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Statistical Report

Structure and Language

Introductions introduce the topic of your text to the reader. An effective introduction does not simple list all the
types of information in the text. It should ‘set the scene’ so that the reader understands why you are writing the
text and any relevant background information.


Rape Domestic Violence Murder
Men Women Men Women Men Women
1995 24 02 60 20 10 3
1996 28 00 61 25 11 4
1997 48 03 59 15 12 3
1998 47 03 58 24 15 5
1999 56 00 62 19 20 7
TOTA 203 08 300 103 68 22

e.g. Information was collected about crimes committed in St Cape Island between the years 1995 to
1999. This report outlines the trends of crimes committed by men and women in the categories
of Rape, Domestic Violence and Murder over this period.
Language of Statistical Reports
The following words are used to describe upward, downward or horizontal changes in figures. For each verb, say which movement is described.
🠶 Decline - downward
🠶 Drop
🠶 Rocket
🠶 Fall
🠶 Rise
🠶 Fluctuate
🠶 Stabilize
🠶 Decrease

🠶 Improve
🠶 Jump
🠶 Plummet
🠶 Increase
🠶 Level off
🠶 Recover
🠶 Gain
What type of change?
-small, large, fast or slow

🠶 Dropped sharply - large, fast

🠶 Quickly rocketed
🠶 Fell sharply
🠶 Rose rapidly
🠶 Decreased slightly
🠶 Improved slightly
🠶 Jumped enormously
🠶 Plummeted dramatically
🠶 Increased considerably
🠶 Considerably recovered
🠶 Substantially gained
Use of Prepositions
Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with the correct prepositions.
up to at to around at over
below of from…to of

1. The interest rate stabilized ______ 32%

2. Viewing figures rose ______ 20,000 _____ 30,000 in the first week.
3. Bidding finished ____ ______ $300.
4. Repairs will cost ____ ____ $100.
5. Profits fell _______ $230.
6. House prices have increased _____ _______ 1 million.
7. Sales reached a high point ______ $2,000.
8. Sales hit a low point ______ $400.
Linking Ideas
🠶 Connectives are used to link ideas and guide the reader through your statistical report. Connectives
have a range of purposes.
Add info Introduce an explanation:

Furthermore Therefore Consequently

In addition As a result So

Introduce an example or evidence: Emphasize key information:

For example For instance Significantly Above all

In particular
Introduce contrasting information:

However In contrast

On the other hand

🠶 The conclusion should sum up the content of a Statistical Report. An effective conclusion should not simply
repeat the content of the text. It should summarize the key points, drawing them together to guide the reader’s
response to the information provided.


Rape Domestic Violence Murder
Men Women Men Women Men Women
1995 24 02 60 20 10 3
1996 28 00 61 25 11 4
1997 48 03 59 15 12 3
1998 47 03 58 24 15 5
1999 56 00 62 19 20 7
TOTA 203 08 300 103 68 22
e.g. This report reflects the trends and significant figures of crimes committed in St. Cape Island during the
period 1995-1999. Of the categories presented, crimes Domestic Violence accounted for the
majority each year and over the entire period. Finally, the majority of crimes were committed by men.

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