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The Day the The Monster Ecobricks

Ocean Spoke
The Day the
Ocean Spoke
The first text in this paper is a fiction piece.
There are 15 questions to answer worth a total of 20 marks.

Click on each question number to find out how to give the best possible answers.

1 2 3 4 5a 5b 6

7 8 9a 9b 9c 10 11 12
1. Look at the paragraph beginning: Tadeo hopped from
side to side… 12
Find and copy four different words or phrases from the marks
rest of the paragraph which suggest that the weather is
very warm.

There are at least four Carefully copy each

You are being asked to
different words or word or phrase onto its
find four different
phrases in this own line in the answer
answers from a specific booklet.
part of paragraph that suggest
the text. that the weather is very
warm. Think about You will get one mark
for two different points
Go back and find the what warm weather
and two marks for all
correct paragraph and could look like or feel
four different points. Be
reread like. Underline each
careful that you do not
through it. example that repeat answers.
you find.

Back Key Reading Skill: To identify/explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.
2. “I doubt it,” mumbled Tadeo, wishing that people would
stop asking. 1
1 mark
Why is Tadeo wishing that people would stop asking? mark

You are being asked to Try to put yourself into The answer to this
try to understand what Tadeo’s shoes: why question is not in the
Tadeo could be might he wish that text but it can be
thinking at a specific people would stop inferred from the text.
point of the story. asking?
Write your own
Find the quote you Is there anything that explanation on the
have been given and you’ve wished people lines provided and
reread that part of the would stop asking you? clearly explain why
story. What made you feel Tadeo feels this way.
that way?

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with
Back evidence from the text.
3. Bracing himself for the wall of muggy, stale air, he walked
through the front door. 1
1 mark
What does bracing himself mean in this sentence? mark
Tick one.

You have been given Once you have reread

You are being asked four options to choose the sentence with each
what the words from and you need to new option instead of
‘bracing himself’ mean tick one of them. ‘bracing himself’,
in the sentence you think about whether the
have been given. Read the sentence but words you have chosen
replace the words make sense in the
Find that sentence in ‘bracing himself’ with story.
the text and reread the one of the options. Does
sentences it make sense? Repeat Finally, clearly and
around it. this for all
neatly tick one box.
four options.

Back Key Reading Skill: To give/explain the meaning of words in context.

4. When he walked into the stifling front room, Tutu
was waiting. 1
1 mark
Which word is closest in meaning to stifling? mark
Tick one.

You are being asked to You have been given

think about what the four options to choose Choose an answer and
word ‘stifling’ means in from and you need to reread the sentence
the sentence you have tick one of them. with your new
been given and to synonym instead of
choose a word which Think about Tutu’s ‘stifling’. Does it make
means the same as it. house. Think about sense in the context of
what it must be like the story?
Find the sentence in the inside. Which of these
text and reread the words is most likely to Finally, clearly and
sentences mean the same as neatly tick one box.
around it. ‘stifling’?

Back Key Reading Skill: To give/explain the meaning of words in context.

5a. Look at the paragraph beginning: It wasn’t Hawaii's
rubbish either… 1
1 mark
What evidence is there that Tadeo does not like mark
the rubbish?

This is the first part of

this question. Reread that paragraph You need to clearly and
of the text. Is there neatly write down one
First, you are being anything that Tadeo thing from the
asked to think about says or does, either now paragraph which shows
how the text shows you or historically, which you that Tadeo does
that Tadeo does not shows that he does not not like the rubbish.
like the rubbish. like the rubbish on the
beach? Do not just quote the
Find the paragraph of text – explain how the
the text that is Underline any points evidence shows you
mentioned in you find that show you Tadeo’s feelings.
the question. this.

