Presentation 1 Revolution

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Agriculture Revolution


Industrial Revolution


Pathway 2

Mar. 19, 2022

Shahrzad Parvaresh
• Introduction
• Agriculture Revolution
• Industrial Revolution
• Compare & Contrast
• Conclusion
• Acknowledgment
• References

• Agricultural and industrial revolutions have been two turning points during human

• Those have changed the direction of development process.

• Their impacts have been deep and extensive.

• Environment, Economy, and Society have

sorely affected by them.

Agriculture Revolution:

• Started since more than 11000 years ago and the lifestyle of human, from hunting
and gathering has changed to agriculture and settlement.

• Created the first businesses.

• became the infrastructure of civilization.

• The Middle East was the birthplace of the

agricultural revolution.

Industrial Revolution:

• Has greatly affected human life for about 250 years.

• New manufacturing processes was the most important result of Industrial revolution.

• “changed the environment, economy,

transportation, health, and medicine
and led to many inventions and firsts in
history” (Groumpos, 2021).

• Britain was the birthplace of the

Industrial Revolution.
Compare & Contrast:
Agriculture Industrial
• Environment • Environment
• changed the natural landscapes • Polluted air, soil and water before the 2010s
• decreased the area of forests • Recently correct the environmental damages
• used the rare resources of the water • Economy
• pollution by Fertilizers and plant toxins • Mass production
• Economy • Capital accumulation
• economic basis for the rise of states and development • Job creation
of civilizations (Larsen,2006)
• Society
• Local economy
• The base of information age
• Society • Reduced patriarchal family
• resulted increasing in population
• created new ideas and different sciences
• change in diet

• agriculture and the industrial revolution's effects on the environment, economy, and
society :

• Have been deeply and extensively

• Always did not have been positive and direct

• Some times, have been negative and indirect.


I am thankful for your attention


Spencer Larsen, C., 2006, the agricultural revolution as environmental catastrophe: Implications for health and

lifestyle in the Holocene, Quaternary International, Volume 150, Issue 1, June 2006, Pages 12-20.

Groumpos, P., 2021, A Critical Historical and Scientific Overview of all Industrial Revolutions, IFAC-Papers Online

Volume 54, Issue 13, 2021, Pages 464-471.




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