Income and Health Fall 2020

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Income and Health

Professor M. Omar Rahman, AB,MPh,DSc

(Harvard University), MD (Northwestern University)
Professor of Public Health and Demography
Road Map
● Data on Health and income within and across countries
● Health Spending and Health Status
● Broader Social Dets of Health-Woolf et al-Urban Institute and VCU
● Income and Health-Marmot
● Absolute vs Relative Deprivation
Life Expectancy vs GDP per capita
Life Expectancy GDP relationship

❑ Life Expectancy increases with per-capita GDP

❑ Linear initially but then flattens out
❑ For the same per capita GDP some countries do better or worse

Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cuba over performer

Nigeria, Russia under performer
Health Status and Health Spending
● Health improves with increased health spending initially but the flattens Out
● Initially big changes as public health infrastructure upgraded ( water, sanitation,
vaccination, basic/essential health care access; adequate nutrition)
● Later most health problems are NCDs and prevention more important than
○ depends on lifestyle modification- health services not particularly beneficial.
● Lot of wasteful spending on expensive technology
Woolf et al. How are income and wealth linked to health and longevity ?

! Less able to afford Health Care Services and Health Insurance Rich can
! afford healthy lifestyles
! Nutritious food vs Fast Food
! Afford Gym memberships; More free time for exercise
! Help with smoking cessation and other addictions
! Rich benefit from place effects
! Ellen and Turner (1997) identified six ways in which neighborhood conditions
can influence the health of individuals: (1) quality of local services, (2)
socialization, (3) peer influences, (4) social networks, (5) exposure to crime
and violence, and (6) physical distance and isolation.
Woolf -et al continued-2: Why the poor
have worse health
Jobs and Health Care
Family Structure
Access to healthy food
Adverse childhood events—long term influence
Culture, Health Beliefs
Built environment
School Systems
Environmental Pollution
Disinvestment in poor neighborhoods
Marmot: The influence of Income on Health:

➢ Income related to Health in 3 ways

! Levels of individual income-can afford services
! Better infrastructure/services
! (sanitation, pollution control, vaccination, health personnel, hospitals)
! Income inequality-
! unequal access to infrastructure; services
! Unequal social capital
Marmot: How national income affects Health Status
● Higher per capita GDP means more health and other infrastructure available:
○ Hospitals, Clinics, Doctors, Nurses, Health Technology (Medicines, surgery)
○ Roads, water, sanitation, cleaner air
● Higher individual wealth means that more people can access services from
those that are available
● Inequality is another dimension separate from per capita GDP
○ Two countries with the same per capita GDP will vary in health status depending on which
country is more equal with regard to distribution of access to services
○ Social Capital under recognized source of health improvement
Marmot: How individual income affects health?
● Not Having enough money to afford available health and other services
● Having enough money but spending it on the wrong things-maldistribution of
● Having enough money but relatively worse off than poor--Relative Deprivation
How does Income Affect Health
Causally- Marmot
! Improvement of material conditions necessary for survival—clean water, proper
sanitation, adequate nutrition, physical environment, healthcare
! Factors other than individual income matter:
! Individuals no matter how rich need Community investments in Public Health
Infrastructure to improve health
Threshold Effect. Over threshold no difference in health with inc income—flattening out
of per capita GDP LE curve. However there still may be differences based on social
capital differences
! Improvement in social capital:
! Participation
! Control

! After a certain threshold of material resources other factors matter

! Social capital
! Peer groups
! Education
! Neighborhood differences in access to grocery stores, nutritious food, exercise
! Black White Differences in Mortality (not ind income related)
! Homicide
! Cardiovascular Deaths
Redrawing the Preston Curve:
Marmot: INEQUALITY rather than Absolute
POVERTY- matters for health
! Twofold difference in Mortality among Civil Servants-mostly middle class:
No threshold effect-continuous gradient of mortality
Direct impacts of Income:
! Comparisons across Countries: LE and per capita GDP: 2 POINTS-
flattening out after $5,000 and
secular shift at all PC income levels in 20th Century
Something other than income made a difference in improving health status
Policies of support and sharing-Amartya Sen (UK 1910-1920; 1940-1950). In developing countries—spending on Public Goods—
Education, Public Health-

Unlike across countries where per capita GDP and LE relationship flattens out after a threshold, Within
! Countries more robust relationship but gradient is highest for the really poor. The Rich do better than the
middle class who do much better than the poor.
Implications: Modest redistribution from rich to poor helps poor a lot without making much of a difference to
the rich
Lecture Objectives
● Understanding of improvements of health with increasing income within
countries and across countries
○ Under vs Over Performance
● Understanding of threshold effects in the income Health relationship and its
implication for income redistribution policies
● Understanding the importance of community investments/social support in
health (Environmental Conditions; Vaccinations,Transport infrastructure)
● Understanding the importance of social capital on health.
● Understanding the difference between Absolute and Relative
Income/Deprivation (INEQUALITY) and its relationship with health
1. Woolf et al. How Are Income and Wealth Linked to Health and Longevity?
b. Ellen IG, Turner MA. Does neighborhood matter? Assessing recent evidence. Housing Policy
Debate 1997;8(4):833-865.
2. Michael Marmot. The Influence Of Income On Health: Views Of An
Epidemiologist. Does money really matter? Or is it a marker for something

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