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with
Back evidence from the text.
5b. Look at the paragraph beginning: It wasn’t Hawaii's
rubbish either 1
1 mark
What evidence is there that Tadeo has liked the rubbish? mark

This is the second part You need to clearly and

of this question. Reread that paragraph neatly write down one
of the text. Is there thing from the
Now, you are being anything that Tadeo paragraph which shows
asked to think about says or does, either now you that Tadeo has
how the text shows you or historically, which liked the rubbish in the
that Tadeo has liked the shows that he has past.
rubbish. actually liked or
enjoyed the rubbish on Again, do not just
You will need to think the beach? quote the text – explain
about how both sides of how the evidence
the argument are Underline any points shows you Tadeo’s
being shown. you find. feelings.

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with
Back evidence from the text.
6. Give two times that Tadeo was asked about Tutu and
explain how he responded. 12

This question is worth Skim through the whole For each thing you find
two marks. text and find any parts that Tadeo was asked,
where someone asks look at the response
You will be given one Tadeo a question. that was given. This
mark for each time you Underline any questions may have been a verbal
correctly state what answer or an action.
Tadeo was asked and you find.
how he answered. Clearly write how
Are any of these about Tadeo responded to
Both points you give Tutu? If so, these count each of the things he
must be different. as ‘what Tadeo was was asked.

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
7. Look at the paragraph beginning: At first, all he could hear…
Find and copy a group of words that tells you that the 1
1 mark
voices were all speaking at the same time. mark

You are being asked to Within that paragraph, a If all of the voices are
find a group of words group of words will hint speaking at the same
within the paragraph that the voices are all time, how might it
you have been given. speaking at the same sound? Are there any
time. You are not being words that give you a
First, find the correct asked how you know hint?
paragraph and reread it. there are multiple
You are looking for voices – you are being Copy that group of
more than one word as asked how you know words onto the answer
that they are speaking line, spelling each
the answer. in unison. word correctly.

Back Key Reading Skill: To give/explain the meaning of words in context.

8. He jumped up and shone his torch around…
Why do you think that Tadeo did this? 1
1 mark

Think about why you

might jump up if you
You are being asked to Find the sentence that hear a voice. Also,
explain why Tadeo has been quoted in the think about the reason
jumped up and shone question and reread that that someone might
his torch around. section of the story. shine a torch around
the beach.
The answer itself is not What happens before
in the text but the text Tadeo jumps up? Why Neatly write a simple
will give you clues as might he be shining his reason why Tadeo did
to why Tadeo did this. torch around? this on the lines you
have been given.

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with
Back evidence from the text.
9a. Circle the correct option to complete each sentence below.
The text begins with… 1
1 mark

When you have

This is the first part of Each one of the options decided which option
this question. you have been given the text begins with,
either happens or is clearly and neatly put a
First, you are being mentioned in the text circle around your
asked to recall what but only one of them choice.
happens at the very happens as the
beginning of the text. text begins. If you accidentally
circle the incorrect
Reread the first few Read the four options – option, put a neat line
paragraphs to refresh can you spot which through it and clearly
your memory. happens first? choose the correct

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
9b. Circle the correct option to complete each sentence below.
In the evening, Tadeo… 1
1 mark

This is the second part When you have decided

of this question. Reread the section of which option is correct,
text which contains the clearly and neatly put a
Now, you are being word ‘evening’ or a circle around your
asked to recall what synonym for it. Think choice.
happens in about
the evening. what happens. When drawing your
circle, be controlled and
Can you find the word Now, read the four move your pencil
‘evening’ or a synonym options – can you spot carefully. Do not allow
for it in which one happens in your circle to touch
the text? the evening? more than
one option.

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
9c. Circle the correct option to complete each sentence below.
After midnight, Tadeo… 1
1 mark

This is the third and When you have decided

Reread the section of
final part of which option is correct,
text which contains the
this question. clearly and neatly put a
word ‘midnight’ and
circle around your
think about
You are being asked to choice.
what happens.
what happens Review all three choices
Now, read the four
after midnight. you have made for this
options – can you spot
question. Check that
Can you find the word none of the answers are
one happens
‘midnight’ in the text? the same as
after midnight?
each other.

