Drought Planning CCF Institute

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Us|ng Commun|ty Cap|ta|s for Us|ng Commun|ty Cap|ta|s for

Drought |ann|ng Drought |ann|ng

nlcole Wall
naLlonal uroughL MlLlgaLlon CenLer
CommunlLy CaplLal lramework lnsLlLuLe 2011
Nat|ona| Drought M|t|gat|on Center
O sLabllshed ln 1993 by ur uon WllhlLe
O 1he nuMC's mlsslon ls dlrecLed aL lessenlng socleLal
vulnerablllLy Lo droughL Lhrough a rlskbased
managemenL approach
O 1he nuMC's acLlvlLles emphaslze research
ouLreach acLlvlLles on droughL monlLorlng
mlLlgaLlon and plannlng sLraLegles as well as
lmprovlng coordlnaLlon of droughLrelaLed acLlvlLles
and acLlons wlLhln and beLween levels of
4 d|fferent types of drought (W||h|te G|antz)
O ln Lhe 1980s over 130 deflnlLlons of droughL surfaced based on a
varleLy of facLors (reglon needs dlsclpllnes) WllhlLe ClanLz
caLegorlzed Lhese lnLo 4
O Meteoro|og|ca| (usually preclplLaLlon deparLures Lo average
amounLs on monLhly seasonal or annual Llme scales)
O Agr|cu|tura| (llnks varlous characLerlsLlcs of meLeorologlcal (or
hydrologlcal) droughL Lo agrlculLural lmpacLs focuslng on
preclplLaLlon shorLages dlfferences beLween acLual and poLenLlal
evapoLransplraLlon soll waLer deflclLs reduced groundwaLer or
reservolr levels
O nydro|og|ca|
O Soc|oeconom|c (assoclaLes Lhe supply and demand of some
economlc good wlLh elemenLs of meLeorologlcal hydrologlcal and
agrlculLural droughL)
NDMC Cperat|ona| 1oo|s
O u5 utooqbt Mooltot (u5uM) A weekly map showlng how and where
droughL ls affecLlng Lhe unlLed SLaLes 1he nuMC play a plvoLal role ln
produclng Lhls map Lhe process of creaLlng Lhe uSuM conLlnues Lo be
consulLed on an lnLernaLlonal level
O utooqbt lmpoct kepottet A mulLlsource archlve of droughL lmpacL
lnformaLlon (naLlonwlde)
O Ieqetotloo utooqbt kespoose loJex (Iequkl) uses daLa from remoLe
senslng cllmaLe and blophyslcal sources Lo produce maps showlng
droughL's effecLs on vegeLaLlon 1he Ieqetotloo Ootlook (IeqOot) ls a
relaLed Lool ln developmenL whlch Lrles Lo lnLegraLe pro[ecLlons aL 2week
O utooqbt Atlos and utooqbt Mooltot ueclsloo 5oppott 5ystem 1ools LhaL
wlll provlde hlsLorlc comparlsons of droughL condlLlons reLurn lnLervals
and probablllLles Mapplng Lools wlll be comblned lnLo one user lnLerface
|ann|ng Soc|a| Sc|ences w|th|n the NDMC
O uman dlmenslons are a crlLlcal componenL of Lhe nuMC Slnce
1993 droughL plannlng has been a ma[or program emphasls of Lhe
O 1he 1eam Cody knuLson WaLer 8esource SclenLlsL rogram Area
O 1onya algh 8ural SoclologlsL
O kelly SmlLh CommunlcaLlon uroughL 8esource SpeclallsL
O nlcole Wall 8esearch CuLreach ubllc arLlclpaLlon SpeclallsL
O 1onya 8ernadL ducaLlon CuLreach CoordlnaLor
O uonna Woundenberg uroughL ManagemenL SpeclallsL
O ueborah 8aLhke CllmaLologlsL
O uenlse CuLzmer uroughL lmpacL SpeclallsL
O !eff noLhwehr ClS 1echnology SpeclallsL
Workshops Iocus Groups Stakeho|der
Lngagement Act|v|t|es
8lsk ManagemenL Agency 1ools (locus Croups Workshops)
