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• In the Himalaya, natural hazards are common and their places, as well as timings, are difficult to predict.
Rough terrain, unpredictable weather conditions and poor road networks of the Himalaya make the
mitigation measures even more challenging as well as difficult. On April 4, 2023, 7 people have died and 13
were injured due to a small loose snow avalanche at 14th Mile, on the way to Nathula Pass, near Indo-China
Border in Sikkim state (India).
• State government had advised the people, not to visit the area due to the poor weather conditions. However,
people have ignored this precious advice and lost their lives. Along with Indo-China border, the region is
famous for its scenic beauty. In addition, the region is one of the most difficult border areas with the
limited infrastructural development for armed forces.
• An avalanche is defined as snow masses that rapidly descend in the steep slopes and
may contains rocks, soil, vegetation, or ice either combinedly or individually
• Sikkim is vulnerable to variety of natural hazards including landslides, avalanches,
flash floods and earthquakes (Joshi, 2022). Immediacy to the Bay of Bengal exposes
Sikkim directly to the Southern monsoon which leads to heavy rainfall. Nathula Pass
(4310 m) at Sikkim, one of the most strategic Indian Himalayan passes and old silk
routes which is located at the Indo-China border (Bhutian, 2021). It is situated
∼55 km from Gangtok (∼25 km aerial distance) and show a high topographic
variation (Fig. 1b). Most of the time, this region is covered with snow. The high-
altitude ranges possess glaciers and high-altitude glacier lakes (Fig. 1a). The region is
characterized by gentle to steep slope topography (Fig. 2a, b). Jawaharlal Nehru (JN)
Road connects Gangtok to Nathula Pass and has strategic importance due its
international border with China. This region is a popular tourist destination due to its
scenic beauty (Paul, 2013). Every year many tourists visit this place. In the month of
April 2023, a small loose snow avalanche occurred at 14th Mile on JN Road which
had claimed death of 7 people
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Narrative of incidence
• On April 4, 2023 at around 11:10 a.m., an unexpected small loose snow avalanche has occurred at 14th mile in JN Road . This place is
∼30 km from Nathula Pass and ∼13 km from Tsomgo Lake. On the day of incidence, more than 500 vehicles passes were issued and
hundreds of tourists were present over there . A group of tourists, who were taking photographs along the snow-covered hillside were
engulfed in this avalanche . Many tourists had been washed away into the gorge below the road, 10-20 were partially buried in the snow
while some were lying unconscious on top of the snow beneath the road . 5–6 vehicles were also trapped in this avalanche. This avalanche
had led to the death of 7 persons and injuries of 13 people . According to the police officer, the tourists did not have the necessary
permission to travel beyond Milestone 13 due to inclement weather . However, the tourists have forced their drivers to taken their vehicle to
that area before the incident occurred. Tourists had stopped where the road was closed due to heavy snowfall . Some tourists climbed into
the snow for clicking the photographs. Local people have warned the tourists, not to climb the snow but tourists have ignored the warning .
The circulated videos (recorded by the eye-witness) in news channels and social media have showed a sudden avalanche movement down
the steep mountain at a high speed and within this, people could not reach to a safer place . Two days efficient search and tireless rescue
operations were made by the government agencies, local authorities, and residents to ply emergency aid to the affected people . 23 tourists
were rescued including 6 from the deep gorge . 350 strand tourists and 80 vehicles were extricated after snow clearness . Ground Penetrating
Radar was also used to detect the buried persons. However, the first-day rescue operation was stopped after another avalanche occurred in
the same place at evening time .