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
10. What impression is the reader given about the character of
Tutu? Explain two features of his character, using evidence from 13
the text to support your answer. marks

This question is worth

three marks. You are being asked Now, find evidence in
what the text makes you the text that proves that
You will get all three think about Tutu. Based you are right to think
marks for giving two on what you have read, that about Tutu.
points and using what sort of person do
evidence from the text you think that Tutu is? When you have found
to support at least one How would you evidence, write your
of them. If you do not describe him? first answer and the
use evidence, the evidence on the lines.
maximum you can Make some notes in Then, write your second
score is two marks. your reading booklet. point.

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with
Back evidence from the text.
11. Number the following events 1-5 to show the order in
which they happened. The first one has been done for you. 1
1 mark

When you have found

For this question, you Read each of the other
all of the events, go
are going to be writing options you are given.
back and look at the
numbers to show what Then, skim through the
order they happen in.
order the events happen text.
in. The event which
You are looking for
happens after Fabia
The first event that each of the events that
scores a goal should be
happens already has the has been mentioned.
given the number 2.
number 1 next When you see that
Continue until you have
to it. event happen, put a
mark next to it.
2, 3, 4 and 5.

Back Key Reading Skill: To summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.
12. Based on what you have read, what does the last paragraph
suggest that Tadeo might do next? Use evidence from this 12
paragraph to support your prediction. marks

On the lines provided,

This question is worth write down what you
two marks. The question
specifically mentions predict Tadeo will do
the last paragraph so next. Then, give a
You will be given one piece of evidence from
mark for a sensible reread this carefully.
the text that supports
prediction and you will your prediction. You
be given another mark Is there something that
is said, thought or done might want to use the
if you use evidence words ‘because’ or ‘as’
from the text to support in this paragraph which
hints towards what to link your prediction
the prediction you to
make. Tadeo might do next?
the evidence.

Back Key Reading Skill: To predict what might happen from details stated and implied.

The Monster

The second text in this paper is a poetry piece.

There are 13 questions to answer worth a total of 17 marks.

Click on each question number to find out how to give the best possible answers.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20a 20b 21a 21b 22 23

13. Where would the poet sleep? Tick one.
1 mark

As you reread the Think about which

You are being asked to
verse, underline any option is closest to the
retrieve information
evidence to suggest evidence that you have
from the text about
where the poet sleeps. underlined in the text.
where the poet used to
sleep. Are there any
prepositions that give Finally, clearly and
you a clue? neatly tick one box. If
Can you find the word
you make a mistake,
‘sleep’ in the poem?
You have been given put a neat line through
When you find it,
four options to choose the incorrect answer
from. Read through and clearly tick your
that verse.
them. new choice.

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
14. Their darkened leaves and hollow trunks a
memory of what used to be. 1
1 mark
Why do you think that the trees were described in this way? mark

You are being asked to

think about why the Reread the verse that
the quote is taken from. Think about what the
author has chosen to trees must be like now if
describe the trees as What has happened to
cause the trees to the author has chosen to
having ‘darkened write about them in this
leaves’ and ‘hollow become darkened and
hollow? way.
trunks’ which are only
‘a memory of what Then, explain why you
used to be’. If the trees are only ‘a
memory’, what does think the description
this suggest has was used by writing on
The answer is not in the lines provided.
the text. happened to them?

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with
Back evidence from the text.
15. across trees that were the wrong way around
Why were the trees the wrong way around? Tick one. 1
1 mark

Reread the verses of

You are being asked to the poem which Read through the four
think about why the surround the quote you options you have been
trees are the wrong way have been given and given and see which one
around. think about what is matches your thoughts
happening. or makes the most sense
You have been given given what is happening
four options to choose Logically, why would in the poem.
from and you need to the trees be upside
tick one down? Have you ever Clearly and neatly tick
of them. seen trees upside down one choice.
in real life?

