Lecture 6 - CMS

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Content Management

System (CMS)
Lecture 7
• CMS is a web application you run on your web server to help facilitate
creating a website.
• A CMS provides GUI with tools to create, edit and publish web
content without the need to write code from scratch.
• It covers complete life cycle of pages on web site.
• Content can be anything..!!
• It requires almost no technical skill or knowledge .
• It keeps the track of every piece of content on our website.
• It allows the users to build dynamic websites and blogs.
• Content Management Application (CMA) -
• Content Delivery Application (CDA)
• User Management: It allows managing the user information such as changing the
role of the users to (subscriber, contributor, author, editor or administrator), create
or delete the user, change the password and user information. The main role of the
user manager is Authentication.
• Media Management: It is the tool for managing the media files and folder, in which
you can easily upload, organize and manage the media files on your website.
• Theme System: It allows modifying the site view and functionality. It includes
images, stylesheet, template files and custom pages.
• Extend with Plugins: Several plugins are available which provides custom functions
and features according to the users need.
• Search Engine Optimization: It provides several search engine optimization (SEO)
tools which makes on-site SEO simple.
• Multilingual: It allows translating the entire content into the language preferred by
the user.
• Importers: It allows importing data in the form of posts. It imports custom files,
comments, post pages and tags.
• Basic information flow,
1. Template is designed.
2. Content is entered as plain text or HTML into database.
3. Content is placed in template for display to the end user.
Functionality of CMS broken down into ,
• Content creation
• Content management
• Publishing
• Presentation
Types of CMS
• Enterprise CMS (ECMS) - This type of CMS is a comprehensive solution
that can deliver content management systems on an enterprise scale,
such as to serve an entire corporation or other large organization.
• Web CMS (WCMS) - Just as with the Enterprise CMS solutions, Web CMS
systems can incorporate a number of functions and benefits. In general,
these types of CMS allow numerous users to be able to contribute
content to a website, which may be controlled by an “Editor” or
someone who moderates what is actually published on the site.
• Document Management System (DMS) - is the use of a computer
system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents
and electronic images of paper based information captured through the
use of a document scanner. Document management is how your
organization stores, manages and tracks its electronic documents.
Types of CMS
• Mobile Content management system - is a centralized data store that
allows managing content for multiple platforms. A Mobile CMS is often
used as a backend for mobile applications and delivers content to several
platforms at once from a common data store.
• Component content management system - is a system that lets you
manage content at a component level. This system tracks links, versions,
and metadata associated with each component. It gives you unparalleled
granular control of your content. Instead of managing content page by
page, it takes words, phrases, paragraphs, or photos (also known as
“components”) and stores them in a central repository.
• Digital Asset Management System - With a digital asset management
system, users can store, organize, and share digital content with ease. A
DAM offers a simple, centralized library where clients, employees, or
contractors can access digital content. These assets include audio, creative
files, video, documents, and presentations. A DAM is cloud-based, so users
can access content from anywhere.
• Joomla
• Drupal
• WordPress
• CakePHP
• Mambo
• Zen cart
The Evolution of Web Pages

• Easy for web designer to create initial web pages
• Can't easily change a page - requires technical expertise
• Difficult to add new functions
The Evolution of Web Pages

• Separates content from presentation
• Style of entire website controlled by CSS.
• Web page is smaller and loads faster
The Evolution of Web Pages

• Goes further than CSS - it separates the content from the page.
• "Page" is a series of empty boxes that are filled from a database
• Initially time-consuming to write: scripts, database, templates.
• Many extensions and plug-ins
• It is an open source platform and available for free.
• CSS files can be modified according to the design as per users need.
• There are many plugins and templates available for free. Users can
customize the various plugins as per their need.
• It is very easy to edit the content as it uses WYSIWYG editor (What
You See Is What You Get is a user interface that allows the user to
directly manipulate the layout of document without having a layout
• Media files can be uploaded easily and quickly.
• It offers several SEO tools which makes on-site SEO simple.
• Customization is easy according to the user's needs.
• It allows creating different roles for users for website such as admin,
author, editor and contributor.
• Using several plugins can make the website heavy to
load and run.
• PHP knowledge is required to make modifications or
changes in the WordPress website.
• Sometimes software needs to be updated to keep the
CMS up-to-date with the current browsers and mobile
devices. Updating CMS version leads to loss of data,
so it a backup copy of the website is required.
• Modifying and formatting the graphic images and
tables is difficult.
Installing a Content Management System
• Option 1: Do-It-Yourself

• Option 2: Use the Installer!

