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The Work Of Our Immune System

and vaccines against viruses

M O H A M E D YO U S S E F - N O O R E L D E E N -YA S S I N E L D I D I - K A R I M FA RO U Q-
The Work of the immune system against viruses
White blood cells are responsible for fighting pathogens and against rabies our white blood
cells use antibodies to fight it. Neutralizing antibodies are chemicals that are able to
neutralize infectivity. Infectivity is the ability of a virus to replicate inside the cell to transmit
diseases to other cells. As stated before, rabies infects our nervous system, so our immune
system produce the neutralizing antibodies to prevent the transferring of the virus.
The Types of Immune System
The innate immune system is the first line of defense in our immune system. Our innate
system can prevent pathogens from entering our body in many the most important type of
cells is the dendritic cells. Those cells are the link between our two immune systems. There
are other cells like phagocytes and macrophages that can engulf 100 pathogens before
dying. Our innate system can also defend us physically; for example our skin. The adaptive
immune system is consisted of T-cells and B-cells. There are two types of T cells, one that
scans for viruses and the other that stores information in any pathogen to make it easier to
fight. The B-cell is responsible for producing antibodies that kill a pathogen still in the
circulatory system.
The help of vaccines in our body
There are many different types of vaccines that help our immune system fight viruses. The main function of any vaccine's is
to help the immune system recognize a pathogen faster and kill it. Live attenuated vaccines like the MMR, which are made
of the same pathogen but a much weaker and tamer version, are very difficult to make and people with weak immune
systems cannot have them as they are active and powerful. Another type is the inactive vaccine, which is made by the
same virus but a killed version of it. Scientists are making a new type of vaccines called DNA vaccines. Those are vaccines
consisted of the genes that make a specific antigen. That gives our immune system a lot more details about the pathogen,
which makes it more efficient and effective.
The viruses our immune system cannot kill
The HIV virus infects one of the most important immune system cells in the body; the T-cells. After the HIV
enters the cell, it does all what makes it undefeatable. Our immune system tries to fight the HIV by
producing proteins that stop virus production, but the virus produces chemicals to disable cell’s proteins
and makes more copies of itself. Eventually, the immune system is exhausted and can't work and the body
has no ability to produce others. That is known as AIDS. Until now, we can't find anyways to beat HIV.
Tunisia's campaign to kill stray dogs:
Tunisia started a campaign on July, 2021 to kill stray dogs in the whole country. That campaign was made because a 8
year old girl was bitten by a stray dog and died. After a few months. Tunisia have killed many stray dogs after hiring hunters
to do so, but all of people weren’t content with that campaign. Many people had different opinions than Tunisia:
• 'It made me sick… They even killed puppies' That was said by A British girl who works in an organization that help save stray
animals. She claimed that she found a few dogs and puppies-that she often fed- dead in front of her house
• 'The solution is simple: feed them, sterilize them and vaccinate them' That was said by Malika, the founder of Tunisia’s
animal’s voices. She claims that animals don’t deserve that and that the solution is only to feed, sterilize, and vaccinate
• "What we want and are demanding is a law that imposes on municipalities to create centres for the control of stray
dogs. We are asking all municipalities to set up sterilisation centres." says Nowel Lakech, head of animal rights group

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