Metrological conditions
• In the last 15 years, March-2023 (168.9 mm) received the second-highest rainfall after March-
2021 (186.7 mm), for the month of march . This is more than 110% of the normal rainfall
(80.6 mm). Further, according to the Indian Metrological Department (IMD) rainfall data,
from 1st March to April 4, 2023, the Sikkim State exceptionally received 260 mm of rainfall;
which was 68% more than usual . During March 2023, East Sikkim has received 168.9 mm of
rainfall . The IMD station at Gangtok has recorded 50 mm of rainfall within 24 h between 3rd
and 4th April 2023, till 8:30 a.m. (IMDG, 2023b) . During this period, a Western disturbance,
cyclonic circulation has existed over Afghanistan and a trough had formed across Sub
Himalayan West Bengal to North Odisha in lower level . Due to this, Sikkim had experienced
a sudden drop in temperature, received heavy showers and hailstorms in lower elevations and
heavy snowfall in higher elevations including 14th Mile, the Tsomgo Lake and Nathula Pass.
In East Sikkim district, 4 metrological stations have installed by IMD viz., Gangtok, Tadong,
Pakyong and Mazitar. Out of these, the Gangtok and Tadong stations are the nearest one. In
the month of March 2023, the average minimum temperatures recorded was 10.4 °C and
11.5 °C, while average maximum temperatures recorded was 17.2 °C and 22.2 °C for Gangtok
and Tadong respectively. These values are slightly higher than the usual
Probable cause of avalanche
• The area is characterized by gentle to steep topography. On April 4, 2023, a sudden loose snow avalanche transpired
unexpectedly from higher reaches (. The avalanche spread out immediately from the point of triggering till downhill and
has brought bulk volume of snow along with. Due to this incident, the border area was non-connective by road network for
some hours. Loose snow avalanches generally occur during/just after fresh snowfall or when there has been warming
period. The size of avalanches can grow to be quite large in steep terrain, especially during moist snow. During the months
of March and April 2023, Sikkim weather was affected by the Western disturbances. Due to this, the region of lower
elevation has received continuous rainfall whereas the region of higher altitude has received the fresh snowfall. In the
months of March and April 2023, the average maximum and average minimum temperatures were higher than the usual.
Temperature was not up to the freezing point and hence small streams were flowing without any interruption. Higher
temperature and flowing stream beneath snow, make the snow unstable. Continuous interaction of running stream water
along with snow has melted it and made the ice weaker. Further, the fresh snowfall has made the contact surface unstable.
Weight of tourists put more pressure on the weak snow which led to formation of avalanche. Steep slope (>30°) of the
avalanche site also helped for avalanche generation
Early preparedness
• A hazardous event is an extraordinary occurrence in the natural or man-made environment that has the potential to seriously
endanger human life, property, or activities and result in a disaster (Sena and Woldemichael, 2006). The actions that ensure
the planned deployment of people, resources, tools, and supplies in a safe environment for efficient relief are known as
preparations. Availability of food reserves, emergency funds, health facilities, warning systems, logistical infrastructure and
relief manual are a few of its measures (Sena and Woldemichael, 2006). Three fundamental steps constitute the
preparedness: preparation of a plan, following it, and practicing it (Collins, 2000). Thus, Disaster preparedness is the
building of capacities to mitigate the effects of a disaster before it occurs. Anticipating the potential impact of a disaster
helps to identify steps to reduce the impact of future disasters. In few cases, some of the devastating effects of disasters can
be mitigated before the actual event occurs. For example, on October 4, 2023, Sikkim experienced a Glacial Lake Outburst
Flood (GLOF) event due to bursting of South Lhonak glacial lake, in the midnight time. The water level of the Teesta River
rose by 20 feet (6.1 m), causing widespread damage and led to death of 77 people with missing of many. Due to the
sensitivity of Sikkim towards earthquakes, GLOF and landslides, the Sikkim State government had been providing training
to the local people and administrative people through mock drills for various kinds of hazards.
• Himalaya is home of various kinds of natural hazards viz., earthquakes, avalanches, landslides, cloud bursts, GLOF etc and
their precise places of mishappening and timings are difficult to forecast. Rescue operations are made more challenging by
the Himalaya's undulating geography, unpredictable weather patterns, and inadequate road infrastructure. On April 4, 2023,
when the avalanche occurred at 14th Mile, hundreds of tourists were present over there. Unfortunately, 7 no. of persons
have lost their lives. Despite of poor weather conditions and remoteness of the region, the rescue operation was successfully
completed within two days.



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