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Project Report
Online police station
Management System

Submitted by
Meet Shingala [210510104017]
Dhvanik Nakarani
Om Majithiya [210510106012]

Partial fulfilment of Semester
of Bachelors of Computer Applications
for A.Y. 2023-2024

Under the Guidance of

Sohil Parmar
Submitted To
Parul Institute of Computer Application,
Faculty of IT & Computer Science
Parul University

The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and
assistance from many people and we are extremely privileged to have got this
all along the completion of our project. All that we have done is only due to
such supervision and assistance and we would not forget to thank them.

We respect and thank Dr ,Priya Swaminarayan, Dean, FITCS for providing us

an opportunity to do the project work in BCA and giving us all support and
guidance, which made us complete the project duly. We are extremely thankfulto
Mam for providing her support and guidance, although she had busy schedule
managing the academic affairs.

We would not forget to remember Dr.. Hina Chokshi, HOD, BCA departmentfor
her encouragement and more over for her timely support and guidance till the
completion of our project work.

We owe our deep gratitude to our project guide Prof. Sohil Parmar, who took
keen interest on our project work and guided us all along, till the completion of
our project work by providing all the necessary information for developing a
good system.

We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement,

support and guidance from our Parents, all Teaching staffs of BCA Department
which helped us in successfully completing our project work. Also,we would like
to extend our sincere esteems to all staff in laboratory for their timely support.

Meet Shingala [210510104017]

Dhvanik Nakarani [210510104011]
Om Majithiya [210510106012]


This is to certify that Meet Shingala, Dhvanik Nakarani, Om Majithiya_ the student(s) of
Parul Institute of Computer Application, has/have satisfactorily completed the project
entitled “Online police station Management System” as a part of course curriculum in
BCA semester-V for the academic year 2023-2024 under guidance of Prof. Sohil
Enrollment Number: 210510104017
Enrollment Number: 210510104011
Enrollment Number: 210510106012

Quality of work Grade Sign of

Internal guide

Poor / Average / B /B+ / A / A+

Good /

Date of submission:
HOD, Principal,
Dr. Hina Chokshi Dr Priya Swaminarayan

Content Page No.

1. Research 1

2. Feasibility Studies 2–3

2.1. Technical Feasibility 2

2.2. Economic Feasibility 2

2.3. Operational Feasibility 2

3. System Requirement Specification 4-9

3.1. Introduction to SRS 4

3.2. Abstract 4

3.3. System Users 4

3.4. Modules 5

3.5. Modules Description 6

3.6. Hardware / Software Requirement 7

3.7. Flow Chart 8

3.8. TimeLine Chart 9

4. Technology Description 10

4.1. Features and Limitations of New System 10

5. Data Flow Diagram 11 - 13

5.1. Context Level DFD’s 11

5.2. Level 1 DFD’s 12

5.3. Level 2 DFD’s 13

6. Use Case Diagram 14

7. Class Diagram 15

8. Activity Diagram 16 – 17

8.1. Description of Activity Diagram 17

9. E-R Diagram 18 – 19

9.1. E-R Diagram Description 19

10. Data Dictionary 20 - 22

10.1.Description of Data Dictionary 22

11. Form Design (Screenshots Phase 1, 2, and Validation’s Screenshots) 23 - 27

12. What is Testing? 28

12.1.Importance and Types of Testing 28

13. Future Enhancement 29

14. References and Bibliography 30

Online police station Management System 2023-2024


1. What is research?
Research is the careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or
problem using scientific methods. According to the American sociologist Earl
Robert Babbie, “research is a systematic inquiry to describe,explain, predict, and
control the observed phenomenon. It involves inductiveand deductive

2. Types of Research Methodology

There are many different types of research methodologies that can be used in a tech
project, and the specific methodology used will depend on the nature
ofthe project and the questions being asked. Some common research
methodologies used in tech projects include:

i. Experimental research: This involves conducting controlled

experiments in order to test hypotheses and gather data.

ii. Observational research: This involves observing and recording

the behavior of subjects without manipulating variables.

iii. Survey research: This involves collecting data through surveys,

either online or in person.

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

2. Feasibility Studies
What is Feasibility?
Feasibility in a tech project refers to the extent to which the project is
technologically and economically viable. A feasibility study is a process of
evaluating the technical and economic aspects of a project in order to
determine whether it is worth pursuing.
Conducting a feasibility study is an important step in the project
development process, as it helps project managers and stakeholders to make
informed decisions about whether to move forward with the projectand how
to allocate resources.

1. Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility refers to the extent to which a tech project can
be completed with available resources and technology. It is concerned with
whether the project is technically possible and whetherthe necessary
resources and expertise are available to complete the project.
2. Economic Feasibility
Economic feasibility is the process of evaluating the costs and benefits of a
tech project in order to determine whether it is financially viable. It is
concerned with whether the project will generate sufficient benefits to justify
the costs of completing the project.

3. Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility is the process of evaluating the practical aspectsof
implementing a tech project, in order to determine whether it is viable
from an organizational perspective. It is concerned with whetherthe
project can be completed within the existing constraints and resources of
the organization, and whether it will fit with the organization's overall
business goals and objectives.

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

2.4. Importance of Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies are important because they help project managers and
stakeholders to make informed decisions about whether to move
forward with a tech project and how to allocate resources. A
feasibilitystudy provides a detailed analysis of the technical, economic,
and operational aspects of a project, and it helps to identify any
potential challenges or risks that may need to be addressed.
Finally, feasibility studies can help to build support for a project withinan
organization, as they provide a clear and objective analysis of the
benefits and costs of the project. This can be particularly important
when seeking funding or other resources for a project.

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

3. System Requirement Specification

1. Introduction To SRS:

What is SRS?
A software requirements specification (SRS) is a detailed description of a
software system to be developed with its functional and non-functional
Need of SRS
In order to fully understand one’s project, it is very important that they come up with a
SRS listing out their requirements, how are they going to meet it and how will they
complete the project. It helps the team to save upon their time as they are able to
comprehend how are going to go about the project. Doing this also enables the team tofind
out about the limitations and risks early on.

2. Abstract
Travel and tourism management system is used to book a tour from
anywhere in the world by a single dynamic website which will help the user to
know all about the places and tour details in a single website. The admin can
add packages to the website from a certain travel agents and hotels by create a
tour page. Then the users can sign in and book each project, they can be
confirmed by the admin in their manage booking page. The user can see the
confirmation in their my booking page. It is a easiest platform for all travelers
which can be easily booked and know the all details. Tour Management system
is a dynamic website for tourism business.

3. System Users
1. Admin
2. User

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

3.3.1. Description of User Role

 Admin –
• Manage Users
• Manage issues
• Manage Booking
• Manage Pages
• Change Password
• Admin can create Package
• Manage packages

 Customers –
• User can register yourself.
• User can log in with valid email and password.
• Forgot Password(user Can recover own password)
• Tour Booking
• Manage Booking
• Generate Ticket(Regarding Complaint)
• change Password

3.4. Modules
n Login
Package Information system
Selection of package

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

5. Modules Description
1. User friendly Booking : Every business is dependent on its user experience. As far as the
travel industry is concerned, if a user faces any difficulties in booking their rides,
accommodation, etc they will approach other TMS. To avoid losing business or customers,
building a user-friendly booking tool is most important.

2. Easy Payment option : We can expect easy and upgraded payment options other than cash
from TMS while traveling like QR codes, UPI IDs, online banking, debit or credit cards .

3. Transportation Matter : Any user who is availing the air, hotel services, may expect
thetransportation should be available on a single platform on which they can book their
pre- post air transportation like car, bus, or train. Many TMS can think of extending their
services in cars, buses, rail.

4. Necessary information broadcast through mobile app : According to a survey, more

than3 billion people use smartphones nowadays, so it will be easy for Travel management
systems to start sending updates on a mobile app for all the user

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

3.6. Hardware Requirements

Name of Components Specification

Processor Pentium IV or above

RAM 1GB or above

Hard Disk 50GB or above

Software Requirements
Name of Components Specification

Operating System Linux, Ubuntu, Mac.

Tools & Technology Frontend: HTML, CSS ,PHP,

Backend : MySQL , XAMPP/ WAMP

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

3.7. Flow Chart

Figure 3.7. flow chart

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

3.8. Time Line Chart

Figure 3.8. Time Line Chart

Online police station management system 2023-2024

5. Data Flow Diagram

1. Context Level DFD’s:

online police station management system

Ooline police station management system

5.2 Level 1 DFD’s:

Online police station Management System 2023-2024

5.3.Level 2 DFD’s:

Online police station management system 2023-2024

6. Use Case Diagram

Online police station management system 2023-2024

7.Class Diagram

Online police station management system 2023-2024

8. Activity Diagram

Online police station management system

8.1.Description of Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dynamic

aspects of the system.
Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system.
The control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be
sequential, branched, or concurrent. Activity diagrams deal with all type of flow
control by using different elements such as fork, join, etc.

