Introduction To Hosp. Pharmacy HK

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Introduction to H os pita

Pha rma
Definition of Hospital
Hospital is a complex organization utilizing
combination of intricate, specialized scientif ic
equipment and functioning through a group of
trained people educated to the modern medical
science problems.

These are all weld ed together in the common

purpose of restoration and maintenance of good
Classification of Hospital
Hospital can be classify on the following four
basis –

1. Types of Service

2. Length of Stay

3. Ownership

4. Bed Capacity
Types of Service

General Hospital Special Hospital

Length of

Stay Less than Stay More than

30 days 30 days

Governmental Non-Governmental

Profitable Non-Profitable
Bed Capacity

Under 50 Beds

050 – 099 Beds / 100 – 199 Beds

100 – 199 Beds / 200 – 299 Beds
300 – 399 Beds / 400 – 499 Beds

500 Beds or More

Function of Hospital
1. Patient Care

2. Education

3. Research

4. Public Health
Organizational Pattern of
Hos pita
l / Board of Trustees
Governing Board

DG (Hospital) / Director (Hospita l)

Working Group
(Departmental Head, Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurses and
Professional & Non- Professional Stuffs)
Committees in the H os pita
 Executive Committee
 Hospital Committee

 Finance Committee

 Public Relation Committee

 Developmental Committee

 and many more ……………..

Departme nts in the H os pita
Clin ical l
Medic ine Surger
 Internal cine y General Surgery

 A llerg
Medi  Orthopedic Surgery
 Cardiolog
y  Neurological S
 Iynfectious Diseases  Ophthalmology
 Dermatology  Otolaryngology
 Endocrinology  Plastic
s Surgery
 Geriatrics  Thoracic Surgery
 Pediatrics  Dental & Surgery
 Gastroenterology  Urology
 Radiology  Obstetrics & Gynecology
 and more
Services in the H osp ita
Professional Care Business Mana gement
 Ambulatory care  Accounting
 Anesthesia  Admitti ng
 Blood bank  Business office
 Clinical  Computer
 laboratory
Dental Service  office
 Eme genc y  Information service
 M C  Post office
 R
Nursing service  and others as per requirement
 Pharmacy service of Hospital
 Radiology
 and more
Departme nts in the H os pita
l Supporting
 Nursing Service  Pharmacy Service
 Die et ic Serv ce  MR
t i C
 Pathology Service  Blood Bank
 Radiology  Med cal Soci al Ser v ce
iCent ral Serv ce i
 Anesthesia 

Many other t t ed or services may be present as

per hospital requirement
Definition of Hospital Ph armac
y Pharmacy is a department or service in a hospital
which is under the direction of a professionally competent,
legally qualif ied pharmacist and from which all medications
are supplied to the nursing department & other services,
where special prescriptions are f illed for patients in the
hospital, where prescriptions are f illed for ambulatory (out)
patients, where pharmaceuticals are manufacture in bulk,
where narcotic & other prescribe drugs are dispensed, where
biologicals are stored & dispensed, where injectable
preparations should be prepared & sterilized and where
professional supplies are often stocked & dispensed.
Func tions of Hospital Pharmacy
(In a Nut-Shell)
 from which all medications are supplied to the nursing
department & other services
 where special prescriptions are f illed for patients in the
 where prescriptions are filled for ambulatory (out) patients
 where pharmaceuticals are manufacture in bulk
 where narcotic & other prescribe drugs are dispensed
 where biologicals are stored & dispensed
 where injectable
n preparations should be prepared & sterilized
 where professional supplies are often stocked
s & dispensed
Minimum Standard of Hospital
Pharmacy Practice
1. Organization

2. Policies

3. Personnel

4. Facilities

5. Responsibilities
Hospital Administration

Director / Head, Pharmacy Department

u & Administrative Operation

Prof essional & inical Educat ional & Technical Research &
cCl Service
c Support
 Nuclear Pharmacy  Drug ion & Poison Service &
 Pharmaceutical

 Unit Dose Dispense InformatCon ro Clinical

Research Division
 Ambulatory care & t
 Education & l  Assay & Q/C Division

Homecare Service
r c Training
o l Stuff
u  Biopharmaceuticals
p a u
 I/V Admixture
x Division
v Development
v  Manufacturin
u g & Packing
 Residency Training  Purchasin g
 Sterile Product Division &
 Drug Programme Cont rol
Division  Computer Div is ion

 Clinical Pharmacy Service  Departmental

 Service
IND Studies Division
Director / Head, Pharmacy Department with Pharmacy Stuffs frame
and develop rules and regulations related to the administrative
policies oof the department

Send it to PTC for initiate and develop, if necessary

Send it to Hospital Administration (CEO) to placed it in the Board

meeting for approval

Approve by the Board


 Director
c / Head, Pharmacy
c Departmentn

 One or more Assi sst ant Direc

c or

 St uff Pharmaci sst

 Res idents ( where resi denccy programme in hospital ph armacy

c exist)

 Personnel trained in non-professional functions


 C erical h elp
 Necessary equipments for compounding, dispensing and
manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and parenterals.

 Book- keepi ng supplies & rel at ed materials and equipment s

necessary for the proper a dministrati o of the department.
 Adequate library and f illing equipment to make drug information
readily available to Pharmacists
s & Physicians.

 Sp eci al locked s t orage space f or narcot cs, alcohol & other

iabuseable and prescribed d ugs.
 Refrigerator for thermolabile products.

 Adequat e s p ace for undi sturbed wor k with proper light ing and
Th ree (03) resp onsibilities of Pharmaci st f th u P ati
a ient & Out
Inpat ents
Dispensing Area Patient
n e Area
or bo General Responsibilities
 Insure that establ ishe d Car
 I spect re gularly the Pr vide drug informat ion as
policies & procedures are medicatio
n n areas on th e o necessary to the
fo llow nursing unit medical stuff
 Co-ordinates
- over all
 Check foe accuracy in the Identifies drug s broug ht ca needs of the
work o support r ive personnel into
n the clinics
c ambulatory
pharmaceuti l r cce
a r servi
 Ade uate record
ec keeping
e &  Assist
s s in drug-productc &  Provide
ro adequate
e a control
c r
billq ng entity section
i  Ma inta
n in p rr e onal
 Maintains professi onal comp etence i n area

Insure that proper

techniques are used in
Job Description of Hospit a Pharmacis t
 l
Dispensing of Prescriptions (Main function)
With t is fo llowings are also performed
 purchase, manufacturec and quality testing
s of
o all medic ines used in hospital
 checking individual prescription
s to minimize error
 participating word round and taking part in decision-making on appropriate
 discussing treatment wit h patient’s relative or other
o health professionals
 supervising work of
o less experienced & qualified stuffs
 Answering questions aboutumedicines from within hospital, ot her hospitals
and general public
 keeping up to date with research and development
 writing & implementing
n guidelines for pharmacy
 Se tting up and supervis ing clinical ials

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