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An idiom is a type of figurative language.

It is a
commonly used and accepted phrase that has
a different meaning than what is suggested by
the individual words.
As an example, 'It's raining cats and dogs'
does not mean that people's pets are falling
from the sky. It simply means ‘it’s raining
•He's as cool as a cucumber (he's calm)
•It's a grey area (it's unclear)
•It was down to the wire (it was very last
•She was in hot water (she was in trouble)
•It came out of the blue (there was no
•Under the weather[sick]
•Wrap your head around something
[understand something complicated]
•Bad egg - Indicates that someone is not
a good or trustworthy person.
•Bee in your bonnet -Something that you
keep talking about or bringing up

Idioms are used often to replace a

literal word or expression.

Idioms and idiomatic expressions can be more

precise than literal words, often using fewer
words but saying more.

They are relatively fixed phrases and there

can be variants in their forms.
1. To take a French leave
2. To call a spade a spade
3. To play with fire
4. To live from hand to mouth
5. To turn a deaf ear to
6. To turn a new leaf
7. To bury the hatchet
8. Born with a silver spoon
9. At one’s beck and call
10.To dig one’s grave
1. To leave one’s duty without permission
2. Say something without hiding one’s opinion
3. To look for trouble
4. To spend what one gets immediately, especially on food
5. To refuse to listen to somebody or something
6. To change one’s way of life [more responsible]
7. To end a period of being enemies
8. To be born into a wealthy family
9. Always ready to obey one’s order
10.To do something that causes one’s downfall
Give meanings to the idiomatic
expressions below and use them
in sentences.
1. Let the cat out of the bag.
2. Biting off more than he could
3. Jump the gun
4. Making a mountain out of a
5. On pins and needles

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