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InTASC Standards

By. Maggie Blemings

Standard 1: Learner Development
• The teacher understand how learners grow and develop, recognizing
that patterns of learning and development vary from student to
• This visual shows the process of how this standard is to be used in the
• While Student Teaching: I was able to change the way I worded
certain things to have students understand what was being taught
Standard 2: Learning Differences
• The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse
cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning.
• This visual shows all the connections that are used for students and
how they are work together and need to be together to have a
benefit on the student.
• While Student Teaching: I recognized that every student is a different
learning then their classmates or even myself I did my best to make
sure that all would benefit from the lesson. I had visuals, verbal and
reading in almost all lessons.
Standard 3: Learning Environments
• The teacher works with others to create an environment that support
individuals and collaborative learning.
• This visual shows the areas that need to be used and the branches off
of each to ensure the students can work together or individually with
an appropriate outcome.
• While Student Teaching: the desk were in groups of four for when
students were able to work together they knew exactly who to work
Standard 4: Content Knowledge
• The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures of the disciplines.
• This visual is an example of what can be used in a math class as a way
for students to be hands on.
• While Student Teaching: many manipulatives were used, especially in
math, a personal favorite was when my students got to use M&Ms for
a counting manipulative.
Standard 5: Application of Content
• The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing
perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking.
• This visual is an example of a different way that students can really
understand the material that is being taught. This could be something
that is hung in the classroom.
• While Student Teaching: I made many posters that were and still are
up in the classroom for certain lessons and activities that we were
teaching at the time.
Standard 6: Assessment
• The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to
engage learners on their own growth.
• This visual is a way that students can self assess themselves that the
teacher then look over.
• While Student Teaching: I assessed students using test, observation,
writing and reading out loud.
Standard 7: Planning for Instruction
• The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting
rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas.
• This visual shows what the planning can look like for the teacher and
how it can be used when ready to teach.
• While Student Teaching: I worked with my cooperating teacher to
make sure that what I was planning made sense and the students
would be engaged during the lesson.
Standard 8: Instructional Strategies
• The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies
to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content
areas and their connections
• This visual show the different instruction and how they are all
connected to the main point of instruction.
• While Student Teaching: I observed and did my self a lesson that used
multiple ways of instruction; whole group, small group, partner work,
Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical
• The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses
evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice.
• This visual shows all the branches of the professional learning and
how you can use them.
• While Student Teaching: I got to receive and give tips of what when
good and bad during a lesson. Learned how to self-evaluation myself
and give an observation to someone else.
Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration
• The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to
take responsibility for student learning.
• This visual has the description of a teacher leadership and how
leadership is descripted in the classroom.
• While Student Teaching: I gained the confidence and respect that I
never thought I could of gained without this experience. Got to see a
way of teaching from two great cooperating teachers.

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