uecadal CllmaLe varlablllLy (SLakeholder ngagemenL)
Managlng 8lsk on Lhe 8anch (SLakeholder ngagemenL)
uroughL 8eady CommunlLles llllnols Cklahoma nebraska
naLlonal lnLegraLed uroughL lnformaLlon SysLem (nlulS)
lnLernaLlonal uroughL lannlng MonlLorlng Sesslons eg
WMC (Workshops)
n 8epubllcan 8lver 1askforce (SLakeholder ngagemenL)
U.S. Workshops U.S. Workshops
Chicago, IL 2011
DCV Workshop
Lincoln, NE 2010
Cther Spec|f|c 1echn|ques]Act|v|t|es
W uevelopmenL dlsLrlbuLlon of surveys Lo gaLher
lnformaLlon for a number of pro[ecLs wlLhln Lhe cenLer
(eg uSuA u2u producer survey nASA droughL forecasL
surveys SLaLe of awall waLer managers survey nlulS
C unL Summer lnsLlLuLe on CllmaLe Change eLc)
W Web|nars have been developed Lo help faclllLaLe
lnformaLlon sharlng and engagemenL wlLh
sLakedholders ln Lhe followlng pro[ecLs such as Lhe
nlulS ngaglng reparedness CommunlLles n 881l
W endlng proposals wlll uLlllze weblnars lnclude 8anch
lannlng for Lenslon
Cngo|ng 1echn|ques Used Irequent|y
O ubllc arLlclpaLlon SLlcky Wall
O Cllckers
O Small groups (World Cafe)
O Loglc Models
Sticky wall activity at
the Lincoln DCV
Workshop 2010
Attendees using clickers
at the Bastrop, Texas
2009 Drought Tools
Earth Wellness
Festival 2010
Sensation Event
/ Outreach s also
very 2portant!
rought Plannng rought Plannng
Efforts Efforts
grcultural rought Plannng
Review and DeveIop Drought PIans
nternatonal rought Plannng
Drought PIanning MethodoIogies
Soil moisture deficit Water supplies in forms of streamflow, reservoir,
wetland, groundwater, etc.
Crop and
pasture losses
Tourism &
Irrigation Public
Horticulture &
Direct economic impacts Indirect economic impacts
Overall economic impacts of drought
Agricultural sector Non-agricultural sector
An overv|ew of drought econom|c |mpacts
Drought keady Commun|t|es (DkC)
O uroughL8eady CommunlLles was a Lwo
year pro[ecL sponsored by Lhe SecLoral
AppllcaLlons 8esearch rogram of Lhe
naLlonal Cceanlc and
ALmospherlc AdmlnlsLraLlon lL was a
collaboraLlve efforL by Lhe naLlonal
uroughL MlLlgaLlon CenLer Lhe
Cklahoma CllmaLologlcal Survey Lhe
llllnols SLaLe WaLer Survey and SLaLe
CllmaLologlsL's Cfflce and Lhe Lower
laLLe 8lver Corrldor Alllance
O 1hree plloL communlLles represenLlng a
range of waLer supply sources
populaLlon slzes and economlc
basellnes were lnvlLed Lo parLlclpaLe ln
Lhe developmenL of Lhe u8C
meLhodology and all assoclaLed
maLerlals 1he Lhree plloL communlLles
lncluded nebraska ClLy n uecaLur lL
and norman Ck
Where Commun|ty Cap|ta|s f|ts |n
O 8ased on Lhe u8C
pro[ecL and process
(lefL) CCl can add a solld
framework ln all 3 areas
CCI ||ot Lfforts Southern C||mate Impact |ann|ng
rogram NIDIS Lngag|ng reparedness Commun|t|es
The Southern Climate Impacts
Planning Program (SCIPP) is a
new climate research initiative
whose goal is to help communities
better plan for weather and
climate-related disasters in the
southern United States,
particularly in the face of
changing climate.