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with
Back evidence from the text.
16. had dissipated through the branches
What does dissipated mean? 1
1 mark

You need to try to Now, reread the verse

You are being asked define the word or give with your new word
what the word a synonym instead of ‘dissipated’.
‘dissipated’ means in for it. Think about whether the
the sentence you have word you have chosen
been given. In the context of the make sense in the
verse, can you think of context.
Find that sentence in another word which
the poem and reread could replace Finally, write your
the verses around it. ‘dissipated’ but keep synonym or definition
the meaning of the on the lines you have
verse the same? been given.

Back Key Reading Skill: To give/explain the meaning of words in context.

17. Look at the verse beginning: It roared and reared.
Choose the best words to match the action in that verse. 12
Circle both of your choices. marks

This question is worth You are being asked to

two marks. select the words which Look at the words you
best describe what have been given. Which
You will be given one happens in one best describes what
mark for each correct the poem. is happening in that
answer that verse of the poem?
you circle. Find the verse
mentioned in the Neatly draw a circle
There is only one question and reread it around one answer for
correct answer for each carefully. Try to picture each part of
part of what the question.
the question. is happening.

Back Key Reading Skill: To give/explain the meaning of words in context.

18. Which of these drawings best represents the monster?
Tick one. 1
1 mark

You are being asked to Think about which of

choose the drawing that Read through the text
and underline any the pictures matches the
looks the most like the most descriptors of the
monster you have read words that describe the
monster – especially monster. Is there a
about in picture which matches
the text. those which talk about
how it looks. all of them?

To do this, you will When you have worked

have to think about Now, look at the four
pictures you have been out which picture looks
how the monster has like the monster, clearly
been described. given.
tick the box beneath it.

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
19. How does the poet make the trees in the forest seem human?
Give two points. 12

This question is worth You need to write one

two marks. To make the trees seem
human, the poet might example of how the
have made the trees in trees seem human on
You will be given one each of the numbered
mark for each answer the poem act how
humans act or give lines you have
you give which been given.
explains how the poet them emotions that
makes the trees seem humans experience.
You are writing a total
human. of two different
Underline any
examples of this that answers. Each one
You will need to look should use evidence
at the whole poem. you find in the poem.
from the text.

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence
Back from the text.
20a. In the poem, the forest is described as many different colours.
According to the text on page 5 why might the forest have been 1
1 mark
described as blurs of green and yellow? mark

This is the first part

of this question. Reread that verse of the
poem. On the lines you have
been given, explain why
First, you are being you think that the forest
asked to think about why First, think about why
the trees have been is described in this way.
the forest has been
described as blurs of described as green and
yellow. Make reference to both
green the colour and the word
and yellow. ‘blurs’.
Next, think about why
Find this quote on the they have been
described as blurs. Check that your answer
page that is stated in makes sense.
the question. What is happening?

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence
Back from the text.
20b. According to the text on page 7, why might the forest have been
described as blurs of grey and black? 1
1 mark

This is the second part Reread that verse of the On the lines you have
of this question. poem. been given, explain why
you think that the
Now, you are being First, think about why description of the forest
asked to think about why the trees are now being has changed in this way.
the forest has been described as grey and
described as blurs of black. Make reference to both
grey and black. the new colours and the
Next, think about why word ‘blurs’.
Find this quote on the they are still being
page that is stated in the described Check that your answer
question. as blurs. makes sense.

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence
Back from the text.
21a. The mood of the poet changes throughout the extract.
Find and copy the line of the poem where the poet’s 1
1 mark
mood changes. mark

Think about what the

This is the first part of poet’s mood is like at You need to copy the
this question. the beginning of the words onto the answer
poem. line you have been
First, you are being given, making sure that
asked to find the part of As you are reading, try they are copied exactly
the poem where the to spot where the poet’s as they are written.
poet’s mood changes. mood changes.
Check that you have not
To do this, reread the When you realise the missed any words out
poem from the mood has changed, and that all words are
beginning. work out which words spelt correctly.
show it.

