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By: Jenebyb Serafica
• Introduction • Research Design
• Background • Result
• Literary review • Conclusion
Choosing a course is a complex decision as it
determines the type of profession they intend to
pursue in life. As a student trying to choose a career
during secondary school, they face the problem of
matching their career choices with their abilities and
school performance.

Students who will graduate from Senior High School

consider choosing a college course to be a problem. A
student's lack of enthusiasm and will are the reasons
why they cannot achieve their desired college course
(Roderick et al., 2015).
Literary Review 1

Holland's Career Choice theory identifies six personality types: Realistic,

Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. It emphasizes that
individuals with similar personalities tend to thrive in work environments that
align with their traits. This theory suggests that when selecting a career,
individuals should seek environments where they can utilize their skills and
abilities effectively, leading to greater satisfaction and success.
Literary Review 2

Donald Super's theory underscores the importance of self-concept and recognizes

that individuals undergo changes over time. Super posits that understanding these
changes is crucial for effective career planning. Unlike other theories that focus on
external factors influencing career choice, Super's theory highlights the
significance of recognizing internal changes over time, as they can guide career
decisions and planning processes.
The conducted research used a descriptive-quantitative design. The researchers chose the descriptive-
quantitative because here the data can be presented about the factors that affect the choice of a college
course. The researchers believe that the design used and is suitable for the subject because it will
facilitate the data collection being carried out.
Descriptive quantitative is the intellectual aspect behind the methods used. It provides the basis for why
a person uses a particular methodological stage in the development of research and not others so that
the result of the research can be made by the researcher or another scholar.
The data were thoroughly analyzed and placed in
figures and tables for clear interpretation of the
The data is divided into three parts. The first data is
about their name and what they want to take in
college. The second data is about the Financial
factor. The third data is about the Parent factor. The
fourth data is the Personal factor.
As shown in the pie chart, the Self-Influence
received the highest score of 3, interpreted as
“Influenced”. This means that students are aware
that Self-Influence is a factor in their college course
selection. On the other hand, the Financial factor
received the lowest score of 2, interpreted as
"Somehow Influencedl". This indicates that students
perceive financial factors as less influential in
obtaining their desired course. Additionally, the
Parental factor does have an effect, but not as
significant as the Personal factor, hence it is
interpreted as "Less Influential" because it does
affect the course selection for the respondents from
Stem 1.
In conclusion, the survey results indicate that students recognize the influence of various factors
on their college course selection process. Self-Influence received the highest score, suggesting
that students are keenly aware of their own preferences and interests when choosing their
courses. Conversely, the Financial factor received a lower score, indicating that while it plays a
role, students perceive it as less influential compared to other factors. Moreover, the Parental
factor was found to have an effect, but it was deemed less significant than the Personal factor,
particularly for respondents from Stem 1. Overall, these findings underscore the importance of
self-awareness and personal considerations in guiding students' course selection decisions, with
financial and parental influences playing secondary roles.
By Jenebyb Serafica

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