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Consider this situations:
School situation 1

School A has this program Excellence: A Commitment to

Every Learner (ExCEL) a program focusing on the primary
reasons why students fail in school: reading deficits,
behavior problems, lack of parental involvement, and lack
of concrete connection to real-world issues.

ExCEL includes a learning center for students in need of

learning support or intensive remediation as well as
a strong family support component
School situation 2

Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) reaches 35,000 students and

their families, staff and community partners with their easy-
to-use website. While a website is a must-have for any school
district, a good website is more difficult to achieve. That is
especially the case when you’re providing information to so
many people about more than 50 schools. So what makes the
CPS site stand out?

The design is bright and clean with lots of photography. That

combination makes you want to spend more time on the site.
The web architecture, or how the information is organized, is
done in as few broad categories as possible. This means
fewer links cluttering up the navigation, as well as few clicks
as possible to find what you need.
School Situation 3:

Mesa County Valley School District 51 (D51) provides rich professional

development opportunities for their staff and is demonstrating their
commitment to personalized learning through the Elevate Summit.

The D51 hosted their first Elevate Summit, they had more than 400
educators attend for integrated, cross-district, cross-role development. The
second annual event occurred earlier this month and had 600 educators in
attendance from D51 and surrounding districts.

“The district is creating a strong community of practice by hosting this

conference,” Cris Charbonneau said. “It shows commitment from the
educators there to the district vision and to providing students with rich
personalized learning experiences.”
In the Kenowa Hills Personal Mastery eNewsletter, the Kenowa
Hills Public Schools District engages parents and community
members on an ongoing discussion of the district’s
transformation to personalized learning. Featuring guest writers,
lots of photos from classrooms and bite-size stories, the
newsletter is an easy way to deliver a lot of information without
overwhelming people.

By incorporating various voices in their newsletter, Kenowa

Hills is able to provide a platform by which many people can
share messages along the same theme.
1. How are you going to describe the school as
reflected by its program
2. In what area does each school focus ?
3. Do you think because of its program the
school will be effective in the delivery of its
services? Why?
4. What is the role of the school principal
/administrator in the aforementioned school


By definition, effective schools should
produce stable and consistent results
overtime that apply to all students
within the school…Underlying the
notion of school accountability is the
belief that school personnel should be

held responsible for improving student

Ronald H. Heck
Effectiveness is a measure of the
match between stated goals and their

Effectiveness of schools are measured in

terms of achievements of its objectives and
learning outcomes of its students

Effective schools include students, teachers,

parents, and principals who are willing to
assume leadership roles and play a very
important role in the functioning of school
Measuring an effective school is a complex task. It
requires that principals and teachers view the school as a
dynamic social structure in which instructional effectiveness (as
measured by pupil achievement scores) is a subset of a larger
systematic concept of school effectiveness.

Brookover (1979) emphatically stated that the characteristics of

an effective school are not isolated components, but that they
are integrated and must be considered as a whole.

Definitions of effectiveness should encompass qualitative

variables (i.e., school climate, instructional leadership, high
expectations, etc.).as well as quantitative variables (public
achievement scores)
Ronald Edmonds (1982) identified five distinct
characteristics in high achieving schools:

1. Strong administrative leadership, particularly in the

area of curriculum and instruction;

2. an orderly, safe environment conducive to learning;

3. a pervasive and broadly understood focus

emphasizing a commitment to basic skills;

4. teacher behaviors that convey the expectation that

all students are expected to obtain at least minimum

mastery; and

5. the use of measures of pupil achievement as the

basis of program evaluation.
1. A clear and shared focus
knowing the expectation or goal for a project can
often mean the difference between performing poorly
and performing well. When an entire school knows and
shares the focus, everyone within that school works
better toward the end goal.

2. High standards and expectations

for all students
If expectations are high, performance tends to be high as
well , allow students to work at or slightly above
instructional level—in challenging, but not frustrating
material—in order to accelerate progress.
3. Effective school leadership
strong leadership does not begin and end with the administration.
A high-performing school has good leaders at all levels—principal,
faculty, staff, parents, students, and so on. Provides
high-quality trainings and individualized coaching services so that
teachers may lead others in implementing programs to support
literacy development.

4. High levels of collaboration and

Schools that have a teamwork mentality and good
communication measures—both within the school and as part of
a greater community—tend to perform best

5. Curriculum, instruction and assessments

aligned with state standards
High-performing schools use research-based strategies and
materials. They also train staff to understand state
assessments and respond appropriately to the results
6. Frequent monitoring of learning and
When teachers are able to closely monitor student
progress, they can make the appropriate adjustments
to ensure each student’s needs are being met.
Successful schools incorporate frequent monitoring
and offer support to students who need extra help.

7. Focused professional development

Successful schools support staff in obtaining high-quality
professional development.
8. A supportive learning environment
In addition to offering a healthy and respectful
school climate, research shows that successful
schools offer personalized instruction and small-
group interactions to increase student-to-teacher

9. High levels of family and community

Finally, successful schools embrace the “village
mentality” of leaning on family and community
members to help with education. Support from
parents and guardians is a vital part of school
More on effective
Lezotte (1991) in his study found out seven
correlates of effective schools which evolved the
original correlates shared by Edmonds (1982) and
added two variables by actual research findings:
1) Instructional leadership,
2) Clear vision and mission,
(3) Safe and orderly environment,
(4) High expectations for students’ achievement,
(5) Continuous assessment of student
(6) Opportunity and time on task
(7) Positive home-school relations.
PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES constitute the quantity of schools’
services and products for students, educators and other
constituents and the quality of each output
For students:
• Academic achievement
• Creativity and self-confidence,
aspirations ,expectations,graduation and drop out rates
For Teachers:
• Job satisfaction and turnover
For Administrators:
• Job satisfaction , balanced budgets and commitment
• For Society :perception of SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS
Social Systems and School
According to Hoy and Miskel (2013) all schools are open
systems that comprise of inputs, transformation process,
outputs, feedback and the environment (Aydin, Sarier, & Uysal,

The open-system portraits organization as not only affected by

environments, but also dependent on them. Open-system’s
cyclic process, it starts with inputs, transformation and output.
Organizations take inputs from the environment, transform them
and produce outputs (Neal, 2013).
Social System constituent promotes working environments
with defined rewarding structure, supervisory practices, work
policies and supportive management structures which are
important features of effective school.

This implies that, clearly defined work role where teachers

are made to understand the goals and expectations of the
schools, supported with adequate supervision, opportunities
for participatory decision making, interaction flows that are
governed by professionalism and competence, in addition to
healthy teamwork enhances effectiveness of schools, thus,
positive and greater work outcome

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