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Alexandra the great this was his early

image of him ever discovered and it

was also a life like representation of a
Archaeologist release for the first time
that the image of Alexandra was
designed for him before he fought a
single battle against the Persians.
Between them Alexandra and Philip
had already came up with an winning
image a image to take on the world

Archilogical museum of naples in Italy a copy of

a original Macedonia painting from Alexandra
times of famous fight where he fought the
Persians and defeated the king of the Persian.
Alexandra discovered that he could use his
portrait for the subject that he was invisible. It
was a image for inspire, admire and respect. He
was the man who could unite the empire and
worthy to replace the king of Persians.
After the victory of the war, Alexandra wanted to spread his
name through out his empire.
He came up with a solution by putting his face on every coin
by finding 30 men's who produces thousands of these.
It was a great idea for a daily reminder for the peoples to
know who is the in charge. By this technique after Alexandra
empire, every king use this for the subject of the reminder to
the peoples. A power of a human face to continue to shape
the political landscape even today.

Image first used to tell a political lie was used in roman, 40

years before the Christ was born Rome was collapsed by the
politic and also by the culture where Rome was divided into
two groups one was Monacans and other one was
republicans. Monacans favoured the contender who could
unite the two groups who's name was Caesar Augustus.
Republicans hated him from the sculpture on the right
image he looks suspicious on that image after realising that
Augustus’s artists came up with his new look sculpture
where he looks humble, mature, less threatening to get
there support who hated him before. 100s of copy of his
sculpture now went all around the empire.
Augustus use the power of art to unite the two groups together for peace and
to win the hearts for those who hated him. After using the art from the image
right he explained in his sculpture how humble is he, the images on his chest
showing the compromising in the war, the humanity and the armour on
wearing shows that he is always ready for a war. After that he over the war
between the Rome and came up with peace through his empire.
But all of this images was build in a political lie he used the art as a politic lie he
became a ruthless empire he deceived his peoples, his family became a
corrupted and In last he had found the system for dictatorship that could last
for 400 years.

It become a technique for politic to deceive people after Augustus time

Art in politic has become a important part to promotion.
Ancient empire uses marbles, painting but today leader uses digital
technique as a art for a reminder to the peoples that who’s a incharge.

End of the episode one of how art made the world


Stories that terrifies us, charmed us, inspire us ,

but the power of visual story telling is not
modern phenomenon, feature films even today
are using the technique that are developed way
back in a distance past.

Visuals stories has a unique power to tell a story it captivates us in our imaginations
In 19th century in Mesopotamia a dessert sand of middle east a british
archiologist ostan henry layard made a revelatory discovery he and his team
discovered a cash of 25 thousands of brocken clay tablet covered with
unreadable markings these tablets were brought to London for reassembled.

Unreadable markings codes were cracked and it was a story a first ever written
story. A story whose start and end was in same city first ever made city middle
east Iran called Iraq. Story was about the first ever action hero Gilgamesh who
was in his journey to his hometown Iraq and in between the journey he
defeated many monster who was attacking him he defeated every monster in
his journey and become a hero and first empire of Iraq.

One event of Gilgamesh from all that symbolize his heroism was when he
single headedly attacked and killed the pride of the lion. This story of
Gilgamesh spread across the middle east as a heroic figure.
In 1645 B.C hardely no one cant read the script like Qna form so, A king of Syria
Ashurbanipal he liked the story of Gilgamesh he even had some copies in his
library came up with a idea of visual story telling and lead himself as a hero he
Ashurbanipal become a hero of the story of that story and by making some
images a lion in cage and above his cage a man opens a cages and lion run
toward the Ashurbanipal lion struck by a arrow in middle and in the end
Ashurbanipal himself finishes the lion by sword stepped through his body

But this type of story doesn’t have a emotion on the images and for that emotions another civilization
at northern side of Mediterranean Sea
To the northern side of Mediterranean Sea another civilization of a rich tradition of vivid story
telling, it’s a civilization that left us with most exciting and visually arresting story that ever
been told who else but Greeks were the one.
If any civilization could care about the story telling where people could believe in then the
Greeks could. Greeks were obsessed by the those story, myths and other myths that greeks
like to visualise are the homeless tail of Decius.
In that story a giant cyclope one eyed cannibal trapped the Decius and his shipmates in the
caves. Decius had a plan to escape from him, he offered the monster a wine and he accepted
after that monster liked the drink and he asked Decius what's his name Decius say they call
me nobody then monster reply to Decius ‘well then I should eat you at last of them all that’s is
you reward’ after sometimes cyclope become drowsy to drink and slumped to floor of the
cave. Decius and his mates sees their chances and they drive the stick into the single eye of
the giant cyclope. But the sculpture chose to show the moment of maximum tension just
before the climax to reveal the emotions. After that blind cyclope staggered around the caves
shouting for help from his other giants cyclopes friends but what he was shouting was ‘nobody
is attacking me nobody is attacking’.

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