Coding and Debugging

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Round 1
•Participants will be presented with 25 multiple-choice questions.
•Questions will be evenly distributed among the four programming languages: C, C++, Java,
and Python, with approximately 6-7 questions per language.
•Questions will vary in difficulty level, covering basic, intermediate, and advanced concepts
in each language.
•The test duration will be 30 minutes, during which participants must answer as many
questions as possible.
•Participants are advised to manage their time effectively to ensure they attempt all questions
within the given time frame.
•At the end of the 30-minute duration, participants must submit their responses.
•The answers will be evaluated, and scores will be based on the number of correct answers.
Round 2
Loop Game
•Participants will engage in a loop game challenge using Blockly Games - Maze platform.
•The challenge consists of completing 10 maze-based challenges, each designed to test participants'
understanding and proficiency in using loops and conditionals.
•Participants will have a time limit of 1 hour to complete all 10 challenges.
•The challenges will progressively increase in difficulty, requiring participants to utilize loops effectively
to navigate through the mazes.
•If a participant exits from the game screen or navigates away from the challenge page, they will be
disqualified from the round.
•Participants must focus and ensure they remain engaged with the game for the entire duration of the
•The objective is to complete all 10 challenges within the allotted time while maximizing accuracy and
efficiency in solving the mazes using loops.
•At the end of the 1-hour duration, participants' progress will be evaluated based on the number of
challenges completed successfully.
•Scores will be determined by the number of challenges completed and the time taken to complete them
Round 3
Blind Coding
•Competitors will participate in a blind coding event where their computers will be
turned off.
•Each competitor will randomly select one simple program from the coding bowl.
•The programs in the coding bowl will involve basic arithmetic operations such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
•Competitors will have 30 minutes to execute the selected program.
•The selected program must compile and execute successfully within the given time
•Competitors are not allowed to use any external resources or reference materials
during the execution of the program and they are not allowed to turn on the pc
• Competitors will be evaluated based on the correctness and efficiency of their code
Round 4
Real-World Coding Ques
• The final round of the competition is Competitive Programming, where participants will face real-world coding
questions sourced from leading tech companies such as Amazon, Flipkart, and Meta (formerly Facebook).

• Participants will be presented with a series of coding challenges that reflect the types of problems commonly
encountered in technical interviews and coding assessments conducted by top-tier companies.

• The questions will cover a wide range of topics, including data structures, algorithms, dynamic programming,
string manipulation, and more.

• Each question will be designed to test participants' problem-solving skills, algorithmic thinking, and ability to
write efficient and optimized code.

• Participants will have a specified amount of time to solve each coding question. The time limit for each question
will be communicated clearly before the start of the round.

• Scoring will be based on the correctness, efficiency, and elegance of participants' code solutions, as well as the
number of questions successfully solved.

• The winner of the Competitive Programming round will be determined based on their performance in solving the
coding challenges and achieving the highest score overall.

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