Status of Drought |ann|ng |n the US (NDMC
1 nave drought pract|t|oners th|nk about what
a commun|ty may mean |n the|r profess|ons
O A soclal group of any slze whose members reslde ln a
speclflc locallLy share a governmenL ofLen have a
common culLural and hlsLorlcal herlLage
Dictionary.com Unabridged.
2 G|ve them an overv|ew of "Cap|ta|"
O Any Lype of resource (or asseL) LhaL has Lhe poLenLlal
Lo produce more resources
ora, ora, and ey (2004)
3 Introduce the Commun|ty Cap|ta|s
O uses asseL mapplng appreclaLlve lnqulry Lo help
ldenLlfy asseLs
ueLermlne sLraLegles for lnvesLlng elsLlng asseLs Lo creaLe
addlLlonal asseLs
ora, ora, and ey (2004)
How can you leverage your existing resources to help reduce
drought impacts?
4 Iocus on Assets
O 1hlnk abouL whaL you
have Lo work wlLh raLher
Lhan whaL you don'L
S Cb[ect|ves
O ldenLlfy goals sLraLegles
O Map communlLy (le sLaLe) asseLs
O ldenLlfy a droughL plannlng Leam
6 Introduce Apprec|at|ve Inqu|ry (AI) as a too|
to use |n CCI
Iocused sma|| group ?'s re|ated to Invest|gat|on
O Why do you wanL or need a sLaLe droughL plan?
O WhaL unlque feaLure(s) does your sLaLe have LhaL
you would wanL Lo lncorporaLe lnLo Lhe plan?
O WhaL plannlng componenLs would or has worked
besL ln my sLaLe? WhaL has made Lhem successful?
Iocused sma|| group ?'s re|ated to Invest|gat|on
O 1hlnk abouL a Llme when your SLaLe (or communlLy)
eperlenced success ln a plannlng efforL !oL down
your answers below
O WhaL lessons have you learned from prevlous
plannlng relaLed efforLs and how can you bulld off
Lhese lessons?
O 8ased on whaL you have heard Loday whaL are some
small sLeps LhaL you can Lake Lo help move Lhe
droughL plannlng process forward ln your sLaLe?
6 Ident|fy your state's cap|ta|s
What assets does your state have under the
form of each cap|ta|?
Ident|fy your state's cap|ta|s
7 Who w||| part|c|pate?
O Who wlll supporL Lhe
O Who wlll help make Lhe
plan successful?
O Who has a vesLed
lnLeresL ln Lhe plan?
AdapLed from mery M ley S llora C 2003 uslng
CommunlLy CaplLals Lo uevelop AsseLs for oslLlve
CommunlLy Change 8ased on a workbook developed aL
Lhe norLh CenLral 8eglonal CenLer for 8ural uevelopmenL
ln 2004
Inv|tees and Contact Informat|on Commun|ty Cap|ta| kepresented Contact erson
Strateg|z|ng for the Iuture
Where do we go how do we get there?
Ideas Innovat|ons
8 Ideas Innovat|ons
Example. A
new park is
We hold a
new cultural
Every child
high school
and has an
for future
New clubs
are more
diverse in
the future
New home
Where do we go how do we get there?
