The Flowering of Culture and Learning

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The flowering of culture and

Let's review what we have learnt so far

Anything you remember from the previous lessons?

The of Abbasids was a period at
the House of Wisdom. It was a time of great advancements
of , ,
Scavengers hunt,

Guess the riddle the winner.

Challenge 3:
Challenge 1… I have streets, but no
I look at you, you look at me I pavement. I have cities,
raise my right, you raise your left but no buildings. I have
What is this object? forests, yet no trees. I
have rivers, yet no water
Challenge 2: Challenge 4…
Walk on the living, they don't Take one out and scratch
even mumble. Walk on the dead, my head. I am now black
they mutter and grumble but once was red.

leaves Match-stick”
The institutions of
learning and the
Welcome to today’s lesson
I. Gain insight into the flowering of
literature in the Abbasids period.

II.Explore new discoveries in science and

other disciplines that emerged in this

III.Examine the importance of the

translation of texts of past civilisations
that begun under the Abbasids.
The ruled the Islamic world from 750 to 1258 CE. It was a time of and
, with the capital city of becoming
a center of learning and innovation.
Literary Achievements

As we have seen The Abbasid courts offered

generous patronage to poets, as a result,

poetry flourished, and witty verses acted as

newspaper articles today transmitting

information quickly around Baghdad.

What is your favorite animal ?
1. What makes it your favorite?

2. Do you think animals have a purpose in

this world?

3. If yes -what makes you say that?

4. Is there any role of the animals?

Let’s meet Al-Jahiz –a poet who finds wisdom in every creation

What meaning do
you find in this

Or is there any
important value
being mentioned?
Let's try to do something creative

Think creatively of an imaginative explanation of how

your chosen animal came to have certain features.

Such as the long neck of a giraffe.

Key point: there has to be a moral lesson or a value in

the story …
Quick pair discussion

What do you think

how students were
educated in the
Abbasid period and
what subjects did
they learn?
House of Wisdom
●The During the Abbasid time Young children would attend
elementary school to read, write and memorize the Quran
and Hadith.

●At a higher-level students studied subjects like science,

logic, medicine, and philosophy. ,
●The first Abbasid academy and library was the Bayt al-
Hikma ( House of Wisdom).

●It was founded by the caliph al-Ma’mun.

●Libraries made knowledge available to those who wanted to

Think and share
• In the Abbasid era, students learned in diverse ways

compared to today's education system.

• What were the methods of education during the

Abbasid period, and how do they differ from modern

educational approaches?

• What subjects were prioritized in Abbasid education,

and how does that compare to the subjects taught

Here is the most exciting challenge
Translate the text
As soon as the symptoms of smallpox appear we must
take special care of the eyes, then of the throat and
afterwards of the nose, ears, and joints in the way I am
about to describe. And besides these parts, sometimes it
will be necessary for us to extend our care to the soles
of the feet, and the palms of the hands …
Lets do some critical thinking
-Was it easy to translate the text or difficult? why?

- What skills and materials are needed to translate a


-What are the benefits of translating a text into

another language?
The achievements of the Golden Age had a profound impact on
, shaping its intellectual, cultural, and scientific traditions. The legacy
of the Abbasid era continues to inspire scholars and thinkers today.
Award for outstanding contribution

As we have seen the translation movement

has benefited many scholars These
scholars have had an impact on scholarship
and learning.
Now here is a situation
That’s why out of many scholars of Abbasid times three of the scholars are being
considered for an award for an outstanding contribution to humanity by an international
panel of judges Now each group has been asked to present an argument for why their
assigned scholar should win the award.
• Group 1:Al-kindi….page 60
• Group 2:Al-Khwarizimi …page 54
• Group 3:Al-Razi….page 61
A brief description of the life of the scholar
The work and achievements of the scholar
The impact of these achievements on the later thinkers
Think about the themes we covered
today .
Its Reflection Time

1. Why do you believe it’s important to discover the

amazing inventions and brilliant minds of the past?

2. Do you think their contributions and inventions still

matter in today's world?

3. What lessons can we learn from the fascinating

lives of the Abbasids and how they lived?"
What principle is Imam
expressing in this
Enduring Contributions

The enduring contributions of the

Golden Age of Abbasids continue to
enrich our understanding of , ,
. The House of Wisdom remains
a symbol of the enduring quest for
knowledge and enlightenment.
The Rise of New Dynasties
• The tenth and eleventh centuries, there were further developments in philosophy, the
sciences, literature, learning, and many other aspects of culture and civilisation. However,
in this period the Abbasid caliphate was considerably weakened. New ruling dynasties were
emerging in distant provinces. Over time, some of these dynasties took control of Baghdad,
which meant the caliph was reduced to a figurehead. Although Baghdad remained an
important city, other capitals emerged in the Abbasid Empire, with their own courts where
culture and learning flourished.
The Shia Century
• Central Asia, Iran, Syria, Egypt,
• it did not damage the cultural life
• Caspian Sea to Mediterranean
The Rising New Dynasties
Pass the Ball
1.How and why did the Abbasid caliphate change in the tenth and eleventh


2.Who were some of the major thinkers, poets and writers in this period?

3.What is the significance of their contributions?

4.Why do some historians call the period between the tenth and eleventh

centuries the ‘Shia century’?

Major Contribution of the Time

• Who were some major figures who contributed to scholarship and

learning in the tenth and eleventh centuries?

• What works of significance were produced during this period?

• How is the role of patronage linked to these contributors’ works?

Major Contribution of the Time

Main Best
Name Expertise Achievement remembered for
1. Al-Farabi
2. Rudaki
3. Ibn Sina
4. Al Biruni
5. Al-Mutanabbi
6. Al-Miskawayh
Role play: Court yard

• What are your main achievements?

• Why do you consider your achievements to be significant?

• What makes you stand out? This might include an anecdote from your

past. (For example, Ibn Sina was said to have surpassed his teachers

in his knowledge at the age of fourteen.)

• How will the ruler’s patronage be of benefit to you and him?

• Why do you think your legacy will be of greater significance?

Major Contribution of the Time

• How important was court patronage for these figures?

• What were the advantages and disadvantages for these figures to be associated

with courts?

• How might the regions in which these figures lived have affected their works?

Page 96. Hazir Imam Speech

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