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School gymnasium

Cultural life of the

Yana Skvortsova
Form 10-A
Introduction The purpose of the work
• Consolidate already learned material in English
• Get new knowledge and expand your horizons.
• To study the cultural features of the country I am
• Improve English language skills.
The aim

• Gaining a deeper understanding and analysis of cultural traditions, heritage,

values, habits and behavior of people.
• The study of culture can also help reveal the diversity and richness of
cultural traditions and heritage of different peoples, and show how they
change over time and under different conditions.
• Culture is the identity of any country, it makes it unique and special, I want
to prove it in my work.





Chapter 1
English tea traditions include drinking tea
1.1.English tea with milk and sugar, accompanied by
cucumber sandwiches and other toppings,
as well as a variety of sweets such as scones
and cookies. Often this tradition is called
"five o'clock tea" and it has become a
symbol of British culture.
English tea traditions also include the use
of tea ware, in particular teapots, cups and
saucers, usually with patterns and
decorative elements.
Pubs in Britain are traditional pubs where you can try authentic English beer, chat
and relax. They usually have a stylish interior with dark wood, lights, a cozy
atmosphere and often offer food. Many pubs are also centers of social life in towns
and villages. The pub is the place where people can meet and talk in a friendly
atmosphere. English men like to get together in the pub in the evening.

1.2. Pubs in Great

1.3. Traditional
English food

Traditional British meals include a variety of meat dishes such

as roast beef, roast sausage and chicken and sausages, as well
as fries and pies. For breakfast, egg dishes, bacon, sausage and
legumes are popular. There are also traditional desserts such
as pudding, apple pie and cod liver oil. In general, British
cuisine is known for its hearty and tasty dishes.
1.4,5. Fireplaces and Gardening
• Fireplaces are an important part of
British architecture and interior design,
especially in winter. They create a cozy
atmosphere in the house and add
aesthetic charm to the room.
• British gardens are known for their
beauty and sophistication. They often
contain a variety of plants, flowers and
shrubs that are tended with the utmost
care. for many, gardening is a hobby and
they are passionate about creating
beautiful and aesthetic gardens in their
private plots.
Chapter 2
English literature is a broad and diverse genre that
spans many eras and styles. The history of English
literature begins with Anglo-Saxon poetry and prose,
but over time, famous novels, poems, plays and essays
appeared. Some of the most famous works of English
literature include Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet,
Dickens' Oliver Twist, Joyce's Ulysses, Orwell's 1984,
and Martin's Game of Thrones. English literature is an
important part of world culture and has a significant
influence on literature and art in general.
2.2.Architecture of
England The architecture of England can be described as a mixture of different styles
and eras. Among the most famous architectural monuments are medieval castles
and Gothic cathedrals, such as the Palace of Westminster and the Cologne
Cathedral. Renaissance, Baroque and Classicist buildings, such as Palace of
Westminster and Buckingham Palace, also play a significant role in the history
of English architecture.
2.3,4. Theatre and British music

English theatre has a long history and many acclaimed

classics, such as Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams. In
the modern English-speaking world, there are many well-
known theatre companies, such as the Royal Shakespeare
Company and the National Theatre.

As for music, the UK is known for its

traditional genres, such as folk and
rock, as well as world-famous
performers such as The Beatles,
Rolling Stones, Adele, and Ed Sheeran.
Chapter 3
3.1,2.Traditional holidays

English traditional holidays reflect the country's cultural

heritage and history. One of the most famous holidays is
Christmas, when big cities are decorated with lights.
Also, a great tradition is the celebration of Easter, when
egg hunts are held and special dishes are prepared.
Another famous holiday is St. Patrick's Day, which is
celebrated in many countries, including Great Britain. In
addition to those listed, there are many other traditional
English holidays such as Halloween, Valentine's Day,
Banquet Fest, Guy Fawkes Day and All Hallows' Day.
Chapter 4
4.1. Parliament of the UK
The Parliament of England is the legislative body of
Great Britain. It consists of two chambers: the House
of Commons (which includes elected representatives of
the people) and the House of Lords (which includes
representatives of the clergy, aristocracy, and other
appointees). The Parliament plays a crucial role in the
legislative process and oversight of government
activities. Monarch

House of Commands House of Lords

The Royal Family of England is a symbol of Great Britain and its cultural
4.2.The Royal heritage. The head of the family is the king or queen, who typically reigns for
long periods of time. The family performs various duties such as representing
Family the country on the international stage, engaging in charitable work, and
supporting traditions and cultural events in Great Britain.
In conclusion, studying British culture is not
only valuable for those who plan to visit or work
in the country, but also for those who seek to
enhance their language skills, broaden their
worldview, and promote cultural understanding.
By studying the culture of the United Kingdom,
individuals can gain a greater appreciation of its
history, values, and customs, and develop the
skills and knowledge needed to engage
effectively with its people and society. During the
writing of my work, I learned a lot of new things
and also refined and used the already studied
material in English lessons at school.

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