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Abuela invent the zero

BY:Yahya Saleem
Grade :9C
The charecters
• 1-Isabella (Abuela): The protagonist of the story, Isabella is an elderly and brilliant woman
residing in the village of Quetzalcoatl. Affectionately known as Abuela, she is a curious and
inquisitive mind, driven by a desire to understand the mysteries of the world around her

2- Villagers: The residents of Quetzalcoatl make up the supporting cast. Initially puzzled by
Abuela's invention of zero, they represent the broader community that eventually comes to
appreciate and adopt the groundbreaking mathematical concept.

3- Scholars and Mathematicians: As the story progresses, scholars and mathematicians from
neighboring villages and beyond play a role in recognizing the significance of Abuela's
discovery. They invite her to share her insights, acknowledging the transformative impact of
her invention on mathematical thinking.

These characters collectively contribute to the narrative, reflecting the communal dynamics
of the village and the broader intellectual impact of Abuela's revolutionary idea.
The begining
• The story begins in the ancient village of
Quetzalcoatl, where Isabella, affectionately
known as Abuela, resides. Abuela is a curious
and brilliant woman who becomes fascinated
by the concept of nothingness and endeavors
to find a way to represent it in a tangible form.
Her musings lead her to the invention of the
number zero.
Sequence of events
• Abuela embarks on a journey of experimentation, drawing
inspiration from nature and celestial patterns. After numerous
trials, she successfully creates a symbol, "cero" or zero, to
represent the absence of quantity. Initially met with confusion
from the villagers, Abuela patiently explains the concept, and
gradually, the community begins to grasp the significance of zero.
• Word of Abuela's invention spreads beyond Quetzalcoatl to
neighboring villages and scholars across the region. Recognizing
the profound implications of zero, Abuela is invited to share her
insights at gatherings of intellectuals. The concept rapidly gains
acceptance, transforming mathematical thinking across
• As the sun sets over Quetzalcoatl, Abuela's garden becomes a sanctuary of
quiet wisdom. Her wrinkled hands, creators of the symbol zero, rest in the
embrace of nature. Abuela's journey, from a humble village to the
forefront of mathematical discovery, is a meditation on curiosity and quiet
• The legacy she leaves isn't a grand monument but a village transformed.
Zero, once a mystery, unifies the community, a symbol of
interconnectedness. Abuela's final scenes are not of applause but of
contentment in her garden, surrounded by the vibrant hues of her
intellectual blossoms.
• In the cosmic silence of the night, Abuela's story concludes—a tale not of
loud triumphs but of a brilliant mind that, like the stars overhead, guides
those who dare to explore the infinite possibilities within nothingness.
Analyze the main charecter

Isabella (Abuela):
• Curiosity and Intellect: Abuela is characterized by an insatiable curiosity and a keen intellect. Her fascination with the
concept of nothingness reflects a deep desire to understand the fundamental nature of the world around her. Her
intellectual prowess becomes evident as she embarks on the journey to represent this abstract idea in a tangible form,
ultimately leading to the invention of zero.
• Persistence and Dedication: Abuela's character is defined by persistence and dedication. Her tireless experimentation, even
in the face of initial confusion from the villagers, showcases her unwavering commitment to her intellectual pursuits. This
persistence is a driving force behind the success of her groundbreaking invention.
• Connection to Nature: Rooted in the ancient village of Quetzalcoatl, Abuela is intimately connected to the natural world.
The inspiration for her invention is drawn from the patterns of nature and the celestial bodies, emphasizing a holistic and
interconnected worldview. This connection to nature adds depth to her character, shaping both her philosophy and the
symbolic significance of her invention.
• Patience and Teaching: Abuela exhibits patience in explaining the concept of zero to her fellow villagers. Despite initial
confusion, she takes the time to share her insights and ensure that others understand the significance of her discovery. This
willingness to teach and share knowledge underscores her role not just as an inventor but as a guide for her community.
• Legacy and Impact: Abuela's character leaves a lasting legacy. Her invention of zero not only transforms the mathematical
landscape within her village but reverberates across civilizations. The recognition by scholars and the incorporation of zero
into mathematical thinking highlight the enduring impact of her intellectual contribution.
• In summary, Isabella (Abuela) emerges as a multifaceted character—a curious thinker, a persistent experimenter, a steward
of nature, a patient teacher, and ultimately, a trailblazer whose intellectual legacy extends far beyond the confines of her
• You
The theme
• The theme of the story revolves around the transformative
influence of intellectual curiosity. Abuela's relentless pursuit
of understanding, driven by curiosity, leads to the
groundbreaking invention of zero. This theme explores how
intellectual exploration not only shapes individual
understanding but also has the power to unite
communities, leaving a lasting legacy that transcends time.
It emphasizes the harmony between intellectual curiosity,
communal learning, and the timeless impact of ideas rooted
in the natural world.
15 words

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