Key Reading Skill: To identify/explain how information/narrative

Back content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole.
21b. The mood of the poet changes throughout the extract.
How does the poet’s mood change? 1
1 mark

This is the second part Think about what the Explain how the poet’s
of this question. poet’s mood is like at mood changes on the
the beginning of the lines you have been
You have already poem and what it is like given.
identified where the at the end of the poem.
poet’s mood changes. Give information about
Now, you need to Try to sum up, in a what their mood was
explain how their mood sentence, what happens like at the beginning and
changes. to the poet’s mood. You what it was like at the
may want to think end. If you have time,
The answer is not in the about why this explain why their mood
text. happens. changed.

Back Key Reading Skill: To make comparisons within the text.

22. Look at the poem as a whole.
What impression are you given about the poet’s character? 13
Explain two features of their character, using evidence marks
from the text to support your answer.

This question is worth Now, find evidence in

three marks. You are being asked the text that proves that
what the poem makes you are right to think
You will get all three you think about the that about
marks for giving two character of the poet. the poet.
points and using Based on what you
evidence from the text to have read, how would When you have found
support at least one of you describe the poet? evidence, write your
them. If you do not use first answer and the
evidence, the maximum Make some notes in evidence on the lines.
you can score is two your reading booklet. Then, write your second
marks. point.

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence
Back from the text.
23. What is the main message of this poem? Tick one.
1 mark

Think about the poem

You are being asked to you have read. Think Read through the four
think about how you about what happens and options you have been
would sum up the the emotions that given. Which summary
overall message of are discussed. matches your thoughts
the poem. or makes the most sense
Without looking at the given what is happening
You have been given options you have been in the poem?
four options to choose given, think about how
from and you need to you would sum up the Clearly and neatly tick
tick one of them. main message of one choice.
the poem.

Back Key Reading Skill: To summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.


The third text in this paper is a non-fiction piece.

There are 10 questions to answer worth a total of 13 marks.

Click on each question number to find out how to give the best possible answers.

24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 32 33
24. Look at the first paragraph of the text.
Why are people looking for new ways to combat plastic 1
1 mark
pollution? Tick one. mark

You are being asked to

think why people want Reread the first Read through the four
to tackle plastic paragraph of the text. options you have been
pollution. The answer While you are reading, given. Which is the
is hinted at in the first think about why people most plausible reason
paragraph of might want to tackle that people might want
the text. plastic pollution. What to combat plastic
is discussed in this pollution?
You have been given paragraph that humans
four options to choose might Clearly and neatly tick
from and you need to want to do one choice.
tick one something about?
of them.

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence
Back from the text.
25. That’s the equivalent weight of over 60 million
adult elephants! 1
1 mark
How does this description aid the reader’s understanding? mark

Explain why the author

Reread the first has chosen to use that
You are being asked to paragraph of the text. description to help the
think like an author and Try to imagine just how reader to understand the
explain why they chose heavy 300 million text. Think about how
to explain that 300 tonnes of plastic would the description helped
million tonnes of be. Now, try to imagine you when you were
plastic is the same how heavy 60 million trying to imagine the
weight as over 60 adult elephants would weight of the plastic.
million adult elephants. be. Which one was
easier? Why? Write neatly and clearly
on the lines.

Back Key Reading Skill: To identify/explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.
26. … people are looking for new ways to combat the deluge
of unwanted plastic that’s being created every day… 1
1 mark
What does deluge mean? mark

Now, reread the

You need to try to sentence with your new
You are being asked define the word or give word instead of
what the word ‘deluge’ a synonym ‘deluge’. Think about
means in the sentence for it. whether the word you
you have been given. have chosen makes
In the context of the sense in the context.
Find that sentence in text, can you think of
the text and reread the another word which Finally, write your
paragraph around it. could replace ‘deluge’ synonym or definition
but keep the meaning on the lines you have
of the text the same? been given.

Back Key Reading Skill: To give/explain the meaning of words in context..

