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President Barack Obama

at the COP26
Climate Change
1. summits: các hội nghị thượng đỉnh
2. die hard: bảo thủ
3. at hand: sắp tới
4. to inherit: kế thừa
5. to fall short: thiếu, không đủ
6. to address: giải quyết, xử lý
7. crisis: cuộc khủng hoảng
8. collectively: về mặt tập thể
9. transcript: bản ghi lại
10. degree: mức độ
11. emission: chất hải
12. to set target: đặt mục tiêu
13. bottom line: điểm mấu chốt, điểm cốt lõi
14. to make sense: có ý nghĩa
15. net zero: bằng không
16. to pledge: cam kết
17. to align: sắp xếp
18. agreement: thỏa thuận
19. to jumpstart: khởi động
20. adapted: thích nghi
21. to roll back: rút đi
22. requirements: các yêu cầu
23. regulatory: theo quy định
24. to stay the course: tiếp tục quy trình
25. hostility: sự thù địch
26. fossil fuel: nhiên liệu hóa thạch
27. version: phiên bản
28. legislation: đạo luật
29. to devote:dành ra
30. Carbon Neutrality Act: đạo luật trung hòa carbon
31. to lay out a path: vạch ra lộ trình
32. milestone: cột mốc
33. to hit: tiến hành
34. along the way: trong suốt quá trình
35. framework: khuôn khổ
1. Thank you very much. Thank you. Please. Well, it is wonderful to be back in the UK. I am a private
citizen now so trips like this feel a little bit different than they used to. I don’t get invited to the
big group photo. Traffic is a thing again. Music doesn’t play when I walk into the room. On the
positive side, I can give a speech like this without wearing a tie and not create a scandal back
home. I hope. But even though I’m not required to attend summits like this anymore, old habits
die hard.
2. And when the issue at hand is the health of our planet and the world our children and our
grandchildren will inherit, then you will have a hard time keeping me away. That’s why I’m here
today to talk about what’s happened in the six years since I spoke to the United Nations Climate
Change Conference in Paris and to talk about the steps we need to take if we want to keep
doing big things.
3. What is also true is that collectively and individually we are still falling short. We have not done
nearly enough to address this crisis. We are going to have to do more. Whether that happens
or not to a large degree is going to depend on you. Not just those of you in this room, but
anybody who’s watching or reading a transcript of what I say here today. That was true six years
ago as well.

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