Major Open Source Players
• Drupal
• Wordpress
• Joomla
• PHP-Nuke
• Typo3
• Java
• openCMS
• dotCMS
Joomla WCMS
Joomla WCMS
• Open Source - i.e. free
• But you'll have to pay somebody to personalise it, install it, back up
the database every week and sort out hiccups
• About 20 Mb
• Main technologies: PHP, MySQL
• Also uses JavaScript & Flash
Joomla WCMS
• Front end access only:
• Author: can create content.
• Editor: Can create and edit content
• Publisher: Can publish content
• Front and Back end access:
• Manager: Can change menus & site structure
• Administrator: Can install/uninstall modules
Joomla WCMS
• On-line editing
• Restricted access levels
• Workflow management
• Polls
• Contact Forms
• Site statistic display
• Detailed statistics for admin
• Search function
• PDF for readers
Joomla WCMS
Over 2000 extensions:
• Forums
• Shopping carts
• Email newsletters
• Calendars
• Photo Galleries
• Directories
• Recipe managers
• Help-desk management
• Fishing tournament tracking
• Hotel room bookings
Joomla WCMS
• Menu led not page led
• (Entering an article does not display it)
• Menu item controls:
• Articles
• Modules (menus, polls, statistics etc)
• Layout on page
• Same article on different menu can appear differently
• Pros
• Wide used
• Many modules
• Authentication and security
• Scalable
• Cons
• Steep learning curve
• Proprietary cycle
• Popular blogging tool
• Basic Content Management System
• Simpler to use and configure
• Also free and open source
• Official WordPress Site:
• Pros
• Widely used
• Many plug-ins
• Social
• Approachable
• Multi-user
• Very refined user experience
• Cons
• Less scalable
• Less secure
System Requirements for WordPress
• Database: MySQL 5.0+
• Web Server: WAMP (Windows)
 LAMP (Linux)
XAMP (Multi-platform)
MAMP (Macintosh)
• Operating System: Cross-platform
• Browser Support: IE (Internet Explorer 8+), Firefox, Google chrome,
Safari, Opera
• PHP Compatibility: PHP 5.2+
Using phpMyAdmin
• If your web server has phpMyAdmin installed, you may follow these
instructions to create your WordPress username and database. If you work
on your own computer, on most Linux distributions you can install
PhpMyAdmin automatically.
• Note: These instructions are written for phpMyAdmin 4.4; the phpMyAdmin
user interface can vary slightly between versions.
• If a database relating to WordPress does not already exist in
the Database dropdown on the left, create one:
• Choose a name for your WordPress database: ‘wordpress’ or ‘blog’ are good, but
most hosting services (especially shared hosting) will require a name beginning with
your username and an underscore, so, even if you work on your own computer, we
advise that you check your hosting service requirements so that you can follow them
on your own server and be able to transfer your database without modification.
Enter the chosen database name in the Create database field and choose the best
collation for your language and encoding. In most cases it’s better to choose in the
• Click the phpMyAdmin icon in the upper left to return to the main
page, then click the Users tab. If a user relating to WordPress does
not already exist in the list of users, create one:
• Click Add user.
• Choose a username for WordPress (‘wordpress’ is good) and enter it in the User name field. (Be
sure Use text field: is selected from the dropdown.)
• Choose a secure password (ideally containing a combination of upper- and lower-case letters,
numbers, and symbols), and enter it in the Password field. (Be sure Use text field: is selected from
the dropdown.) Re-enter the password in the Re-typefield.
• Write down the username and password you chose.
• Leave all options under Global privileges at their defaults.
• Click Go.
• # Return to the Users screen and click the Edit privileges icon on the user you’ve just created for
• # In the Database-specific privileges section, select the database you’ve just created for WordPress
under the Add privileges to the following database dropdown, and click Go.
• # The page will refresh with privileges for that database. Click Check All to select all privileges, and
click Go.
• # On the resulting page, make note of the host name listed after Server: at the top of the page. (This
will usually be localhost.)

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