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First Aid in Environment


Dr. Petrişor Cristina

Viper bites
Vipera berus
Vipera ammodytes
Vipera ammodytes
Coluber jugularis
Natrix natrix
Natrix tressellata
 The dimensions and body shape- the vipers that are
found in Romania do not exceed 90 cm in length,
their body is short and thick ; other non-poisonous
snakes have thiner and longer body. The viper’s
head is triangular ; their pupils are vertical. They are
yallowish brown and ash-coloured. An impotant
identifying marker is the dorsal zig-zag pattern.
 The vipers do not hear, but they can easily feel the
presence of people through vibrations.
 The most important thing to do when passing
a dangerous zone is to have a stick in the
hand that helps you sweep the surrounding
areas so that the vipers run away.
 The viper does not attack people, they only
try to defend themselves.
 Vipers do not like the white colour.
 Most frequent the viper bites occur during
summer-time, then the vipers hibernate.
 The bites are ussualy localised on the legs,
around the ankles or on the hands.
 The critical time interval for the victim is the
first 12 hours after the bite, but this can take
as log as days in extreme cases.
 Most of the bites are not followed by any
symptoms or these are mild (70 %).
 Lethal cases are extremely rare.
Signs and symptoms:

 Local pain and erythema  Bronchospasm

 The general clinical  Tahycardia
manifestations:  Hypotension
 Nausea and vomitting  Acute myocardial infarction
 Diarrhoea  Angioedema
 Abdominal cramps  Spontaneous bleeding
 Bladder incontinence  Seizures
 Sweats  Coma
First aid

 The victim must be calm

 Call 112
 A splint should be used to immobilize the extremity.
 Wash the skin with natural saline
 Take off jewellery, watch, rings.
 No surgical incisions should be made.
 Ice should not be applied on the lesions.
 The patient is transported and permanent check of
vital functions is performed.
 Antivenom is administered in the hospital.

 Avoid walking in regions with high grass,

especially on sunny hills.
 try to stay on the road.
 When climbing on rocks take care where you
put your hands and feet.
When camping:

 Do not install the tent in regions with high

 first, step on the grass around the tent
 Do not leave the tent open.
Animal bites
The wild cat
Ursus arctos
The fox

 Rabies is a viral infectious disease caused by the

rabic virus. It affects mammals. It manifests as
an inflammatory disease of the central nervous
system. The disease is fatal.
 The transmision of the virus is done through
saliva (animal bites). Soon after infection, the
lesions of the CNS appear and the victim
becomes paralised. Death ensues quickly.

 Bites on the face, neck or hands have got the

highest risk of infections.
 Incubation: 20-60 days.
 Initial symptoms: behaviour changes, headaches,
agitation, hypersensitivity (light and noise),
disphonia, palsy. Local: burn sensation or pain.
 Hyperactivity state with extrem agitation, anger,
increased sensations, halucinations, increased heart
rate, fever. Death in 2 or 3 days.
 Palsy: paresthesia, intact consciousness, death in 7-
8 days (respiratory insuficiency).
 In animals: altered behaviour patterns,
imbalance, increased saliva production.
First aid

 Clean the local skin

 Sterile covering
 Emergency vaccination.

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