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Passage 1:

I Like the Zoo

I like the zoo, I like the zoo.
The lions and the monkeys too.
The giraffe’s neck is very long,
The elephants are big and strong,
I like the zoo, I like the zoo.

Tiger’s stripes, yellow and black.

Zebra’s stripes, white and black.
Mr Camel has a bumpy back.
All the ducks go quack, quack, quack
I like the zoo, I like the zoo.
Complete these sentences by choosing the correct words.

1. The child __________________ (likes / does not like) going to the zoo.

2. The giraffe has a _________________ (long / short) neck.

3. The elephant is a ______________ (weak / strong) animal.

4. The tiger has _______________________ (white / yellow) and black stripes.

5. The zebra has _________________ (white / red) and black stripes.

6. The camel's back is ______________________ (bumpy / straight).

7. The ________________ (monkey / ducks) like to quack.

8. The child likes the zoo because ___________________________________.

(he likes to eat / he likes to see the animals / he is afraid of the animals)

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