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Basic parts of vibrating sytem

LO3,LO4 &LO5 : Vibration
Dr. C.Subramanian
Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering
Elementary parts of vibrating systems

 Storing potential energy to kinetic energy (Spring or elasticity)

 Means for storing kinetic energy (mass or inertia)

 Means by which energy is lost (damper)

Vibration parameters
All mechanical systems
can be modeled by
containing three basic
spring, damper, mass

When these components are subjected to constant force,

they react with a constant
displacement, velocity and acceleration
Degrees of freedom
The minimum number of independent coordinates required to determine completely the
positions of all parts of a system at any instant of time defines the number of degrees of
freedom of the system

Single-degree-of-freedom systems

Three- degree-of-freedom systems

Two-degree-of-freedom systems
Free vibration
• When a system is initially disturbed by a displacement,
velocity or acceleration, the system begins to vibrate with a
constant amplitude and frequency depend on its stiffness and
• This frequency is called as natural frequency

Equilibrium pos.
Forced Vibration
If an external force applied to a
system, the system will follow the
force with the same frequency.
However, when the force
frequency is increased to the
’ system’s natural frequency,
amplitudes will dangerously
increase in this region. This
phenomenon called as
Undamped and damped vibration
If no energy is lost or dissipated in friction or other resistance during oscillation, the
vibration is known as undamped vibration.

If any energy is lost, during oscillation, the vibration is known as damped vibration

In many physical systems, the amount of damping is so small that it can be

disregarded for most engineering purposes. However, consideration of damping
becomes extremely important in analyzing vibratory systems near resonance
Modelling of vibrating systems
Lumped (Rigid) Modelling Numerical Modelling


Statistical and Energy-based

(SEA, EFA, etc.)
Degree of Freedom (DOF)
• Mathematical modeling of a physical system requires the
selection of a set of variables that describes the behavior
of the system.

• The number of degrees of freedom for a system is the

number of kinematically independent variables necessary
to completely describe the motion of every particle in the
Single degree of freedom (SDOF) Multi degree of freedom (MDOF)
Equivalent mathematical model of systems


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