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Ma’am Rosemarie Tamayo
Carbohydrates provide essential nutrients and are one of the main
sources of calories for our bodies. They can all be part of a healthy eating

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Not all carbs are created equal!
There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex:

Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and send immediate

bursts of glucose (energy) into the bloodstream.
• Added sugars provide calories, but lack vitamins, minerals and fiber and can lead to weight gain. Naturally
occurring sugars are in nutritious foods including fruit and milk.
• Naturally occurring sugars also contain vitamins, minerals and fiber — healthy nutrients our bodies need.

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How your body uses carbohydrates
- Foods that contain high amounts of simple carbs (added sugars),
especially fructose, raise triglyceride levels, which may increase your
risk of cardiovascular disease.
Classifications of

-Building blocks of carbohydrate.

-Simplest form of sugar.

Different Types of Monosaccharides:

1. Glucose

- Known as blood sugar/dextrose.

- Requires no digestion, it can be injected directly to the
- Most widely distributed sugar found mostly in the plants
and in the blood of animals.
- White crystalline solid and is soluble in water.
- Hyperglycemic / Hypoglycemic
2. Fructose

-Sweetest of all sugars.

-Also known as fruit sugar.
-Less sweeter than sucrose.
3. Galactose

-Constituent of lactose, the sugar in milk.

-Found in the brain and nervous tissue of animals.
- Group of compound sugar composed of two
monosaccharides linked together through a
glycosidic bond with the loss of water.

Most important disaccharides:

1. Maltose
2. Lactose
3. Sucrose
-Known as Malt sugar
-Used in alcohol production.
-Constituent of starch and glycogen
-Hydrolyzed into two molecules by enzyme maltase,
which is found in the intestinal juice.
-Glucose + Glucose= Maltose
-Sometimes referred to as milk sugar.
-Least Soluble and least sweet.
-Found in cow’s milk.
-Essential food in
-Commonly called sugarcane or table sugar.
-Glucose + Fructose= Sucrose
-Highly Soluble in water.
-Used in sweetening food.
Composed of many monosaccharide units combined
through the loss of molecule of water.

Most important Polysaccharide

• Starch
• Dextrin
• Glycogen
• Cellulose/Dietary Fiber
-AKA amylum
-Most important form of carbohydrate in a diet
-Occurs in plants in the form of granules.
- A group of glucose polysaccharides
- Soluble in water
- Gives smoothness to the product.
- AKA animal starch
- Liver and muscle are the major depot of glycogen.
- Can also be found in oysters and scallops.
- Can be used rapidly in emotional reactions.
Cellulose/ Dietary Fiber
- Healthiest choice for human
- Found in cell walls and woody fibers of all plants.
- Soluble to water
- High intake prevents colon cancer .
Essential nutrient because they are sources of amino acids used by the

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Amino acids are molecules used by all living things to make
proteins. Your body needs 20 different amino acids to
function correctly. Nine of these amino acids are called
essential amino acids. Essential amino acids must be
consumed through the food you eat.
Amino acids help our bodies to grow, repair body tissue,
maintain immunity and produce hormones that maintain
body functions.
Fats or Lipids
Biological compound that is waxy or oily that is insoluble in water and
soluble in fat solvents such as alcohol, ether, acetone, etc. that is because
of long hydrocarbon chains or rings consisting mainly of hydrogen and

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Major Roles of Biological Lipids

• Serves as structural components of biological membranes.

• Provide energy reserve, in the form of triacylglycerols

• Serves as vitamins of hormones.

• Lipophilic bile acids aid in lipid solubility.

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Classifications of

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A yellowish, fatlike substance produced mostly in the liver and in lesser
amounts in the intestines and specialized cells throughout the body.

• Necessary for the production of sex hormones, synthesis of vitamin D,

and is vital part of the production of cell membranes and nerve coating.

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• Low-density Lipoprotein.

• Carries cholesterol to cell membranes for production and repair, and

also to the production center of sex hormones.

• Carrots, afalfa sprouts, oatmeal are good eliminators.

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• High-density Lipoprotein.

• Good cholesterol

• Carry away LDLs through the blood to be eliminated via the liver.

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• Fats in the blood.

• High Triglycerides leads to heart attack.

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Saturated Fats
• Most associated with the increase of cholesterol levels and the cause
of some forms of cancer.

• Raises triglycerides and LDL.