Online police station management system 2023-2024

9.E-R Diagram

Online police station management system 2023-2024

9.1.Description of E-R Diagram:

An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how

“entities” such as people, objects or concepts relate to each other within a
ER Diagrams are most often used to design or debug relationaldatabases in
the fields of software engineering, business information systems,
education and research.
Also known as ERDs or ER Models, they use a defined set of symbols such
as rectangles, diamonds, ovals and connecting
lines to depict the
interconnectedness of entities, relationships and their attributes. They
mirror grammatical structure, with entities as nouns and relationships as

Online police station management system

10. Data Dictionary


Column type Null Default
id (primary) int(30) Not Null
member_id int(30) Not Null
firstname varchar(100) Not Null
middlename varchar(100) Not Null
lastname varchar(100) Not Null
gender varchar(20) Not Null
contact varchar(100) Not Null
address text Not Null
email varchar(100) Null
date_created Not Null current_timestamp()


Column type Null Default
id (primary) int(30) Not Null
package varchar(200) Not Null
description text Null
amount float Not Null

Column type Null Default
id (primary) int(30) Not Null
registration_id int(30) Not Null
amount int(30) Not Null
remarks text Null
type int(1) Not Null
date_created datetime Not Null current_timestamp()

Online police station management system 2023-2024


Column type Null Default
id (primary) int(30) Not Null
plan int(30) Not Null
amount float Not Null


Column type Null Default
id (primary) int(30) Not Null
member_id int(30) Not Null
plan_id int(30) Not Null
package_id int(30) Not Null
start_date date Not Null
end_date date Not Null
trainer_id int(30) Not Null
status int(1) Not Null
date_created date Not Null current_timestamp()


Column type Null Default
id (primary) int(30) Not Null
member_id int(30) Not Null
dow text Not Null
date_from date Not Null
date_to date Not Null
time_from time Not Null
time_to time Not Null


Column type Null Default
id (primary) int(30) Not Null
name text Not Null
contact varchar(100) Not Null
email varchar(100) Not Null
rate float Not Null

Online police station management system 2023-2024


Column type Null Default
id (primary) int(30) Not Null
name text Not Null
username varchar(200) Not Null
password text Not Null
type int(1) Not Null

10.1 Description of Data Dictionary

A data dictionary is a document or database that provides a detailed description of the data
used in a technology project. It typically includes information about the structure, format,
and meaning of data elements, as well as any relationships or dependencies between them.
A data dictionary can be used to ensure that all stakeholders in a project have a shared
understanding of the data being used, and to facilitate data management and analysis tasks.
It is a useful resource for developers, analysts, and other team members who need to
understand and work with the data.

Online police station management system 2023-2024

11. Form Design (Screenshots Phase 1 ,2,3,4 & validation’s screenshots)

1. Development Phase -1

Coding :

Online police station management system 2023-2024

Design :

Online police station management system 2023-2024

11.2. Development Phase -2

Coding :

Online police station management system 2023-2024

Design :

Online police station management system 2023-2024

Validation :


Online police station management system 2023-2024

12. What is
Testing :

Testing, in the context of software development and quality assurance, refers to the process of
evaluating a software application to identify any defects, errors, or issues that may affect its
functionality, performance, or usability.

The primary goal of testing is to ensure that the software meets the specified requirements and
functions correctly before it is released to end-users.

Testing is an integral part of the software development lifecycle and helps to improve software
quality, identify and fix issues early, and enhance user satisfaction.

Automated testing tools and methodologies are commonly used to streamline the testing
process and ensure thorough test coverage.

1. Types of Testing :

1. Unit Testing: Involves testing individual components or units of code in isolation to

verify their correctness and functionality.

2. Integration Testing: Focuses on testing the interactions and interfaces between different
units or modules to ensure they work together as expected.

3. Functional Testing: Evaluates whether the software functions according to the intended
specifications and requirements.

4. Performance Testing: Assesses how well the software performs under specific
conditions, such as load testing to determine its responsiveness and stability under
heavy user loads.

5. Security Testing: Identifies vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the software that may be
exploited by unauthorized users.

6. Usability Testing: Involves evaluating the software's user interface and overall user
experience to ensure it is intuitive and user-friendly.

Online police station management system 2023-2024


Books :

1. Advancements in online police station

2. Innovations in online police station.
3. Technology Trends in police station
Websites :

4. W3school :
5. Udemy :
6. Tutorials point :


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