Pisano - Ooa No.2

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Access to education is one of the issues especially to school-aged

children with specific learning disability.

Enumerate programs developed in your school that address the national
program "NO CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND" (NCLB). Discuss how these
programs being implemnted.
• In our school, we have implemented several
programs to address the national initiative of
“No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) to ensure that
all students, including those with specific
learning disabilities, have access to quality
education. These programs are designed to
provide support and resources to help these
students succeed academically.
• Individualized Education Programs (IEPs): One of
the key programs we have in place is the development
and implementation of Individualized Education
Programs (IEPs) for students with specific learning
disabilities. IEPs are personalized plans that outline the
educational goals and services tailored to meet the
unique needs of each student. These programs involve
collaboration between teachers, parents, and specialists
to create a comprehensive plan that addresses the
student’s strengths and challenges.
• Response to Intervention (RTI): Another program
we have adopted is Response to Intervention (RTI),
which is a multi-tiered approach aimed at early
identification and support for students with learning
difficulties. RTI involves systematic screening,
progress monitoring, and data-driven decision-
making to provide targeted interventions at different
levels of intensity based on the student’s needs.
• Special Education Services: Our school also
offers a range of special education services to
support students with specific learning
disabilities. These services may include
specialized instruction, assistive technology,
accommodations in the classroom, and
additional support from special education
teachers or therapists.
• Professional Development for Teachers: To
ensure that educators are equipped with the
knowledge and skills to effectively support
students with specific learning disabilities, our
school provides ongoing professional
development opportunities. These training
sessions focus on evidence-based practices,
strategies for differentiation, and inclusive
teaching methods.
• Parent Involvement Programs: Recognizing
the importance of parental involvement in a
child’s education, our school has established
programs that encourage parents to actively
participate in their child’s learning journey.
This includes workshops, information sessions,
and resources to help parents understand their
child’s needs and how they can support their
academic growth.
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The implementation Identification: Planning: Once a Implementation: The Monitoring Progress: Adjustments: Based By implementing
of these programs is Students who may be student is identified IEP or RTI plan is put Progress is regularly on progress these programs
carried out through a struggling as needing additional into action with clear monitored through monitoring data, effectively and
collaborative effort academically are support, an IEP or goals, strategies, data collection, adjustments are made consistently
involving teachers, identified through RTI plan is developed accommodations, and assessments, and to the intervention monitoring student
administrators, screenings, based on their interventions feedback from strategies or progress, our school
parents, and assessments, and individual needs. outlined. teachers and parents. accommodations as aims to uphold the
specialists working teacher observations. needed to ensure principles of “No
together to ensure continued growth and Child Left Behind” by
that each student success. providing equal
receives the educational
necessary support opportunities for all
and accommodations students regardless of
to thrive their learning abilities.
academically. Here is
how these programs
are typically

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