freight.

Fleet Modernization
Investing in fuel-efficient, low-emission vehicles and alternative fuel technologies to
power the logistics fleet.
Waste Reduction and Recycling in Supply

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Minimizing the generation of waste Implementing systems to reuse Developing robust recycling
through process optimization and materials, components, and programs to divert waste from
design for sustainability. packaging within the supply chain. landfills and convert it into new
Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
Supplier Engagement Customer Involvement
Collaborating with suppliers to set sustainability Engaging with customers to understand their
goals, share best practices, and drive continuous sustainability expectations and co-create eco-friendly
improvement. solutions.

Cross-Industry Partnerships Community Outreach

Forming strategic partnerships with industry peers, Engaging with local communities to understand their
research institutions, and government agencies to environmental concerns and support their
tackle complex sustainability challenges. sustainability initiatives.

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