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Trivia about ISS 01

02 Watch a video about ISS

Reading- Reading 03
01 Work in your group
Choose the best answer for each question
1 What does ISS stand for?

A. Internet Space System B. International Space System

C. International Space Service D. International Space Station

When was the first ISS module
2 launched?

A. 1984 B. 1990s

C. 1998 D. 2009
3 The ISS uses…..

A. solar power B. nuclear power

C. thermal power D. wind power

Which organization is mainly in
4 charge of the ISS?

A. NASA (the US) B. Roscosmos (Russia)

C. CSA (Canada) D. JAXA (Japan)

5 How many orbits around the earth does
the ISS make a day?

A. 1 B. 4

C. 16 D. 32
6 What’s the speed of the ISS?

A. ~12,000 km/h B. ~24,000 km/h

C. ~28,000 km/h D. ~32,000 km/h

Where does the liquid waste (urine) of
7 the ISS astronauts go?

A. Back to earth in a storage tank B. Is recycled and reused

C. To the space D. Is used to create burning energy

When did the Columbia disaster
8 happen?

A. 2001 B. 2003

C. 2008 D. 2011
9 How is your gravity in the ISS?

A. 25% on earth B. 53% on earth

C. 88% on earth D. 90% on earth

What’s this movie which was inspired
10 by space missions and disasters?

A. Interstellar (2014) B. The Martian (2015)

C. Gravity (2013) D. Hidden Figures (2016)

2 Life in the ISS
All the comforts
of home
Vocabulary building: -ation/ -ion
accommodate (1)
construct (2)
direct (3)
educate (4)
(5) exploration
locate (6)
(7) transportation
Vocabulary building: -ation/ -ion
accommodate (1) accommodation
construct (2) construction
direct (3) direction
educate (4) education
(5) explore exploration
locate (6) location
(7) transport transportation
Text completion
The International Space Station is a base for space (1)
and research. It travels 400 kilometers (249
miles) above the Earth, always moving in an east-to-west
(2) ________. Moving at 28,000 kilometersdirection
miles) per hour, it passes over the same (3) ________ on
Earth every four minutes. Rockets (4) ________
astronauts to and from the ISS, which can transport
(5) ____________ six astronauts at one time.
Text completion
The International Space Station is a base for space (1)
exploration and research. It travels 400 kilometers
(249 miles) above the Earth, always moving in an
east-to-west (2) direction. Moving at 28,000
kilometers (17,398 miles) per hour, it passes over the
same (3) location on Earth every four minutes.
Rockets (4) transport astronauts to and from the ISS,
which can (5) accommodate six astronauts at one
Reading comprehension
Choose the best description of the article.
a) It explains how engineers designed the living areas of the ISS.
b) It gives examples of problems that astronauts have living in the
c) It gives a description of the living areas in the ISS.
d) It talks about how people will build homes on Mars.
Reading comprehension
Read the article and the timeline. Choose the
correct words.
1. Koichi Wakata’s bedroom/ bed is the size of an old telephone
2. The bed is on the floor/ wall.
3. His bedroom does/ doesn’t have a chair.
4. There isn’t/ is a refrigerator in the kitchen area.
5. There isn’t water/ a sink for washing.
6. In the 1984, the US government decided to construct/
construction the ISS.
7. Australia/ Japan help build the ISS.
8. The first part went to space in 1998/ 2009.
Critical Thinking
Discuss the questions:

• Make a list of 5 things to take with you to live on the ISS. You
will have basic food and water. You can choose to bring special
foods or drinks.
• Cut 4 things from the list.
• What’s the most important item on the list, why?
Magical Houses, made of bamboo

• unusual (adj): strange, not normal
• storey (n) / story (n): floor
• bespoke (adj) /bɪspəʊk/: custom-made , made for a particular
• valley (n): low land between hills/ mountains
• the tropics (n): the hot countries
• curving roof (n)
• breeze (n): light wind
• air conditioning (n)
• bug (n): insect
• giant (adj): very big
• pod (n):
Magical Houses, made of bamboo

• hesitate (v): not feel ready to
• acoustic insulation (n): ways to protect rooms from noise
pollution and to keep privacy.
• unproductive land (n): poor land
• deep ravine (n)
• clump (n) a group of trees
• sustainable (adj): continue over a long time
• timber (n): wood used for construction
• tensile strength (n): the ability of stretch without breaking
• compressive strength (n): the ability to stand compression
• earthquake resistant (adj): stand against earthquake
Magical Houses, made of bamboo

• extraordinary (adj): very unusual, special
• foster (v): appreciate and nurture
• craftmanship (n) skill at making things
• artisan (n): nghệ nhân
• two-by-four (n) gỗ xẻ
• blue-print (n) the design (on machine or paper) of something
• replicate (v) copy
• hinge (n): bản lề
• battle with (v) fight against
• balance (n)
• pivot (n) trục xoay
• footprint (n) the mark left on the ground/ a surface by someone
(-> your impact on the environment)
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

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