Eng10q4 M6

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Research Parts and Process

Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

Determine the basic Identify a research

outline of a research process

Write a research paper

As mentioned in the previous lesson that a
research follows an organized procedure.
There is a process involved in research that
you must be aware of. Following the step by
step process will make you finish
systematically. Thus, your study will achieve
the quality that it must possess.
Think of something you want to accomplish this week. Fill in the
diagram below with a series of steps to be taken in order to achieve
your goal.

Should following a certain process in doing something important?

A research paper has essential sections and as a
researcher you need to ensure that you get all of
the parts in the right order. It is a must to
carefully lay out the parts of your research
so it will be interesting and inviting to your
readers. The following is the conventional outline
of an academic research paper:

It is the research inquiry in a capsule form.

It must clearly reflect the topic of
investigation. It must be original, clear,
and specific.

Source: Research Paper titled “Oral English Proficiency of the Selected Grade 12
Students in Signal Village National High School” (Bebita, et.al, 2020)
Chapter I:
The Problem and Its Background

This chapter includes the issues or

problems that have been identified by the
researcher, as well as the specific questions
which are needed to be answered in the study.
Also, the purpose of the study is clearly

Source: Research Paper titled “Oral English Proficiency of the Selected Grade 12
Students in Signal Village National High School” (Bebita, et.al, 2020)
Chapter 2:
Review of the Related Literature and Studies

This segment highlights the different

published material and studies which are
related to your topic. It analyzes the
existing knowledge regarding the research
topic. It identifies the gaps in information
that may be addressed by the research.

Source: Research Paper titled “Oral English Proficiency of the Selected Grade 12
Students in Signal Village National High School” (Bebita, et.al, 2020)
Chapter 3:
Research Methodology

This part of your research paper explains the

respondents, design, instrument, and the
statistical treatment that you will use in your
study. It describes how the researcher will
answer the research questions in a credible

Source: Research Paper titled “Oral English Proficiency of the Selected Grade 12
Students in Signal Village National High School” (Bebita, et.al, 2020)
Chapter 4:
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

In this section the

researcher presents the collected data.
Then the researcher will analyze and
the information on hand.

Source: Research Paper titled “Oral English Proficiency of the Selected Grade 12
Students in Signal Village National High School” (Bebita, et.al, 2020)
Chapter 5:
Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter contains the main points of the

research. Then findings are discussed and
interpreted. Lastly, based on the results of
your study, you need to provide measures or
directions to be taken.

Source: Research Paper titled “Oral English Proficiency of the Selected Grade 12
Students in Signal Village National High School” (Bebita, et.al, 2020)

This section covers the list of sources you

have used. It will provide information for
readers who may want to access the
sources you cite in your paper.

Source: Research Paper titled “Oral English Proficiency of the Selected Grade 12
Students in Signal Village National High School” (Bebita, et.al, 2020)
Research follows step by step actions from the
beginning up to the end. A scientific procedure in
research will make you sure that you are aligned
to standards and practices which is highly
required in a scientific inquiry. A research that
does not use a scientific research process is not
adhering with the way he is expected to.
A. Determining the problem
The first step in the research process is to identify an issue or concern.
The problem that you will investigate might be something that exist in
your day-to-day experience. It can also be a problem that you can
observe in your community. Research problems may be derived in almost
any kind of setting such as market, school, homes, or any part of your
community. There are many sources of research problems and they can
be commonly based on the following circumstances: feeling of
discomfort/ difficulty towards a particular thing; a pattern or trend in the
society; utilizing an advanced technology or equipment; or something
that makes you curious or interested. For instance, you might consider
studying the different concerns of students in an online learning
B. Write Research Questions
Research questions are interrogative statements that you will ask to
what you want to know in your identified topic. The questions define
what exactly
the researcher is trying to find out in his study. If you are seeking
about the impact of online learning among Grade 10 students, you must
specific questions that will answer specific issue in an online learning.

