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How to describe a chart / graph

 Introduce the graph
- State what the graph shows
- Verbs used: shows, presents, gives information about, depicts, describes,
represents, illustrates…
 Give an overview
- State what the main trend or trends in the graph are.
- Vocabulary used: Overall, In general…
 Give the detail
2. Verbs, adjectives, and adverbs used to describe trends
 Verbs: rise, increase, grow, go up to, climb, boom, peak, fall, decline, decrease,
drop, dip, go down, reduce, level up, remain stable, no change, remain steady, stay
constant, stay, maintain the same level, crash, collapse, plunge, plummet.
 Adjectives: sharp, rapid, huge, dramatic, substantial, considerable, significant,
slight, volatile, minimal, massive.
 Adverbs: dramatically, rapidly, hugely, massive, sharply, steeply, considerably,
substantially, significantly, slightly, minimally, markedly, quickly, swiftly, suddenly,
steadily, gradually, slowly.
A. Make prediction about what you think the following chart/graph represents.
shows Vietnam's GDP growth
The graph (1) …………..
rate (2)………………2011 and
(3)………2021. The
figures are given as (4) percentages
…………………..of the
GDP growth rate. Overall
……….., the (5) rate
been volatile over (6)………………. Starting (7)
the period
…… at
6.24% in 2011, it (8)……………….
peaked at 7.08% in
2018. After a (9)………………………
slight decrease in the
subsequent year, there was a (10)
sharp decline the GDP growth rate in
depicts inflation rate from
This chart (1)……………
to the (2)……………………. (3)………….
1990 (4)……rate2022.ranging
inflation The y-axis represents (5)
……………………, (6)…………… from about -1% to 8%, and
the (7)…………. shows the years. Overall, the chart
shows continuous changes in inflation rate during
noticeable increase
these years. There was a (8)…………………………………. in
inflation in 2022, when it (9)……………… its (10)
……………… at around 8%. The rest of the years showed
variations but
(11)…………………... (12)……….. remained below 6%.
Paragraph 1: Gasoline Price
The graph shows fluctuations in gasoline prices over a decade, from 2012 to 2022.
Gasoline prices varied from a low of 18.29 thousand VND in 2016 to a high of
32.87 thousand VND in mid 2022. The average gasoline price over this period was
24.5 thousand VND, which was equivalent to about 1.05 US dollars per liter.
Gasoline prices were affected by various factors such as supply and demand, oil
production, taxes, and exchange rates.
Paragraph 2: Pho Price
The graph shows the steady increase in pho prices over a 10-year period, from
2012 to 2022. Pho prices rose from 15 thousand VND in 2012 to 40 thousand
VND in mid-2022. The average pho price over this period was 27.8 thousand
VND, which was equivalent to about 1.19 US dollars per bowl. Pho prices were
influenced by various factors such as inflation, food costs, labor costs, and
consumer preferences.
Paragraph 3: Gasoline and Pho Prices

The graph shows a comparative analysis of gasoline and pho prices over a decade,
from 2012 to 2022. Gasoline prices experienced fluctuations throughout the years,
while pho prices showed a consistent upward trend. The ratio of gasoline price to
pho price changed from 1.62 in 2012 to 0.62 in 2022, indicating that gasoline became
relatively cheaper and pho became relatively more expensive over time. This could
have implications for the purchasing power and consumption patterns of

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