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Learning Targets
At the end of discussion, BEED 3 are expected to:
• Analyze situations related to ensuring total pupil
participation in literature classes
• Deduce teaching techniques in ensuring total pupil
participation in literature classes; and
• Develop a teaching technique that ensures the participation
of pupils in a literature class
As beginning teachers of English language and literature,
you must always wear the hat of a teacher whose latitude of
technique is vast. These techniques ensure that all your
pupils are actively engaged while developing their love for
literarture and enhancing their literacy level. This lesson
exposed you to these techniques and provides specific
guidelines to follow to help you implement them
1. Rippling and Bouncing Answers
• Suggested by Himmele and Himmele(2011)
• Collaborative teaching approach
• Craft controversial, higher – order, and critical questions
• Reflective and divergent thinking skills
• Successful communication and collaboration of ideas
• Before-reading or After-reading activity
Step-by-step Directions
1. The teacher writes or shows a controversy or an open-ended
question related to the text.
2. Provide ample time for the pupils to think about their answers.
3. All pupils respond individually to the prompt or questions or
4. All pupils share their responses in dyads or triads.
5. Volunteers then share. Pairs of small groups call out a sentence
summary where they are called on to share.
2. Link-It Cards
•Encourage pupils to share thoughts easily
•Constructivism teaching theory
•Initiative for own thought-sharing experience
•Power of scaffolding or learner support
•Given ample time to organize answers
Step-by-Step Directions
1. The teacher writes or shows instructions, plus the prompts. For instance, “Find out the meaning of your
classmate’s answer by asking him/her a question starting with any of the following statements:
a. I did not get part on……………
b. I understand that part, but I’m not so certain about……………
c. How about if……………..
d. So you mean to say that………
2. The prompts are then written on cards.
3. Distribute the cards or let each pupil pick a card.
4. Allow time for conversation.
5. Process the answers in big group sharing
3. Finding a Partner in a Music
• Discussion-based technique
• Music plays an essential role
• Consider auditory learners
• Reflective questions related to the text are prepared by the teacher
• Develop thinking ability and speaking literacy
• Repeated atleast three rounds
• Rules are discussed before this activitiy
Step-by Step Directions
1. The teachers prepares a piece of lively music – something that the pupils can relate to
and enjoy.
2. The controversy or open-ended question about thetext to be read (had been read) is
posted on the board.
3. Allow time for the conceptualization of answers (wait time).
4. Blindfold the pupils.s
5. Rearrange their positions and remind them to keep quiet.
6. Play the music and let them roam around the room.
7. Stop the music and allow them to find their pair.
8. Let them take off their blindfolds and allow time to share.

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