27. How can an ecobrick act as a mini time capsule?
1 mark

You are being asked to Think about what a

time capsule is and Explain how an
think about how an
what it does. ecobrick is similar to a
ecobrick can act as a
time capsule on the
Now, think about what lines provided.
time capsule.
people put into
ecobricks. Think about what
The answer is not in
people might do if they
the text but is hinted at
How are time capsules find a time capsule or
by information that you
and ecobricks similar in an ecobrick 100 years
have already been
terms of what can be from now.
given about ecobricks.
done with them?

Key Reading Skill: To make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence from
Back the text.
28. Write down three example items that can be put
into ecobricks. 13

List three different

This question is worth The text gives lots of example items on the
three marks. examples of items that numbered lines you
can be put into have been given.
You will get one mark ecobricks. You only
for every correct item need to list three of Make sure that you
you list, up to a them. spell each
maximum of three item correctly.
marks. Skim through the text
and underline any Make sure that you do
All of the answers are example items that are not write the same item
in the text. talked about. more
than once.

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
29. Using information from the text, put a tick in the correct
box to show whether each statement is true or false. 12

You are being asked to If the information in the

look at the four statement exactly
This question is worth
statements in the table matches the
two marks.
and work out whether information in the text,
each one is true or the statement is true. If
You will get two
false. it does not, it is false.
marks if all boxes are
ticked correctly. You
To work out the The statements in the
will get one mark if
answers, you need to table may be very close
three boxes are ticked
compare the statement to the information in
to the text you have just the text but not exactly
read. the same.

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
30. Look at the paragraph beneath the sub-heading Find.
Find and copy one word from this paragraph that is closest in 1
1 mark
meaning to ‘from time to time’. mark

You are being asked to Reread the paragraph –

find one word in the are there any words Find one word that
paragraph beneath the that you don’t know? makes sense when you
sub-heading Find Could any of them replace it with ‘from
which means ‘from mean ‘from time to time to time’.
time to time’. It will time’? Underline those
not have those words in words. Write that word on the
the answer.
answer line, making
Now, try saying ‘from sure that it is spelt
Go back to the text and time to time’ instead of correctly.
find the those words when you
correct paragraph. read the sentences.

Back Key Reading Skill: To give/explain the meaning of words in context.

31. Why should the contents of an ecobrick be completely
clean and dry? 1
1 mark

Use the information

You are being asked to
that you have found to
explain why the Reread the section explain why the
contents of an ecobrick which contains these contents must be clean
must be clean and dry. words. Does it explain and dry.
The answer to this why the contents must
question can be found be clean and dry? Write your answer on
in the text.
the lines provided.
Underline the
Skim the text for the explanation given in You may wish to copy
words ‘clean the text. the explanation from
and dry’.
the text itself.

Back Key Reading Skill: To retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
32. Below are some summaries of different sections of the text. Number
them from 1-5 to show the order in which they 1
1 mark
appear in the text. The first one has been done for you. mark

When you
Each statement is a
Read each of the other have found all of the
brief summary of a full
summaries you have sections, go back and
section of
been given. Then, think look at the order
the text.
about which section they appear in.
You are going to be
writing numbers to it summarises.
The section which
show what order the
For sections that you appears after that which
sections that have been
think have been has been marked as ‘1’
summarised appear in.
summarised, put a should be given the
The first section that
mark next to them in number 2. Continue
appears already has the
the reading booklet. until you have written
number 1 next to it.
2, 3, 4 and 5.

Back Key Reading Skill: To summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.
33. Which of the following would be the most suitable
summary of the whole text? Tick one. 1
1 mark

Think about the text Read through the four

You are being asked to you have read and options you have been
think about how you think about given. Which summary
would sum up the the information matches your thoughts
whole text. it presents. or makes the most
sense given the
You have been given Without looking at the information presented
four options to choose options you have been in the text?
from and you need to given, think about how
tick one you would sum up the Clearly and neatly tick
of them. text to a friend who one choice.
hasn’t read it.

Back Key Reading Skill: To summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.
There were a total of 50 marks awarded for this paper. How
did you do?

Which type of question did you find the trickiest

to answer?

What helped you when you were answering

the questions?

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