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Pathogen Clinical manifestations and other associated diseases
Bacterial infections
1.Neisseria gonorrhoeae GONORRHOEA
Men: urethral discharge (urethritis), epididymitis, orchitis, infertility
Women: cervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility,
preterm rupture of membranes, perihepatitis; commonly asymptomatic
2. Chlamydia trachomatis CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION
Men: urethral discharge (urethritis), epididymitis, orchitis, infertility
Women: cervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility,
preterm rupture of membranes, perihepatitis; commonly asymptomatic Both sexes:
proctitis, pharyngitis, Reiter’s syndrome Neonates: conjunctivitis, pneumonia

3. Chlamydia trachomatis (serovars L1–L3) LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENEREUM

Both sexes: ulcer, inguinal swelling (bubo), proctitis
4. Treponema pallidum SYPHILIS
Both sexes: primary ulcer (chancre) with local adenopathy, skin rashes, condylomata
lata; bone, cardiovascular, and neurological damage
Women: pregnancy wastage (abortion, stillbirth), premature delivery
Neonates: stillbirth, congenital syphilis

5. Haemophilus ducreyi CHANCROID

Both sexes: painful genital ulcers; may be accompanied by bubo
6. Klebsiella (Calymmatobacterium) DONOVANOSIS (GRANULOMA INGUINALE)
granulomatis Both sexes: nodular swellings and ulcerative lesions of the inguinal and anogenital areas
Men: urethral discharge (nongonococcal urethritis)
Women: cervicitis, endometritis, probably pelvic inflammatory disease
7. Mycoplasma genitalium Men: urethral discharge (nongonococcal urethritis)
Women: cervicitis, endometritis, probably pelvic inflammatory disease
Both sexes: HIV-related disease, AIDS

Herpes simplex virus type 2 Herpes simplex virus type 1 GENITAL HERPES
(less common) Both sexes: anogenital vesicular lesions and ulcerations
Neonates: neonatal herpes (often fatal)

Human papillomavirus GENITAL WARTS

Men: penile and anal warts; carcinoma of the penis Women:
vulval, anal, and cervical warts, cervical carcinoma, vulval
carcinoma, anal carcinoma Neonates: laryngeal papilloma

Hepatitis B virus VIRAL HEPATITIS

Both sexes: acute hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer


Both sexes: subclinical or nonspecific fever, diffuse lymph
node swelling, liver disease, etc
Molluscum contagiosum virus MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM
Both sexes: genital or generalized umbilicated, firm skin
Kaposi sarcoma associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus KAPOSI SARCOMA
type 8 Both sexes: aggressive type of cancer in immunosuppressed
Protozoal infections

Trichomonas vaginalis TRICHOMONIASIS

Men: urethral discharge (nongonococcal urethritis); often asymptomatic
Women: vaginosis with profuse, frothy vaginal discharge; preterm birth,
low-birth-weight babies Neonates: low birth weight

Fungal infections

Candida albicans CANDIDIASIS

Men: superficial infection of the glans penis Women: vulvo-vaginitis with
thick curd-like vaginal discharge, vulval itching, or burning

Parasitic infestations


Sarcoptes scabiei SCABIES

• Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis consists of demonstration of

treponemes, detection of antibodies and PCR.
• Dark Ground Microscopy
• Direct IF staining ( DFA- TP)
• Silver impregnation method – Levaditi stain (tissue section) , Fontana
stain (smear)

• Culture : Not cultivable, maintained in rabit testes

Serology : Ab detection

• Non Treponemal /STS (standard test for Syphilis)/ / Lipoidal Tests : detect a characteristic non-specific antibody
(called reagin antibody) in the sera of syphilitic patients by using cardiolipin antigen extracted from beef heart.