Example: What are the technical difficulties encountered by the students

in using
Google Classroom as an online learning platform?
C. Develop Hypothesis
Hypothesis is a tentative answer to the research questions you formulated
The researcher writes the possible answers to the research questions to
answers. It is developed because it provides the focal point for the study,
so the
researcher will be guided on the right track along the way. In this step,
researcher first review similar studies and examine available data in

Example: Online learning environment leads to higher students’

D. Review the Literature
The review of literature is the process of compiling, classifying, and
evaluating what other authors or researchers have written in the topic that
you choose to focus on. Literature refers to the written works such as
books, newspaper, magazines, and thesis that are published. Research
demands a lot of reading which can be very difficult for the students;
however, reviewing literature will provide a good foundation of
knowledge on your topic; hence, it will make you understand better your
topic. Reading will expand your knowledge on what did and didn’t work
to other authors or researchers. You will identify the relationships of
different works and their contributions in your study. For example, you
will read printed and online reading materials that are related to the
topic, issues related to online learning environment.
E. Select the people who will be the participants
of your research
When you conduct a research, you will focus on a specific group of people
technically it is called population. You need to identify a large collection of
individuals or objects that is the main focus of an inquiry. These people
have a
common characteristic that distinguish them from others. In other
circumstances, it is impossible for a researcher to include all the individuals
in the study; instead, the researcher needs to select only a representative of
the population and it is called sampling. Sample is a representative group
and usually smaller group which demonstrates the same characteristics of
the whole population.
F. Choose how you will collect the data you need
Researcher needs an instrument to get the information that he needs to obtain to the
people who are the participants/respondents in his study. An instrument refers to the data
collection tool used to collect data. The most common data-collecting instruments in
research are questionnaires, interviews, observation, laboratory experiments, etc. The
researcher needs to choose a tool in order for him to gain insight into the deeper emotions,
thoughts, and motivations of research participants. The two research instruments that you
may use to collect your data are the following:

Survey Questionnaire – It is a research instrument that consists of series of

questions for the purpose of collecting information from respondents.

Interview – It is a method where the researcher asks pre-determined questions

while the research participants answer. In this way, the participants are prodded to
talk about their experiences, feelings, beliefs, outlooks, etc.
G. Collect the Data

Once you identified the instrument that you will use to get the information,
need to start collecting responses from your selected participants. Data can
collected in the form of words on a survey, with questionnaire, through
or interview. When the researcher is done with the data collection, he is
ready to
proceed with the next step.
H. Analyzing the Data

Once you get their responses, the next step is you will examine and analyze
so that the research questions can be answered. The results of the analysis
be diligently reviewed and summarized based on the research questions. If
study focuses on the impact of an online learning environment among
Then, you must be able to generally share insights on how online learning
environment influences the learning process of the students.
I. Writing a Research Report
Research report is the final written document where you communicate the
problem, purpose, scope, objectives, hypotheses, methodology, findings,
and recommendations of your research study to your readers. Preparing
your report involves many of the same processes involved in putting
together a report; there is a planning phase, a research phase and a writing
phase. The main objective of the research report is to clearly communicate
the objectives, methods, results and the importance of your research to

The outline of your research reports are as follows:

- What is the problem?
- What is your research design/ methodology?
- Present your discussion of results and findings.
- State your conclusion and present your recommendations.
Directions: Identify the following statements. Write your answers on the spaces provided.

_________________1. It refers to the smaller or subset of a larger population.

_________________2. It is a sentence that asks an inquiry to answer a specific issue.
_________________3. It refers to the examination and analysis of existing materials relating to a
particular area of study.
_________________4. It refers to the entire group of people or objects that are the main focus
of scientific probe.
_________________5. . It is a structured conversation where one asks questions while other
provides responses.
_________________6. It is a tool that a researcher uses to gather the information.
_________________7. It is a research tool that consists of a set of questions.
_________________8. It is an identified concern in a research study.
_________________9. It refers to the last part of the research process where data on-hand are
being examined and analyzed.
_________________10. It refers to the specific statement that predicts what you expect will
happen in your research study.
A research paper has important segments which you need to carefully lay out the parts in
the right order. Besides, research follows a scientific process which consist of series of
actions to undertake to effectively carry out the research study. The process consists of
the following: determining the problem, writing a research questions, reviewing literature,
developing a hypothesis, selecting the participants, choosing how to collect data,
collecting data, analyzing the data on hand, and writing a final research report.

Complete the following statements below:

1. The key idea that I learn today is ______________________________________

2. The part of the lesson that I found most difficult is ________________________
3. Something that I want to learn more ____________________________________
Do the following:

1. Make an outline of a research paper. Write your answer on a separate sheet

of paper.
2. Cite examples on why processes or procedures are important to the
following fields. Use another sheet of paper if you need.



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