9 Imp|ementat|on
CAI1AL Natura|
kesu|ts from SCI Drought |ann|ng Meet|ng
Asset Mapp|ng
O LAsLrong oll gas presence ln SLaLe
O 1ksome reslllence and lnLerconnecLedness of waLer supplles
O LAporL of new Crleans 8aLon 8ouge
O LAsLrong connecLlons Lo Lhe medla
O LAcolleagues aL LSu
O 1kunlfled sLaLewlde ldenLlLy sense of human domlnlon over naLure
O LAsLrong Ca[un culLure wlLh many fesLlvals
O 1kmosLly selfconLalned hydrology
O LAsLrong SLaLe park sysLem weLland ecosysLems Mlsslsslppl 8lver
kesu|ts from SCI Drought |ann|ng Meet|ng
Deve|op|ng a |ann|ng Comm|ttee Us|ng CCI
O LALA conomlc uevelopmenL Cll Cas Company
O LACroundwaLer 8esLoraLlon rogram munlclpal assoclaLlon
O LACCS SLaLe mlllLary deparLmenL
O LAu connecLlons Lo Lhe medla 4
O LAconomlc uevelopmenL larm 8ureau LSu
O LAlarm Servlce Agency
O LAun8 u; LSuAC Ag loresLry Wlldllfe llsherles
Ideas Innovat|on by Commun|ty Cap|ta|
O 1kvoLe democraLlc
O Akpollcy awareness flelblllLy
O LAn/S LA dlsconnecLs on droughL awareness
O 1klnvolvemenL of counLy [udges ln droughL plannlng
O AkuroughL plan developmenL abouL whaL happens"
O 1kWaLer resLrlcLlon sLraLegles LhaL are aware of and conslsLency wlLh human responses
O AkSomebody asslgned Lo droughL planner
O LAAg/llsherles confllcLs
O Akubllc awareness lncreased
O LASalL waLer lnLruslon plan
O AkApproprlaLe amounL of waLer
O 1kldenLlfy hlsLorlcal alLernaLlves Lo gradual sLarvaLlon of panhandle
O AkConLlnuous revlew and dedlcaLlon Lo droughL plannlng
Strateg|es Impacts
O LAlmpacL of SalLwaLer lnLruslon (have a sLraLegy on needs and wanLs) 1ry Lo flnd balances
beLween sLakeholders ln flsherles clLles bulldlng of weLlands lmpacLs knowlng LhaL Lhere wlll be
people who are noL conLenL wlLh Lhe plan
O Ck SLraLegy LeglslaLlve Lours educaLlon lmpacLs long Lerm waLer plannlng buyln pollcy
O 1xSLraLegy voLe democraLlc lmpacL ollLlcal marglnallzaLlon
O 1kSLraLegy ngage or lnclude clergy more lmpacLs SupporL sysLem
O 1kSLraLegy amlne success of waLer suppllers ln aLLalnlng LargeL use reducLlonsldenLlfy besL
pracLlces culLural dlfferences lmpacLs 8eLLer ablllLy Lo achleve reducLlons beLLer ablllLy Lo plan
uman CaplLal Lake advanLage of human naLure"SLraLegy ngaglng educaLors lmpacLs More
droughL educaLlon Lhrough schools
O CkSLraLegy Seed money for plannlng faclllLaLe local reglonal plannlng lmpacLs reglonal or
local plannlng maLch wlLh oLher sLaLe and federal funds sysLem lmprovemenLs plannlng
Strateg|es Impacts 1hat Span A|| Cap|ta|s
O WaLer user and envlronmenLal nCC's agreelng on fundamenLals supporL for research daLa
for answers comblne dralnage wlLh supply
O 8esearch unlverslLy uman
O 8lce farmlngnaLural
O LeglslaLlve supporLollLlcal
O lrrlgaLlon sysLem8ullL
O uralnage/WaLer ManagemenL ulsLrlcLCulLural
O larm 8ureauSoclal/ollLlcal
O use communlLy waLer sysLem droughL managemenL plans Lo ldenLlfy naLural flnanclal
pollLlcal soclal human and culLural caplLals bulld on Lhe lnpuL of waLer resources Lechnlcal
advlsory commlLLee Lo ldenLlfy Lhe varlous caplLals
O llnd a balance beLween reglons wlLhln Lhe sLaLe LhaL are dlfferenL culLurally economlcally
pollLlcally for waLer usage and pollLlcal focus on waLer lssues
NIDIS LC Ch|cago Workshop
NIDIS LC Ch|cago Workshop
Ch|cago Workshop
uman CaplLal
O Male lemale perspecLlves lndlgenous Croups Mayor ClLy Counclls Crass 8ooL or ubllc
AcLlvlsL ClLlzens rlvaLe SecLor 1echnlcal perLs ?ouLh 1eachers SLudenLs 1rlbal lders
SclenLlsLs Marglnallzed Croups
O naLural ConservaLlon Croups Chamber of Commerce Clubs such as clvlc organlzaLlons
(boys glrls clubs 4 lks 8oLary Women voLers) nuMC?
