Personality Disorders

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Personality Disorders

Personality: an ingrained, enduring pattern

of behaving and relating to self, others, and
the environment
Personality disorders: when personality
traits become inflexible and maladaptive
• Cluster A: people whose behavior is odd or
eccentric (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal)
• Cluster B: people who appear dramatic,
emotional, or erratic (antisocial, borderline,
histrionic, narcissistic)
• Cluster C: people who are anxious or fearful
(avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive)
Types of Personality Disorders
• 1. Borderline- fears separation, impulsive, unstable but
intense relationship, hypochondriacal
• 2. Antisocial- habitually breaks the law; with low self-
esteem, lacks sense of guilt
• 3. Dependent- with incessant demands for attention
from others, lacks self-confidence, needs excessive
reassurance and advice
• 4. Schizoid- withdrawn, last to catch up in fashion,
introvert, aloof, has solitary life-style
• 5. Schizotypal- poorly developed social skills, odd,
eccentric behavior
• 6. Histrionic- overly concerned with physical
appearance, attention seeking-behavior, extrovert
• 7. Avoidant- fears rejection, remains aloof in
relationships, feels inferior to others
• 8. Paranoid- extreme mistrust and suspiciousness, very
private, uses projection
• 9. Passive-aggressive- loves to procrastinate,
expresses anger through passivity
• 10. Narcissistic- believe that they are special and the
demand special attention
• 11. Obsessive-Compulsive- excessively devoted to
work and productivity, perfectionist, inflexible, rigid

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