• Comes from animal sources and is in solid state when at room


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Digestive Enzymes

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Organ Enzyme Action

Mouth Ptyalin Converts starch and glycogen to


Stomach Gastrin Stimulates HCL secretion

Pepsin Converts protein to peptides
Peptidase Converts protein to peptides.

Small Intestines Sucrase Converts sucrose to glucose

Amylase Converts starch and glycogen to
Nuclease Converts Nucleic Acids
Maltase Converts Maltose to Glucose

Pancreas Trypsin/Chymotrypsin Converts protein to peptides.

Carboxy Peptidase Converts peptides to Amino acids
Converts emulsified fats to fatty acids
Lipase and glycerol
Converts Nucleic Acids

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Organic nutrients found in foods that are essential in small quantities for
growth, normal functioning of our bodies, vitality and general well-

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Classification of

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1. Fat soluble vitamins
• Includes vitamin A,D,E and K.

• Stored in the body as fat and in some body organs like liver

• Dissolve lipids

• Stored in tissue

• May be toxic in excess.

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1. Water soluble vitamins
• Include vitamin C and eight B

• Dissolve in water so cooking and washing may leach them out.

• Easily absorbed and excreted.

• Not stored extensively in tissues. (Except B)

• Seldom reach toxic levels.

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Vitamin Importance Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene) • Skin, eyesight, bone and teeth. • Nigh blindness
• Helps reduce the risk of lung • Prone to infection
cancer and certain oral cancers. • Rough, dry, scaly skin.
• Non-Toxic • Loss of smell
• Loss of appetite
• Frequent fatigue
• Defective teeth growth.

Vitamin Importance Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin B (Thiamine) • Digestions • Loss of appetite

• Normal functioning of nervous • Weakness
system • Tiredness
• Promote good muscle growth • Paralysis
• Nervous irritability
• Insomnia
• Loss of weight
• Aches and pains
• Mental Depression
• Constipation
• Gastrointestinal problems
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Vitamins Importance Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) • Metabolism • Itching and burning eyes
• Aids in the formation of antibodies • Cracks and sores in the mouth and
and RBC. lips.
• Maintains good vision, skin, nails, • Bloodshot eyes.
and hair. • Purplish tongue
• Alleviates eye fatigue. • Dermatitis
• Promotes general health. • Retarded growth
• Indigestion
• Trembling
• Sluggishness
Vitamins Importance • Oily Deficiency
skin Symptoms
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) • Breaking down amino acids • Nervousness
• Helps in fat and carbs metabolism • Insomnia
• Helps in formation of antibodies. • Loss of muscular control
• Maintains central nervous system • Anemia
• Skin, leg cramps, maintains proper • Mouth disorder
balance. • Water retention

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Vitamins Importance Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) • Forms and regenerate red blood • Anemia
cells. • Poor appetite
• Prevents anemia • Brain damage
• Promotes growth to children • Depression
• Increases energy. • Tiredness
• Lack of balance

Vitamins Importance Deficiency Symptoms

Niacinamide (Niacin-vitamin B3) • Improves circulation • Gastrointestinal disturbance
• Reduces cholesterol level • Nervousness
• Helps metabolize • Headache
• Maintains nervous system • Fatigue
• Reduces high bp • Mental depression
• Maintains healthy skin. • Irritability
• Muscular weakness

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Vitamins Importance Deficiency Symptoms
Patothenic Acids • Improves body resistance to stress • Painful burning feet
• Builds cells • Skin abnormalities
• Develops central nervous system • Retarded growth
• Builds antibody • Vomiting
• Restlessness
• Stomach stress

Vitamins Importance Deficiency Symptoms

Biotin • Utilizes protein, folic acids, • Extreme exhaustion, muscle pain,
pantothenic acid, vitamin b12 and loss of appetite, depression, grayish
promote healthy hair. skin color.

Vitamins Importance Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin D • Utilizes calcium and phosphorous • Muscular weakness, retention of
• Require for bone and teeth phosphorous in kidney.
• Maintains stable nervous system,
and normal heart action

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Vitamins Importance Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin E • Major antioxidants nutrient • Rupture of red blood cells
• Retards cellular aging • Loss of reproductive powers
• Brings nourishment to cells. • Lack of sexual vitality
• Dry skin

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Vitamin K
The human body requires vitamin K for post-synthesis modification of
certain proteins that are required for blood coagulation or for controlling
binding of calcium in bones and other tissues.

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