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MMX technology for

 Multi Media Extension (MMX) for Pentium Processor
Which has built in 80X87
 Can be switched for multimedia computations
working in Co processor mode with MMX instruction
 The coprocessor works in SIMD instruction set
processor for multi media applications
 Some MMX Applications are
 motion video
 combined graphics with video
 Image processing
 Audio and speech synthesis and compression
 Video conferencing
 Telephony
 2D and 3D graphics
MMX Data types
 New packed data types
 Eight packed 8 bit bytes
 Four packed consecutive 16 bit words
 Two packed consecutive 32 bit double words
 Two access modes
 64 bit access mode between CPU registers
 32 bit access mode between FPU registers
 MMX technology uses the same 8 register set
of FPU of 80 bit wide right justified
 MMX aliases the FPU resources for specific
 MMX registers are designated as MM0 – MM7
MMX instruction set
 SIMD instructions of type Arithmetic,
comparison, conversion, logical, shift
and data transfer
 Instructions will start with letter P as
first character
 Instructions are appended with B, W or
 MMX instructions use dual operands and
register set MM0 – MM7
 The result of operation is moved on to
First operand
MMX arithmetic Instruction
 PADDB MM1, MM2 adds the entire 64 bit
contents of MM2 to MM1 byte by Byte
and stores in MM1
 Any carries are dropped
 Adding a byte A0H to 70H gives 110H ,
but the carry is dropped and byte will be

Second operand can be a memory
location containing 64 bit packed data
MMX arithmetic Instruction
set (1)
 PSUBB MM1, MM2 subtracts the entire 64 bit
contents of MM2 to MM1 byte by Byte and stores
in MM1
 Like PADD , PSUB also does not carry or borrow
 Second operand can be a memory location
containing 64 bit packed data

If the result of subtraction due to underflow and
overflow errors result in 7FH (+128) for a
overflow and 80H (-128) for underflow, Intel calls
it as saturation
MMX arithmetic Instruction
set (2)
 PMULLW MM1, MM2 multiplies the entire
16 bit LW contents of MM2 with LW of MM1
and stores the 32 bit result in MM1

Like PADD , PSUB also does not carry or borrow

Second operand can be a memory location
containing 64 bit packed data
 PMADDWD instruction multiplies and adds.
After multiplying four 32 bit results are
added to get two 32 bit double word result.
MMX comparison
 Two comparison instruction
 PCMPEQ ( equal )
 PCMPGT ( greater than )
 Append it with B,W or D depending on the
word length
 Operands can be MMX register or memory
 These instruction does not change the
flags; instead it changes the result
operand filled with 000… or 111…
MMX conversion
 Two basic conversion instructions
 PACK >> convert data in Dword/ Qword in
MMX packed format Available as

PACKSS ( signed saturation )

PACKUS ( unsigned saturation )

Can be appended with B, W, D
 PUNPCK >> convert packed data to normal
data word / byte available as

PUNPCKH ( unpack High data )

PUNPCKL ( unpack Low data )
 To be used in combinations of WB ( word to byte )
or DW ( double word to word )
MMX Logic Instructions
 PAND ( AND )
 POR ( OR )
 PXOR ( XOR )
 NO size extensions , BIT wise
operation on all 64 bit data
 Very powerful for bit
MMX shift Instructions
 Logical shift and Arithmetic shift
 Logic shifts are
 PSLL ( Left Logic )
 PSRL (Right Logic )
 Variations are W, D and Q
 Arithmetic shifts preserves the sign bit
 PSLA ( left Arithmetic )
 PSRA ( right arithmetic )
 Example : PSLLD MM3,2 shifts the two
32 bit double word in MM3 left two
MMX data transfer
 Two data transfer instructions
 Transfers data between registers
and memory
 Example : MOVED ECX, MM2
moves the right most 32 bits of
MM2 to ECX register
 Example : MOVEQ MM2, MM3
moves the 64 bit of MM3 to MM2
MMX EMMS Instruction
 EMMS ( empty MMX state )
 Sets 11 for tags >>> indicate that
FPU barrel registers are empty
 Must be executed before the return
instruction so that FPU smoothly
takes over
 If not done FPU interrupt occurs and
system crashes

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