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The Power of Faith:

Legacies of Change
across Human History


• Understand the literary genre; Epic (The Story of the Flood & The
• Identify Anaphora, Epithets; and
• Writing an Feature Article
• An epic pertains to a long and serious narrative poem,
born out of an oral tradition of a region or country, that
narrates the grand and magnificent deeds of heroic and
larger-than-life characters.
• Epics have been used by people from all over the
world to pass on traditions and beliefs from one
generation to the next.
The Story of the Flood
• The Epic of Gilgamesh is an ancient
Sumerian literature written in cuneiform
in several tablets.
• It talks about the adventures and exploits
of a ruler named Gilgamesh, born to
Ninsun, a goddess, and Lugalbanda, the
king of Uruk.
The Story of the Flood
• This portion in the epic narrates his
travails as a result of the death of
Enkidu, a dear friend to Gilgamesh.
• He realizes his own mortality and fears
the uncertainty death brings.
The Story of the Flood
• His epiphany about death leads him to
search for Utnapishtim to whom the
gods bestowed the gift of eternal life.
The Return
• Contained in the 11th tablet of the
Epic of Gilgamesh, the protagonist
continues with his travails in finding
eternal life by seeking Utnapishtim.
• Utnapishtim, the survivor of the
great flood, tells Gilgamesh what he
must do to gain eternal life.
• is a rhetorical and literary device made up of repeating the
same words, phrases, or even clauses at the beginning of a
series of lines or within sentences to exude an artistic
effect while highlighting key ideas, or to aid in pointing
out a significant message.
Examples of Anaphora
Examples of Anaphora
• An adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a
quality characteristic of the person or thing
• Feature articles are in-depth stories that explore a topic,
person, place, or phenomenon in more detail and depth
than news articles.
• A feature article is a persuasive text that expresses an
opinion, informs the reader about a subject and is
enjoyable to read.
Types of Feature Article
1. Human interest story- It draws its material from a
person or group whose life story is about the setbacks and
or triumphs, or anything that will draw inspiration.
Types of Feature Article
2. News feature- The topic of a news feature is taken from
hard news story.
Types of Feature Article
3. Personality sketch- This focuses on the particular
characteristics of a
famous person.
Types of Feature Article
4. Historical feature- It reviews historical events in
relation to its significance to the present time.
Types of Feature Article
5. Interpretative feature - This informs, instructs, and
enlightens the readers on the background and significance
of an issue which may have a social, political, economic,
or environmental implication to the people.
Types of Feature Article
6. Seasonal or holiday feature- It discusses a subject at a
particular interest in time for example Christmas season
and election- and should present a fresh angle to an old or
repetitive subject.
Types of Feature Article
7. Travelogue - This a firsthand account of the writer's
own travels to a different place (city or country), giving
the readers a glimpse of the place's feel, lifestyle, history,
food, and the like.
Guidelines in Writing an
Feature Article
1. Direct or Relevant Quotation - The speaker's own
words are used when what is said is more striking or
important than the person who made
the statement.
Guidelines in Writing an
Feature Article
2. Punch (Startling Statement) Lead - This uses a
punchline, or something with a similar feel, to begin an
3. Contrast Lead - This shows stark opposites to state a
Guidelines in Writing an
Feature Article
4. Question Lead - This contains questions or a set of
questions, used only when the question raised is central to
the story.
5. Descriptive Lead - This describes a person, place,
event, or situation being used as the subject of the article.
Guidelines in Writing an
Feature Article
6. Direct Address Lead - This uses imperatives to talk
directly to the reader.
7. Background Lead - This describes an event that
requires the writer to provide information to readers who
have no prior knowledge; to aid the reader to understand
the article.
Guidelines in Writing an
Feature Article
8. Staccato Lead - This uses a series of words or phrases.
Guidelines in Writing an
Feature Article
8. Avoid clichés. Explain your topic as clearly as possible
without necessarily resorting to hackneyed expressions.

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