Errors of Refraction

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Refractive error - Refractive error means that the shape of the
eye does not bend light correctly resulting in a blured image.
It can be of two types:
1. Emmetropia - (optically normal eye) it can be defined as a
state of refraction, where in the parallel rays of light coming from
infinity are focused at the sesitive layer of retina with the
accommodation beging at rest.
2. Ametropia - (abnormal eye) it is defined as a state of
refraction, when the parallel rays of light coming from infinity
[with accommodation at rest], are focused either in front or
behind the sensitive layer of retina.
it includes:
1). Myopia
2). Hypermetropia
3). Astigmatism
4). Presbyopia
5). Aphakia
6). pseudophakia
1. Myopia:
Myopia or short sightedness is a type of refractive error
in which parallel rays of light coming from infinity are
focused in front of the retina when the accommodation is
at rest.
In this error a person can see near by object but can’t
see far object clearly.
Causes- (a) due to increase in antero-posterior length of
the eyeball.
(b) due to increase in curvature of the cornea, lens or
1. Optical treatment of
myopia constitutes
prescription of appropriate
concave lenses, so that
clear image is formed on
the retina.
2. Surgical treatment:
LASIK( laser in situ
2. Hypermetropia:
Hypermetropia or long sightedness is the refractive state of
the eye wherein parallel rays of light coming from infinity are
focused behind the retina with accommodation being at rest.
In this error a person sees near objects with blurred vision,
distant object appear in sharp focus.
Causes- (a) due to shortening of the antero-posterior
of eye ball.
(b) The curvature of the cornea, lens or both is flatter than
the normal resulting in a decrease in the refractive power of
the eye.
1. Optical treatment of
Hypermetropia is to prescribe
convex lenses, so that light
rays are brought to focus on
the retina.
2. surgical treatment:
(a) Thermal laser keratoplasty
(b) Refractive lens exchange
3. Astigmatism:
It is a type of refractive error wherein the refraction varies in the
different meridia of the eye. Consequently, the rays of the light
entering in the eye cannot
Converge to a point focus but form focal lines.
In the outer curvature on the surface of the eye that causes
distorted vision. In astigmatism, a person cannot
focus on both horizontal and vertical lines.
Causes- due to the cornea that is not perfectly spherical.
Consequently, it has different curvature in different directions in
vertical and horizontal planes.
1. Optical treatment of
astigmatism comprises the
prescribing appropriate
cylindrical lens, discovered
after accurate refraction.
2. surgical treatment:
(a) LASIK procedure
(b) Astigmatic keratotomy
4. Presbyopia:
Presbyopia is not an error of refraction but a
condition in which the power of accommodation of
the eye usually decreases with aging. Patients
usually complaint of difficulty in reading small
prints. Another important complaint of the patient is
difficulty in threading a needle etc.
Causes- it arises due to gradual weakening of
cilliary muscles and diminishing flexibility of the eye
Treatment- The treatment of presbyopia is
prescription of Bifocal lenses (convex lens).
5. Aphakia:
Aphakia literally means ‘absence of crystalline lens’ from the
eye. However, from the optical point of view, it may be
considered a condition in which the lens is absent from the
pupillary area.
a) Congenital
b) Surgical
c) Trauma
Treatment: spectacles, contact lens, intraocular lens,
refractive corneal surgery.
6. Pseudophakia:
The condition of Aphakia when corrected with an intraocular
lens implant (IOL) is referred to as pseudophakia.

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