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Ms. Villadarez, Janna Mae A.
I. Directions: Read and analyze each situation carefully.
Determine the most appropriate source of information to be used
for each number. Write the letter of your answer on your answer


DICTIONARY 1. Laura is reading a fiction book, and
while reading she encountered unfamiliar words which are
difficult for her to understand. What source of information
does she need to consult?

THESAURUS 2. Jhon is working on his assignments, he

needed to find out the synonyms and antonyms of the
vocabularies listed on his notebook. What does he need to
complete his task?
DICTIONARY 3. Kjelle often see the quotation, “Honesty is the
best policy.” in every classroom of the school. She wanted to find
out what part of speech the word honesty is. What does she need?

ONLINE SOURCES 4. Macy and her groupmates are writing

their research paper. They wanted to get additional information
about their topic. They should use _________.
II. Directions: Match the definition in column A to
its appropriate research term in Column B. Write
the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.

C - 1. A brief, overview of a research study A. Research

F - 2. Systematic approach to the conduct of a process. It B. Literature Review
includes steps of procedure, application of techniques, C. Abstract
systems of analysis, and the modes of inquiry employed D. Introduction
by a discipline.
E. Data
B - 3. It provides an overview of the sources the
F. Methodology
researcher explored.
G. Statistics
A - 4. A systematic, objective way to generate facts.
E - 5. Information used as a basis for reasoning,
discussion, or calculation.
III. Directions: Read the following definitions and
identify whether they are technical definition or
operational definition. Write A if it is technical and
write B if it is operational.
1. Influenza is an acute, highly contagious infection of the respiratory
2. Adultery is a violation of God’s moral law after marriage.
3. Slay refers to a condition by which an activity or performance is
done in an excellent manner. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION
4. Carbohydrates are a food group including sugars, starches, and
IV. Directions: Read the paragraph below. Analyze and tell what
form of extended definition is applied in the paragraph. Choose your
answer from the given choices.
F (1) To our colonial forefathers, freedom meant having a voice in
their government. C (2) The Revolutionary War was a last resort
against an empire that continued to tax its colonists without the
representation of the colonists in Parliament. Since the United States
won the right to rule itself, our country has been referred to as "the
land of the free and the home of the brave."
B (3) True freedom means the ability to think, feel, say, or act
however one chooses. G (4) It is a state where the bars of bondage
do not exist. A (5) Unfortunately, the widening gap between the
haves and have-nots means that some are now shackled by their lack
of education. Americans can attain real freedom when everyone has
the same educational opportunities.
V. Directions: Read and analyze the following items,
then choose the letter of the most appropriate verb to
be used. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
V. Directions: Read and analyze the following items, then choose
the letter of the most appropriate verb to be used. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.

1. A tall tree ______ in our front yard.

A. stand B. stands C. standing D. stood
2. Yesterday the newspaper _______ not delivered.
A. is B. was C. are D. were
3. At sunrise the ships _______ from harbor.
A. sail B. sails C. sailing D. sailed
V. Directions: Read and analyze the following items, then choose
the letter of the most appropriate verb to be used. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.

4. Sausage and peppers in tomato sauce _______ served with a

green salad.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
5. Joan and Ellen ______ to the bridge club.
A. belong B. belongs C. is belonging D. are belong
VI. Directions: Identify which definition used
contrasting ideas. Write the letter of your answer on
your answer sheet.
A. It is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.
B. It is when you wake up in the morning and you feel like the world is for
C. The process of offering concern, comfort, and outward assistance for
D. It is not a feeling but a mere action; it is a manifestation of emotion, a
choice, a moment of faith where we decide, with all of ourselves.
A. It is assured reliance on the character of someone.
B. It means being able to predict what other people will do and what
situations will occur.
C. It is an assurance to someone, but it is also a belief in a probability
that a person will behave in certain ways.
D. It is both emotional and logical act; it is where you expose your
vulnerabilities to people, believing they will not take advantage of
your openness.
VII. Directions: Choose the letter of the term
which is being defined by the given definition.
Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. It is when you feel so confident in every situation but if there
are bad days, you automatically doubt yourself, you fall prone to
blame and stress.
A. Self- esteem B. Beauty C. Success D. Happiness

2. It is a union of two people who vow to be together yet when

uncertainty comes, some forget the vow they made.
A. Frustration B. Love C. Marriage D. Friendship
Directions: Each definition contains either a single error
or no error. Select the bolder portion that needs to be
changed to make the definition correct. If the definition is
already correct, then select choice D. Write your answer
on your answer sheets.
Sense of humor refers to the ability to find things
funny; those who have tend to be more creative. But
there is a line between well-intentioned humor and
mean-spirited jokes; most humor is based on humor
and mean-spirited jokes; most humor is based on
getting a laugh at somebody else’s expense. No error
Humility is perhaps an underrated virtue. It
sounds like a very Biblical trait. However, just
because humility is old-fashioned does not
mean that it is no longer important. No error
Confidence means feeling sure of yourself
and your abilities but being extremely
confident might harm people around you by
boasting your self-proclaimed abilities. No
Added informations:
• Research can be defined as “a systematic and scientific procedure
of data collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation, and
implication pertaining to any problem.” The basic purpose of a
research paper is TO INFORM
• As a researcher, one must choose a topic wisely. A good research
topic is LIMITED or FOCUSED.
• The first step in research writing is Choose a subject.
• HYPOTHESIS - it provides a tentative explanation or answer for a
phenomenon under investigation.
• Word definition conveys the thing that one intends to convey by
language. What do we call the specific meaning of a word or
phrase given to it by the group of people who use the word in
their specific context? OPERATIONAL DEFINITION
Added informations:
• Research can be defined as “a systematic and scientific procedure
of data collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation, and
implication pertaining to any problem.” The basic purpose of a
research paper is TO INFORM
• As a researcher, one must choose a topic wisely. A good research
topic is LIMITED or FOCUSED.
• The first step in research writing is Choose a subject.
• HYPOTHESIS - it provides a tentative explanation or answer for a
phenomenon under investigation.
• Word definition conveys the thing that one intends to convey by
language. What do we call the specific meaning of a word or
phrase given to it by the group of people who use the word in
their specific context? OPERATIONAL DEFINITION

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