O Schools 8ellglous CrganlzaLlons Law nforcemenL mergency ManagemenL
1ang|b|es Labor force !obs Soclal Medla
Intang|b|es AvallablllLy Lo roper 1ralnlng WellducaLed Workforce ulverslLy (backgrounds
eperlence knowledge)
CulLural CaplLal
eop|eLocal knowledge of AgrlculLure 8lodlverslLy Land 1rlbal lders
SoclologlsLs 1eachers lsLorlans nvlronmenLallsLs ArLlsLs llsherman
unLers lkers 8oaLers and CanoelsLs roducers
Assoc|at|onsunLlng llshlng AssoclaLlons Chamber of Commerce eLc
Inst|tut|onsLocal governmenLs (Lown clLles lncludlng uLlllLles) Museums unlverslLy and
Colleges (lncludlng 1rlbal Colleges)
1ang|b|es WrlLLen hlsLorles Cov'L 8egulaLlons 8ural vs urban CommunlLy
Intang|b|es Cral hlsLorles 8eglonal undersLandlng nvlronmenLal SLewardshlp
ercepLlons (8ellglous CulLural Lhnlc) llshlng 1echnlques CommunlLy
values Cral lsLorles lndlgenous knowledge
naLural CaplLal
eop|eWaLer uLlllLles ubllc Works SLaff 1rlbes CovernmenL Croups ubllc roducers
uroughL 1ask lorce Came arks llsh Wlldllfe
Assoc|at|onsomeowners Assoc nCCs nvlronmenLal AssoclaLlons LCCs 8lverkeeper or
WaLer MasLers llshlng AssoclaLlons
Inst|tut|onsClLy Counclls Academla uepL of naLural 8esources Church Croups 1ourlsm
8ecreaLlon Chamber of Commerce ark Servlce (SLaLe arks) uSlS nS
1ang|b|es 8lvers loresLs arks 8eservolrs 1ralls CroundwaLer/Aqulfer CreenbelLs
WeLlands reclplLaLlons (Snow pack) Wlldllfe
Intang|b|es knowledge of our CulLural/naLural 8esources ManagemenL AesLheLlcs lndlgenous
knowledge lsLorlcal SlLes
8ullL CaplLal
eop|euLlllLy ulrecLors uevelopers CovernmenL Workers 8C8 ACC
Assoc|at|onsAssoc of uam CperaLors lrrlgaLlon ulsLrlcLs AWWA ConservaLlonCrlenLed
Inst|tut|onsuLlllLles ClLy CovernmenLs ACC WeaLher Servlce MonlLorlng qulpmenL
neLworks uSCS unlverslLles
1ang|b|es 8euse laclllLles WasLewaLer lanLs WaLer LreaLmenL lanLs Wells umps 8oaL
8amps kayaklng (8ecreaLlon) llshlng 8eservolrs lnLerconnecLed lnfrasLrucLure lree
CommunlLy MeeLlng Areas
Intang|b|es Cood codes ollcy for Codes CaplLal lmprovemenL lans 1reaLed WaLer lans
llnanclal CaplLal
eop|e 8oger (nlulS) Covernor Medla AccounLanLs lnsurance 8eps
Assoc|at|ons Inst|tut|ons Corn Crowers 1rade AssoclaLlons 8lver 8aslns n8us
ConservaLlon ulsLrlcLs lnsurance and Lendlng lnsLlLuLlons lederal SLaLe Local
CovernmenLs CranLlng Agencles rlvaLe CrganlzaLlons or loundaLlons( CaLes loundaLlon)
8erkshlre aLhaway uerlvaLlve MarkeLs and 8elnsurance
1ang|b|es azard lunds Cov'L CranLs 8uslness 8lsk ManagemenL lnsurance lederal rograms
lnfrasLrucLure uroughL 1ask lorce
Intang|b|es ConnecLlons CulLural pecLaLlons
ollLlcal CaplLal
eop|e lecLed offlclals voLers uroughL 1ask lorce
Assoc|at|onsWomen's League of voLers ollLlcal arLles Chamber of Commerce LobbylsLs
Clvlc Clubs uSuM AuLhors???
