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Acids have a sour taste,

conduct electricity in
aqueous solutions, sting
to the touch and
promote the oxidation
of metals.
Some examples are:
Vitamin C.
Citrus fruits.
Carbonated beverages.
Fluid from car batteries.
And Food Preservatives.
On the other hand, the
Bases are
characterized by a
bitter taste, conduct
electricity, and are
slippery to the touch.
Some examples are:
House cleaners.
Baking powders.
Antacid medications.
And hair bleaches.
Many substances are
dangerous or difficult to
identify as acids or bases
due to their physical
properties since they
cannot be touched,
smelled or tasted.
pH is a measure that defines the
amount of hydrogen ions contained in
a solution, to determine whether it is
an Acid or a Base. It means:
Hydrogen Potential. A substance with
a higher number of hydrogen ions is
an acidic substance, less than one with
fewer ions is alkaline, i.e. it is a base
Instruments such as
litmus paper and
universal indicator strips
are used to identify the
pH or natural indicators
such as red cabbage
extract, which reacts with
hydrogen ions and
changes color.
In the case of universal indicator
strips, if it changes from a color
close to red it is an acid, and if it is
similar to blue it is a base, if it is
green the pH is neutral. In the case
of the infusion of red cabbage, an
acidic substance changes to red and
an alkaline to green; In addition to
colors, the pH scale handles a
numbering ranging from 0-14 to
indicate how acidic or basic a
substance is, from 0 to 6.9 is Acid,
and from 7.1 to 14 is Base. The
value 7 indicates that the substance
is Neutral, for example, lemon has a
pH of 2.4 and changes to a color
close to red, therefore it is Acidic;
while chlorine has a pH of 10 close
to purple, so it is Base.
When an acidic substance and a
base are combined, both lose
their properties and the reaction
is a neutralization, as in the
case of baking soda, which acts
in the stomach to neutralize the
The result of this
neutralization is a salt and
water, the chemical
equation is as follows: HX
= Acid. YOH= Base. What
it produces: YX
representing a Salt + H2O
representing water.

In this example, sulfuric

acid + potassium hydroxide
are mixed to produce
potassium sulfate and water.
Recognising acidic,
basic and neutral
substances allows you
to interact with them
appropriately and
identify their uses and
benefits in daily life.

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