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The Spanish –American
war which started in
Cuba,changed the
History of the
On May 1,1898, the Americans led
by U.S. Navy Admiral George
Dewey ,in participation of Emilio
Aguinaldo attacked the Spanish
Navy in Manila Bay.
June 12,1898- The Philippine Declaration of
independence was proclaimed in Cavite el
(present day Kawit ,Cavite ).

The event saw the unfurling of the National

Flag of the Philippines made in Hongkong by
Marcela Agoncillo,Lorenza Agoncillo ,and
Delfina Herbosa.
The performance of the Marcha
Filipina Magdalo,as the national
anthem ,now known as Lupang
Hinirang which was composed of
Julian Felipe and played by San
Francisco Malabon marching band.
After the proclamation of Philippine
Independence,Apolinario Mabini
became the adviser of General

Changed the formed of government

from dictatorial to revolutionary.
This declaration was opposed
by the U.S who had plans of
taking over the colony. And
this led to a guerrilla war
against the Americans.
Faced with defeat ,the
Philippines was ceded to the
United States by Spain in
1898,after a payment of US$
20 million to spain in
accordance with the “”Treaty
of Paris”” ending the Spanish
–American War.
Some 126,000 American
Hostilities broke out on soldiers would be
February 4,1899 after two committed to the
American private son conflict,4234 Americans
died as did 16,000 Filipino
patrol killed three Filipino
soldiers who were part of a
soldiers in San Juan ,a nationwide guerrilla
Manila suburb. movement of indeterminate
Aguinaldo dissolve the Free trade ,established by
regular army in November an act of 1909,was
1899 and ordered the expanded in 1913.
establishment of
decentralized guerrilla Influenced of the
commands in each of several uselessness of further
military zones. resistance ,he swore
allegiance to the US and
The revolution was issued a proclamation
effectively ended with the calling on his compatriots
capture of Aguinaldo by Gen. to lay down their
Frederick Funston at Palanan arms,officially bringing an
Isabela on March 23,1901 end to the war
and was brought to Manila.
However , sporadic
insurgent resistance
continued in various parts
of the Philippines ,especially
in the Muslims south .
Also the Catholic Church was
Civil government was disestablished,and a
established by the Americans in substantial amount of church
1901,with William Howard Taft land was purchased and
as the First American Governor redistributed.
General of the Philippines.
Some measures of Filipino self
rule were allowed .
Consequences of the American Colonial
During the Spanish
period the Spaniards had
given enormous land The small farmers of
properties to the Catholic tenants didn’t get any
church.One of the first land however the land
things the Americans did became property of
was to take care for the some large
redistribution of this land landowners.
1. Jones Law- the law was to
approved by President
Woodrow Wilson after it
In 1916,the Philippine
was proposed by William
Autonomy Act widely
Atkinson Jones,an American
known as the Jones
Law ,Was passed by the
--the law stated the right of the
U.S Congress.
Filipinos to attain freedom in
the near future.
2.Tydings –McDuffie The law placed
Act- this law was executive power in
proposed by Milliard the Governor
The law which General of the
Tydings and
served as the New Philippines,appointe
congressman John
organic act for the d by the president of
McDuffie of the US.
Philippines,Stated the US but
in its preamble that established to a
--It stated the 10 year
the ultimate bicameral Philippine
preparation for the
independence of Legislature to
the Philippines replace the elected
independence through
would be American Philippine Assembly
a commonwealth
policy,Subject to ( lower
the establishment house )appointed
of a stable Philippine
government. Commission (upper
house )previously in
The Filipino House of Representatives
would be purely elected,while the new
Philippine Senate would have the majority
of its member selected by senatorial district
with senators representing non-Christian
areas appointed by the Governor –General.
In 1934 ,the United States
Congress,having originally
passed the Hare-Hawes-Cutting
Act as a Philippine Independence
Act,over President Hoovers
refusal only to have the law The law provided for
rejected by the Philippine the granting of
legislature ,finally passed a new Philippine
Philippine Independence Act independence by
popularly known as the Tydings- 1946.
McDuffie Act.
On May 14,1935 an election
to fill the newly created
office of President of the
Commonwealth of the
Philippined was won by When Manuel Quezon was
Manuel L. Quezon and a inaugurated on N0v,15
Filipino government was 1935,the Commonwealth
formed on the basis of was formally established in
principes apparently similar 1935,featured a very strong
to the US Constitution. executive ,a unicameral
National Assembly and a
Supreme Court composed
entirely of Filipinos for the
first time.
Thank you………….

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