Kosep Tumbuh Kembang Anak

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Konsep Tumbuh
Kembang Anak
Ns.Baiq Fitria Frisma Lita M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.A
1.Pengertian pertumbuhan
2.Pengertian perkembangan
3.Pola dan prinsip tumbuh kembang
4.Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sesuai tahap usia
(Neonatus s/d Remaja)
Pertumbuhan : bertumbuhnya ukuran dan jumlah sel ditandai
dengan bertambahnya ukuran fisik (BB, PB, TB)

Perkembangan : bertambahnya struktur dan fungsi yang lebih

kompleks: motorik, bahasa, sosial kemadirian

(SDIDTK, 2016)
1. Perkembangan menimbulkan perubahan
2. Pertumbuhan danperkembangan masa awal menentukan
perkembangan selanjutnya
3. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan memiliki kecepatan
yang berbeda
4. Pertumbuhan berkolerasi dengan perkembangan
5. Perkembangan memiliki pola tetap
6. Perkembangan memiliki tahapan yang berurutan
1. Perkembangan merupakan hasil dr proses kematangan dan belajar

2. Pola perkembangan dapat diramalkan

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
1. Faktor internal : Ras/etnik, Keluarga, Umur, Jenis Kelamin, Genetik

2. Faktor eksetrnal :
a) Prenatal : Gizi, mekanis, toksin, endokrin, radiasi, infeksi, kelainan
imunologi, anoksia embrio, psikologis ibu
b)Intranatal: komplikasi persalinan
c) Post natal: Gizi, penyakit kronis/kelainan kongenital, lingkungan
fisik dan kimia, psikologis, endokrin, sosial ekonomi, lingkungan
pengasuhan, stimulasi, obat-obatan
Aspek-aspek yang dipantau:
1. Pertumbuhan : BB, TB, lingkar kepala, gigi, perubahan
fisik lainnya

2. Perkembangan: Motorik kasar, motorik halus, bahasa,

sosial, kemandirian
Tahap Usia Anak
1. Neonatus
2. Infant
3. Toodler
4. Preschool
5. School
6. Remaja
Developmental Ages
1. Periode perinatal : Konsepsi - lahir
a) Germinal: 0-2 minggu
b)Embrionic: 2-8 minggu
c) Fetal: 8-40 minggu (lahir)

A rapid growth rate and total dependency make this one of the most
crucial periods in the developmental process. The relationship between
maternal health and certain manifestations in the newborn emphasizes
the importance of adequate prenatal care to the health and well-being of
the infant.
Developmental Ages
2. Periode infant: Lahir - 12 bulan
a) Neonatal: 0 - 28 hari
b) Infant: 1 - 12 bulan

The infancy period is one of rapid motor, cognitive, and social development.
Through mutuality with the caregiver (parent), the infant establishes a basic
trust in the world and the foundation for future interpersonal relationships. The
critical first month of life, although part of the infancy period, is often
differentiated from the remainder because of the major physical adjustments to
extrauterine existence and the psychological adjustment of the parent.
Developmental Ages
3. Early childhood: 1- 6 tahun

a) Toddler: 1-3 tahun

b) Preschool: 3-6 tahun

This period, which extends from the time children attain upright locomotion
until they enter school, is characterized by intense activity and discovery. It is a
time of marked physical and personality development. Motor development
advances steadily. Children at this age acquire language and wider social
relationships, learn role standards, gain self-control and mastery, develop
increasing awareness of dependence and independence, and begin to develop a
Developmental Ages
4. Middle childhood : 6 -11/12 tahun

Frequently referred to as the school age, this period of development is one in which the
child is directed away from the family group and centered around the wider world of peer
relationships. There is steady advancement in physical, mental, and social development
with emphasis on developing skill competencies. Social cooperation and early moral
development take on more importance with relevance for later life stages. This is a critical
period in the development of a selfconcept.
Developmental Ages
5. Later Childhood : 11 - 19 tahun
a) Pre pubertas : 10- 13 tahun
b) Remaja: 13 - 18 tahun

The tumultuous period of rapid maturation and change known as adolescence is

considered to be a transitional period that begins at the onset of puberty and
extends to the point of entry into the adult world—usually high school
graduation. Biologic and personality maturation are accompanied by physical
and emotional turmoil, and there is redefining of the self-concept. In the late
adolescent period, the young person begins to internalize all previously learned
values and to focus on an individual, rather than a group, identity.
Biologic Growth and Physical
Development of Personality and Cognitive
Instrumen penilaian perkembangan:
1. Denver II
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