Curs 5 - Airway Desobstruction. Lateral Safety Position 2

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Basic life support I

Clinical evaluation of the state of

n Resuscitation Council

Airway desobstruction
Lateral safety position

Lecturer Dr. Cristina Petrișor

n Resuscitation Council
 By the end of this training, students have to:

◦ Be able to recognize an unconscious victim

◦ Recognise airway obstruction
◦ Be able to describe how the lateral safety position is
◦ Understand the importance of airway patency
n Resuscitation Council

◦ Understand the importance of the lateral safety

 700,000 cardiac arrests annualy in Europe
 Hospital discharge (alive) 5-10%
 BLS techniques are vital before EMS arrive
n Resuscitation Council

 Early chest compressions and timely

defibrilation (in 1-2 minutes) can increase
survival rate up to 60%
n Resuscitation Council
Safety of the rescuer
State of consciousness
Strigăm după ajuto
Opening airways
n Resuscitation Council

Check for breathing

Call 112
30 chest compressions
2 breathings
Rescuer’s safety
Place of
intervention State of consciousness
trigăm după ajutor
Open airway
n Resuscitation Council

Check for breathing
Family Call 112
members and
30 chest compressions
other by-
standers 2 artificial breathings
Rescuer’s safety
State of consciousness

Opening airway
n Resuscitation Council

Check for breathing

Call 112
30 chest comppressions
2 breathings
Gently shake shoulders
Ask “do you feel all
n Resuscitation Council

If the victim responds

• keep him in the same
position you have found
• Ask which is the problem.
• Re-evaluate periodically.
 Definition
 the state of being conscious; awareness of

one's own existence, sensations, thoughts,


 A= the patient is alert (can speak, look

n Resuscitation Council

around him)
 V= responding only to verbal stimulation
 P= responding only to pain stimulus
 U= unconscious= comatose
Rescuer’s safety
State of consciousness
Shout for help
Opening the airways
n Resuscitation Council

Check for breathing

Call 112
30 chest compressions
2 breathings
Rescuer’s safety
Check for breathing
Shout for help
Open the airways
n Resuscitation Council

Check for breathing

Call 112
30 chest compressions
2 breathings
n Resuscitation Council
 Look, listen and
n Resuscitation Council

 Do not equal
agonal breathing
 Appear shortly after cardiac arrest in aprox
40% of the patients

 Can be described as heavy, deep, loud and

rare breaths
 Also called gasping
n Resuscitation Council

 May be an early recognising sign for the

cardiac arrest
 Definition
 a blockage of respiration in the airway. It can

be broadly classified into being either in the

upper airway or lower airway.
n Resuscitation Council
 foreign body aspiration
 blunt laryngotracheal trauma
 penetrating laryngotracheal trauma
 tonsillar hypertrophy
 paralysis of the vocal cord or vocal fold
 acute laryngotracheitis such as viral croup,
n Resuscitation Council

bacterial tracheitis
 Epiglottitis
 peritonsillar abscess
 Breathing insufficiency- labored, gasping
 Patient is agitated, may become comatose
 Stridor= abnormal inspiratory sound
 Intercostal and supraclavicular retractions during
 Cannot speak or cry out
 Violent, involuntary cough,
n Resuscitation Council

 Gurgle or vomiting noise

 The person desperately clutches his or her throat
or mouth
 Cyanosis
 Basic airway management comprise a set of
medical procedures performed in order to
prevent airway obstruction
 Ensure an open pathway
 Obstuction= choking- cause by the tongue,

- foreign bodies or
n Resuscitation Council

materials from the body itself

- blood or aspiration of
gastric contents
 Protective reflexes
 Coughing is normal after most of the irritants

aspiration, almost involuntary.

n Resuscitation Council
 hard back slaps with the heel of the hand on
the upper back of the victim.
 The back slap is designed to use percussion

to create pressure behind the blockage,

assisting the patient in dislodging the foreign
n Resuscitation Council
 rescuer stands behind a patient and using his
or her hands to exert pressure on the bottom
of the diaphragm (epigastrium).
 exerts pressure on any object lodged in the
trachea, hopefully expelling it.
abdominal thrusts
n Resuscitation Council

 it is possible that internal injuries may result.
n Resuscitation Council
 preventing the tongue from falling back and
obstructing the airways
 such as head-tilt/chin-lift and

jaw-thrust maneuvers
n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council
 in the bronchioles
 Reduced diameter of the small airways

impairs breathing during expiratory time

 Eample: asthma attacks

obstructive lung disease

 Expiratory sounds= wheezing
n Resuscitation Council

 Prolonged expiratory time

n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council
 Vomiting
 Regurgitation
 Aspiration of gastric contents inside the

airway: traches lungs aspiration

n Resuscitation Council

n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council
n Resuscitation Council

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