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The Study of
Political Science
“Man by nature is a
zoon politikon”
- Aristotle
The Birth and
Development of Political
Political Science began as early as the 14th century
BC when Aristotle wrote “The Politics”

● This book gained him the title “Father of

Political Science”
● Since then, the major developed as a
specialized discipline under the umbrella of
social sciences together with ethics,
philosophy, anthropology, sociology,
psychology, and economics.
Before, scholars did not recognize political science as a
“science” because of the following reasons:

● Political science has no standard criteria or natural laws to

observe and evaluate its findings;
● The raw materials of political science (as in other social
sciences) are human beings and their activities. Because
human beings are unpredictable, there can be no scientific
accuracy in politics;
● And finally, there is no consensus of opinion among
political scientists about their methods and conclusions
However, there are two reasons why political science
finally won its spurs as a science, namely:

● It has become a systematic field of study, with its theories,

principles, and laws.

● Modern political scientists, like their counterparts in the

other sciences, use empirical methods, mathematics and
statistics, and logic for their research and analyses
Scope of Political Science
1. History of Political Ideas
2. Political Theory and POLITICAL 1. The Constitution
Methodology THEORY 2.National Government
2.1 Executive
2.2 Legislative
Political 2.3 Judiciary
Institutions 3. Local Government
4. Public Administration
Parties, Groups and 5.Comparative Political
1. Political Parties and Public Opinion Institutions
2. Pressure Groups and
1. International Politics
3. Public Opinion International 2. International Organizations
Relations 3. International Law
This century is regarded as the age The study of political science enables us
of politics in which government has to know more about our rights and
become the business of everybody. duties as citizens, the structure and
Whether we like it or not, we are
First part of the government from the Second functions of the different branches of
government, and our relations with
moment we are born to the day we other countries.

Political science provides the needed

The study of political
Third science broadens man’s Finally background for those who intend to enter
professions of Law, Foreign Service,
cultural background Public Administration, Business,
Education, and Journalism.
Traditionally, political science is defined
as the study of the state and government.

The word political comes from the Greek

word “polis”, which means a “city state”,
the only form of government known to the
ancient Greeks.
The word ciencia, meanwhile,
means “knowledge” or “study”

From the word polis comes other

derivatives, such as “polites” (citizen)
and “politicos” (government official).
Thus, in Filipino, the word politiko has
come to mean a “politician”, or
someone involved in government and
Oxford University (2020) define
political science as a social science
which deals with the systems of
governance, the analysis of political
activities, political thoughts,
associated constitutions, and political

It comprises numerous subfields,

including :
 Comparative Politics
 Political Economy
 International Relations
 Political Theory
 Public Administration
 Public Policy
 and Political Methodology.
Thus, political science has a
specific emphasis in studying
the State and government.
1.) The state alone has the
it is defined as “a group of right to use force
people living on a specific
territory with its own government
free from any external control
2.) It is inclusive, for all
departments of life within its
area are under its control
It is usually the central focus in the
study of politics since it is unique of
all human institutions due to the 3.) Entry into it is
following reasons: compulsory for everybody
4.) It has complete
independence and
sovereignty over its area
is a collective body of people
bound together by common
beliefs, culture, norms,
language, or practices

a group of people without a territory,

a government, or independence can
still be considered a nation as long
as this group of people has certain
commonalities and they are unified
by these

a country is a colloquial
term for the word “state”

ordinary people preferred to use the

word country instead of state but in
reality, the terms country and state
are synonymous in nature even in
political science


- It is regarded as the first and - It refers to the portion of land and
most essential element of the bodies of water used by the
state. inhabitants for living.

- Mencius, a famous Chinese - Every state must have a territory

philosopher, once said, “The over which it exercises full control.
people is the most important The territory may vary from a mere
element in a state; the spirit of dot on the map to a greater part of
the land and grain are next; the continent, portions of two
sovereign (ruler) is the least continents, or an archipelago.
- Ex. Australia is an example of a
state that is also a continent.

- Turkey is an example of a state that

straddles in two continents – Asia
Minor and Europe

- Indonesia is an example of a state

that is an archipelago.
- can be a continent, a sub-
continent, an inland, or an
archipelago and demarcated by
three territorial domains:
The only requirement needed for a
- (a) Terrestrial Domain – refers to territory to be a valid element of the
the different land forms part of state is the fact that it could sustain
the territory of a particular state life. This means that a state composed
of vanishing islands (with due respect
- (b) Fluvial Domain – refers to to the tides) as its territory can never
the different bodies of water part be considered a state according to
of the territory of a particular International Law.
state; and

- (c) Aerial Domain – refers to the

airspace part of the territory of a
particular state.
SOVEREIGNT To be effective, sovereignty must have
three characteristics:
- It refers to the authority ofY
state to have dominion or control 1. Permanence: sovereignty must be
over its people and territory. permanent in that it must last
- despite changing governments.
For a state to have sovereignty
means that it needs to have the 2. Exclusiveness: sovereignty must
following aspects of authority: be exclusive because there could be
- one and only one final and supreme
(1) internal sovereignty which
authority in the state.
means complete authority to rule
over the people inside the state; 3. Comprehensiveness: the
and comprehensive of state authority
- embraces all persons and objects
(2) external sovereignty which
within its territory.
is independence from foreign
control. Principle of Extraterritoriality,
defined as the state of being exempted
from the jurisdiction of local law,
usually as the result of diplomatic
GOVERNMEN Classifications of Government
- It is defined as a tool or
mechanism used by the state to
– focuses on where the power is
maintain social order and
promote the general welfare 1. Government by One – the power is
located to a single individual.

2. Government by the Few – the

power is located to a number of

3. Government by the Many – the

power is located to a multiple number
of individuals.
1.) Monarchy is a type of
government administered by a
monarch. A monarch is a ruler,
TYPES OF GOVERNMENT usually coming from a royal family,
usually appointed via birth right. The
– according to Aristotle and Plato, monarch is the equivalent of a
these types are divided into the good dictator in dictatorship. Monarchy
and bad types. It is believed that all has two forms:
types of government started as a good
one but because of the natural inertia (a) Absolute – a form of monarchy in
(attitude and behaviour of a leader), a which the monarch has limitless
good type of government may powers. This means that the
transform into its bad counterpart monarch can intervene even the
personal affairs of its people; and

limited – a form of monarchy in
whichthe monarch is only limited to
focus on the affairs of the
government and prohibited to mingle
with the personal affairs of its people.

2.) Aristocracy came from the Greek

words “aristo” which means
“best/elite” and “kratos” which
Monarchy (good type), may means “rule”. Ergo, it is a type of
transform into tyranny (rule of a government ruled by the elite/best in
tyrant or an abusive leader), a the society.
bad type of government.

• Aristocracy (good type) may transform

into oligarchy (rule of the oligarchs or
wealthy few individuals), a bad type of
3.) Democracy came from the Greek
words “demos” which means
“people” and “kratos” which means
“rule”. Ergo, it is a type of
government ruled by the people.

Democracy has two forms:

(a.) Direct – a form of Democracy in Democracy (good type) may

which the overall decision making of transform into mobocracy (rule of
the government is always reliant to the mob or ignorant).
the decision of people or vested to
the people.

(b.) Indirect (Republic) – a form of

Democracy in which the people elect
their government officials who will
represent them and whom they will
surrender their rights and decision

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