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Exam anxiety

Dr Sugnyani Devi Patil

Consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist
Manoshanti , Nurture Hub –Hubballi-Dharwad
ypjs kc strjss
What is stress

• Stress is Body’s and mind’s reaction to everyday demands /


• It produces changes in mind and body

• 2 types of stress- eustress / distress

The Vicious Cycle of Anxiety
What is exam anxiety?

• Exam anxiety is defined as a common and often normal stress

reaction experienced before, during and after exams.

• Exam anxiety presents an issue when it is intense, continues

over time and impedes academic performance.
Causes of exam anxiety
• Poor study habits
• Lack of preparation
• Fear of failure
• Past experience
• Unrealistic expectations
• Pressure from others
• Biological – depression , personality disorder, learning disorder
Types of anxiety
• (when you think about the Syllabus, the exam schedule, preparing for
the exam or the results)

• (when a person is in the exam hall. And a writing the exam.)
Physical symptoms

• Light-headedness or feeling dizzy

• Increased heart rate

• Muscle tension

• Increased sweating

• Difficulty breathing or tightness in chest

• Loss of appetite or over-eating

• Sleep changes (over or under sleeping or disrupted sleep).

Emotional symptoms

• Feeling nervous, unsettled or overwhelmed

• Feeling panic or experiencing panic attacks

• Feeling down or helpless or sad

• Feeling a sense of shame or guilt.

• Anger, crying
Cognitive symptoms

• Difficulties concentrating

• Difficulties recalling (going blank)

• Irrational or negative thoughts

• Preoccupation with thoughts of failure or embarrassment

• Worrying about the time constraints or outcome of exam

• Comparison to others during testing situation

• Able to recall exam answers after exam is over.

Behavioural symptoms

• Staying up the night

• Withdrawing from others or obsessing about study

• Avoiding cues relating to exams including study

• Not attending exams

• Leaving the exam as soon as possible or before finishing

• Using alcohol or other substances to distract from stress/study.

Getting treatment for exam anxiety
• If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, it is best you seek
professional advice and treatment.

• Anxiety disorders are treated through - medication, counseling or a

combination of the two.

• Medication – beta blockers, SSRI, benzodiazepine

• Behavioural therapy- relaxation techniques , CBT

Thank you

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