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•Name: Jaheim Carl

HOME •Class: 9M

ECONOMICS •Topic: Vitamins


• Many thanks to my dear friend who assisted me with this assignment by

giving me access to a computer to execute this assignment and complete
all the necessary research and information gathering.

• Introduction _________________________________ Page 2

• Reference _________________________________ Page 3
• Vitamin A _________________________________ Page 4
• Vitamin B _________________________________ Page 5
• Vitamin C _________________________________ Page 6
• Vitamin D _________________________________ Page 7
• Conclusion _________________________________ Page 8

• My name is Jaheim Carl and I've constructed a small booklet based on

the topic of vitamins, also highlighting their definition, functions,
properties and deficiencies(including some signs and symptoms that may

• Definition: Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored in the liver.

• Function: it is an essential nutrient important to vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity.
• Properties: Vitamin A can be classified with some antioxidant properties.
• Deficiencies: Severe vitamin retinol deficiency may cause Night Blindness

Signs: Abnormal trouble adapting to the dark, Blurry vision when active in the dark, trouble adjusting from
bright areas to darker ones.

Symptoms: Difficulty seeing in places with dim lighting, like your house or a movie theater, excessive squinting
at night.

• Definition: Thiamine is a vitamin of the B complex, It is a sulfur containing derivative of thiazole and pyrimidine.
• Function: Is a vitamin that helps the body's cells change carbohydrates into energy.
• Properties: It is a white crystalline substance, water-soluble and destroyed at elevated temperature unless the
pH is low
• Deficiencies: Severe Thiamine deficiency may cause BeriBeri

Signs: Difficulty walking, loss of feeling (sensation) in hands and feet, loss of muscle function or paralysis of the
lower legs.

Symptoms: Mental confusion/speech difficulties, Pain, Strange eye movements (nystagmus)


• Definition: Vitamin C is a vitamin found particularly in citrus fruits and green vegetables.
• Function: It is essential in maintaining healthy connective tissue, and is also thought to act as an antioxidant.
• Properties: Vitamin C is a chain breaking type of antioxidant occupied in many biological processes in the body
• Deficiency: Severe Ascorbic Acid deficiency causes scurvy.

Signs: develop red or blue spots on the skin, feel very tired and weak all the time, have skin that bruises easily

Symptoms: feel irritable and sad all the time, have severe joint or leg pain, have skin that bruises easily, have
swollen or bleeding gums.

• Definition: Vitamin D is an essential vitamin used for the absorption of calcium

• Function: it produces endogenously when ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D
• Properties: Vitamin D is involved in calcium absorption, immune function, and protecting bone, muscle, and
heart health.
• Deficiencies: Severe Calciferol may deficiency cause Rickets

Signs: Delayed growth and delayed motor skills.

Symptoms: Muscle weakness and pain in the spine, pelvis and legs.

• All information founded in this booklets were gathered from the following:
• The reason why I write this assignment is that I want to learn more about vitamins for example their
functions, properties, etc. In conclusion I am grateful to be assign to this assignment.

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