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Cloud Enhanced College

management system


Under The Guidance Of
Dr. Agnihotri Sir
 In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, efficient and automated college
management systems are paramount. Here we introduces a novel approach—utilizing
cloud technology to enhance the traditional college management system. The proposed
system, developed with JDK 1.8, Apache NetBeans IDE 15, and MySQL, revolutionizes how
educational institutions handle student data, attendance tracking, and adminis-trative
processes. The Cloud-Based College Management System seamlessly integrates modules
for administrators, students, courses, faculty, examinations, and departments.
Administrators enjoy a centralized platform for managing all college operations, ensuring
complete automation and freeing time for strategic initiatives. The system offers a secure
and user-friendly interface, accessible from anywhere, providing real-time updates on
student performance, assignment submissions, and upcoming events.The paper details
the methodology behind the implementation, employing Java and
 MySQL programming languages and deploying the system on the AWS cloud. The user-
centric design allows students to access their academic records, exam results, and
reports, promoting transparency and accountability. Faculty members, equipped with
unique login credentials, can efficiently input and monitor student grades, assignments,
and lecture reports. Highlighting advantages such as single-program efficiency, complete
automation, and robust security, this system addresses the challenges of manual college
management. Parents also benefit from gaining online access to their wards ’academic
information. However, potential challenges, such as dependence on internet connectivity,
are acknowledged. This work contributes to the evolving University Database Management
Systems field by presenting a practical and scalable solution.The proposed system sets
the stage for further advancements in educational technology and serves as a valuable
case study for institutions seeking to streamline their administrative processes.
 This project is aimed at development & implementation
of a cloud based college management system
 These modules avilable in this project
 Admin
 Faculty
 Student
 Cloud

 These are the modules which are managed properly so

that a stable collage management system is formed
whose aim is to keep proper record of students & faculty
& other to provide them with better knowledge
 Develop cloud based system
 Improve administrative process
 Enhance stakeholder communication
 Ensure scalability
Problem Statement
 The current state of college management systems is marked
by inefficiencies arising from
 manual processes, limited accessibility, and security
concerns. The need for a comprehensive solution to address
these challenges has led to the conception of a Cloud-Based
 College Management System. The problem is to revolutionize
the management of academic and administrative tasks in
educational institutions, providing and cloud-enhanced
platform for stakeholders.
Literature Survey
 What is cloud computing ?
 According to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) [1].
 ˆ As a service by demand from users and service users to get
information upon
 request.
 ˆ Access to a computer network management and software is
available from any-
 where and at any time.
 ˆ Many users can share data. The cost depends on location
and usage time Sus-
 tainability and therefore the environment of the vendor.
 ˆ Allocate resources flexibly according to changes in the
demand for services, and
 can be processed rapidly. Users do not have to worry about
allocating resources to the service
Saas , paas , iaas
 Internet connectivity
 Vendor lock in
 Limited control
 Security
System Architecture

trator Cloud
Manage faculty info, student
info , login, input grades,track
attendance , receive/send
notification, view personal
info ,view grades,

faculty c
System Requirement
 Hardware resources : 4 GB ram (min),core 2 deo processor
 Software resources : Apache Net beans IDE 15 FOR CODING & MY SQL
 Operating system : windows 10
Project Resources

Hardware Resources:
– Development Machines: Computers with a minimum of 4 GB
RAM and
Core 2 Duo processors.
– Server: AWS cloud infrastructure for deployment.
Software Resources:
– Development Tools: Apache NetBeans IDE 15 for coding and
for database management.
. Cloud Platform: AWS for system deployment.
. Operating System: Windows 10 for development and end-
user platforms.
Figure 1: Use case
Description of functions
The system includes the following essential functions:
1. User Authentication: Users are required to log in with valid
2. Student Data Management: Administrators can add, edit, and
delete student
3. Attendance Tracking: Faculty members can mark and view
student attendance.
4. Grade Management: Faculty can input and manage student
5. Event Notification: Students receive notifications about
upcoming events.
Software Interface Description

The user will interact with the system using software interface.
A user friendly Graphical user interfaces(GUI) will be provided.

GUI will contain Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers.

Operators use a mouse control a pointer on the screen which
then interacts with other on-screen elements Department
Figure 2: System Architecture
Overall System Functionality

Efficient Data Handling:

Systematically manages student data, attendance records, and
academic information.

Cloud Integration:
Leverages cloud technology (AWS) for scalable deployment,
ensuring accessibility
from anywhere.

Security Measures:
Implements robust security protocols to safeguard sensitive
academic data.

User-Friendly Interface:
Provides an intuitive interface for seamless user interaction,
promoting user adoption.
Overall System Functionality
Efficient Data Handling:
Systematically manages student data, attendance records, and academic information.

Cloud Integration:
Leverages cloud technology (AWS) for scalable deployment, ensuring accessibility
from anywhere.

Security Measures:
Implements robust security protocols to safeguard sensitive academic data.

User-Friendly Interface:
Provides an intuitive interface for seamless user interaction, promoting user
The Cloud-Based College Management System is designed to enhance the
educational experience by optimizing administrative processes, improving data
management, and fostering effective communication within the college ecosystem.
Registration Window
Login Window for Admin
Login Window for CSP
Login Window for Faculty
Login Window for Student
Admin Dashboard
CSP Dashboard
Login Window for CSP
Login Window for CSP
Installing NetBeans on Windows
 In conclusion, the Cloud-Enhanced College Management System represents a significant
 leap forward in addressing the ever-growing demands of modern educational
 administration. By seamlessly integrating cloud technology with traditional management
 systems, the proposed solution streamlines administrative processes and enhances
 accessibility and transparency for administrators, faculty, students, and parents alike.
 The user-centric design, secure interface, and real-time updates create an efficient and
 automated ecosystem that fosters accountability and strategic decision-making. While
 acknowledging potential challenges like dependence on internet connectivity, the
 overall benefits, including complete automation and robust security, position it
 as a transformative tool for educational institutions. As future work, continuous
 and adaptation of the system will be essential, incorporating user feedback
 and leveraging emerging technologies to enhance its capabilities further. The evolving
 nature of educational technology presents opportunities for expanding functionalities,
 exploring additional integrations, and ensuring compatibility with evolving industry
 standards. This work lays the foundation for ongoing advancements in the University
 Database Management Systems field, offering a practical and scalable solution that
 paves the way for future innovations in academic administration
 [1]. M. Roberts, "Serverless Architectures,",
May 22, 2018. [Online]. Available:
 [2]. Amazon Web Services, "Serverless Computing and
Applications," AWS, 2018. [Online]. Available:
 [3]. Manoj Kumar, “Serverless Architectures Review, Future
Trend and the Solutions to Open Problems”, January 25,
 2019, American Journal of Software Engineering. [Online].
 [4]. Mubbashir Mustafa, “Integrate Azure Active Directory
with AWS Cognito User Pool”, Nov 23, 2020. [Online].

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