• Specific / Treponemal test:

Specific antibodies are detected by using T. pallidum antigens
TPI (Treponema pallidum immobilization test)
FTA-ABS (Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test)
TPA (T. pallidum agglutination test)
TPHA (T. pallidum hemagglutination test)
TPPA (T. pallidum particle agglutination test)

Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi)
• Direct microscopy: H. ducreyi is a pleomorphic gramnegative
coccobacillus; occurs in groups or in parallel chains

• A multiplex PCR assay has been developed for simultaneous detection

of common agents of STIs including H. ducreyi (targeting 16S rRNA).
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)
• Diagnosis of LGV is usually based on serology; biopsy is
contraindicated as there is a risk of sinus tract formation
• NAAT: Nucleic acid amplification test C. trachomatis will be positive
• Antibody detection by ELISA or microimmunofluorescence (MIF)
• Direct detection of inclusion bodies by direct IF or for culture
Herpes genitalis
Laboratory diagnosis:
• Staining of scrapings from the base of the lesions with Giemsa’s (Tzanck preparation), or
Papanicolaou’s stain can detect giant cells or intranuclear inclusions of HSV infection
• Viral antigen (by direct IF) or viral DNA (by PCR) can be detected in scrapings from lesions
• Isolation of the virus in scrapings from lesions.
• Direct microscopy: Smears can be examined after a rapid Giemsa or
Wright’s stain Donovan bodies can be seen as large cyst like
macrophages filled with deeply stained capsulated bacilli having a
safety-pin (bipolar) appearance
• These cysts eventually rupture releasing the bacilli
• They are non-motile, capsulated and gram-negative bacilli.
• Culture: They can be grown on egg yolk medium and on HEp-2 cell lines
• Molecular method: PCR has been developed to differentiate Klebsiella
granulomatis from other Klebsiella species by detecting unique base
changes in the phoE gene.
Gonococcal urethritis (Neisseria

• Microscopy Gram staining of urethral exudates reveals gram-negative intracellular kidney-shaped


• CultureThayer Martin medium (chocolate agar added with antibiotics)

• Molecular Method Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) such as PCR are available for detection
of N. gonorrhoeae from the clinical specimens targeting 16s or 23s rRNA gene.
Chlamydia trachomatis
• Serovars D–K are associated with— genital tract infections
• Serovars L1–L3 causes a sexually transmitted infection,
lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). It is an ulcerative genital disease
• Specimen: Depends on the type of lesions
• Microscopy: Detects chlamydial inclusion bodies
• Gram staining, Lugol’s iodine and other stains such as Castaneda,
Machiavello or Gimenez stains
• Direct IF: Used for direct detection of inclusion bodies.
• Antigen detection (LPS antigens): By enzyme immunoassays
• Culture: It was the gold standard method in the past
• Egg (yolk sac), mice inoculation and cell line culture
• Cell lines of choice- McCoy, HeLa (for C. trachomatis), HEp2 (for C.
• Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT), e.g. PCR
• The most sensitive and specific method
• Currently the diagnostic assay of choice.
Serology (antibody detection): CFT or ELISA using group specific LPS
• Micro-IF test detects antibody against species and serovar specific
MOMP antigen.
Urogenital mycoplasma infections
• Mycoplasma (M. hominis, M. genitalium) and Ureaplasma (U.
urealyticum and U. parvum)

• Culture and PCR

• It is the most common parasitic sexually transmitted infection (STI)
Laboratory Diagnosis
• Direct Microscopy Vaginal, urethral discharge, urine sediment and
prostatic secretions can be examined.
• Wet (saline) mount of fresh samples (within 10–20 minutes of
collection) should be done to demonstrate the jerky motile
trophozoites and pus cells.
• Other staining methods include permanent stains (e.g. Giemsa and
Papanicolaou stain), acridine orange, fluorescent stain.
• Direct fluorescent antibody test (DFA).
• Culture :
• Antigen detection in Vaginal Secretion
• Antibody detection
• Molecular methods
Bacterial Vaginosis
• Nugent’s score: It is a scoring system followed for the diagnosis of
bacterial vaginosis; done by counting the number of G. vaginalis,
Mobiluncus and lactobacilli present in the Gram stained smear of
vaginal discharge. A score of more than or equal to 7 is diagnostic.

• Culture: gram-negative (appears gram-variable in smears), nonmotile,

small pleomorphic rod, which shows metachromatic granules
Vaginal Candidiasis
• Candida albicans is the most common species to cause vaginal
candidiasis , followed by C. glabrata and C. tropicalis.

• Laboratory diagnosis
Culture of vaginal secretions on Sabouraud dextrose agar (pasty or dry
white colonies)
Identification by conventional (e.g. germ tube test) or automated
methods (VITEK or MALDI-TOF)
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