Inst|tut|onsCovernmenL Leg Affalrs (uSuA) MulLlLevel SLaLe unlverslLles Churches
Schools Cov'L ueparLmenLs llke un8
1ang|b|es MandaLes Laws ollcles CommunlcaLlons Soclal Medla
Intang|b|es ollLlcal ressure ollLlcal ndorsemenLs lnLernal ollLlcs
ConnecLlons/8elaLlons uroughL venLs
Soclal CaplLal
eop|eLocal elecLed offlclals unelecLed offlclals uepL eads 1echnlcal perLs
1echnocraLs Champlons Well ConnecLed Leaders (noL necessary Lhe pollLlcal ones buL Lhe
ones LhaL have good leadershlp skllls) Colf course superlnLendenLs bloggers CommunlLy
CaplLals neLwork of racLlLloners volunLeers
Assoc|at|onslandscape assoclaLlons coops AWlWA soclal medla organlzaLlons
Inst|tut|onsuepL of nvlronmenL or naLural 8esources nCAA nCCs merg ManagemenL
unlverslLles (especlally ouLreach and eLenslon) medla schools
1ang|b|es Soclal Medla (lacebook) Shared perlences Shared Spaces
(arks Coffee Shops l8 games and appllcaLlons)
Intang|b|es volunLeer CrganlzaLlons 8elaLlonshlps
What's Next?
O keep researchlng Lhe Lheory and pracLlce of CommunlLy CaplLals
O CeL an l88 proLocol sLarLed
O keep researchlng and pracLlclng how lL applles Lo droughL and publlsh on
O ALLend Lhe Annual CCl workshops ln lowa wlLh Lhe lloras Mary mery
and CLu) and geL good feedback from Lhe fellow CCl research
O uevelop a sLrong meLhodology based on Lhe elsLlng soclal sclence
llLeraLure research pracLlce eperlences
O 1hlnk and promoLe CCl as an lnvesLmenL" Lowards a more adapLable
(pracLlcal) cllmaLe change acLlon plan eople need Lo undersLand lf you
puL more Llme LhoughL and resources (noL [usL flnanclal) lnLo
sLrengLhenlng Lhe asseLs you have Lhls wlll pay off ln Lhe fuLure 1hls
model may also help lead fuLure research and pollcy
roposa| Cpportun|t|es
O nCAASA8 (u8C nlulS C efforLs)
O nSl ulsasLer 8eslllence
O Areas of LhaL need aLLenLlon Maklng clear Lhe
dlsLlncLlon beLween eposure vulnerablllLy Lo dlsasLer
meLhods of analysls Lhe ablllLy Lo make correlaLlons
beLween droughL hazard and communlLy level caplLal
formaLlon (emplrlcal resulLs) daLa caLegorles should
show (or noL show) longLerm adapLlve capaclLy (maybe
focus groups are Lhe besL way Lo do Lhls) need Lo brlng
ouL Lhe Lheory of CCl ln Lhe neL proposal make Lhe
ouLcomes more broad ln Lerms of belng able Lo be used
more broadly for oLher naLural hazards dlsasLers
%he %he capablty to antcpate rsk, capablty to antcpate rsk,
l2t 2pact, an/ bounce back l2t 2pact, an/ bounce back
rap/ly through survval, rap/ly through survval,
a/aptablty, evoluton, an/ a/aptablty, evoluton, an/
growth n the face of turbulent growth n the face of turbulent
change change." ."
efnton of Co22unty Reslence, Susan
Cutter, Co22unty an/ Regonal Reslence
ny Questons? ny Questons?
Co22ents? Co22ents?
Special thanks to the Floras, Mary Emery, the Heartland
Center for Leadership Development

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